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Answer A Question With A Question

You haven't heard her pestering me to get my Shiny Lapras to dance, then, have you?

Sam: "I don't pester anyone, you keep bullying me!!!"

Christian: "No, we keep teasing you cuz we all love you so!"

Sam: "Same difference..."

(And PhaRaoH? Random? How dare you imply such a thing! She's not random! Much... *head scratch with sweat bubble*)
You have a shiny Lapras!? (Not that I want one, but... The whole random thing involves a story. Basically, whenever I do a presentation, I put in an animated Lapras. People keep on flaming me with stuff about dancing Lapras and I'm all "WTF YOU IDIOTS!?!? HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF ANIMATION!?!? PLUS, ALL 'MON DO THAT IN BLACK AND WHITE SO YOU CAN sEND YOUR PUNY LITTLE BUT TO AUSTRIA! *slaps face* Just realised I asked PhaRoaH to look at my Lapras. So obviously it is expected to do something other Lapras' can't.) =P
When did we start talking abut dancing Pokemon?
Am I the only one here who doesn't have Black or White?
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