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Aqua Land (Text adventure-ish)

Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Corphish (M), Gyarados (F), Dragonair (M), Panpour (M), Politoed (M), Poliwhirl (F), Wartortle (F), Feraligatr (M)
Items: Water Stone, Mystic Water, Burning Tickle Me Elmo, $4
Aqua Balls: 2

You see 2 Magikarp having sex.
Catch male or female?
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Corphish (M), Gyarados (F), Dragonair (M), Panpour (M), Politoed (M), Poliwhirl (F), Wartortle (F), Feraligatr (M), Magikarp (M)
Items: Water Stone, Mystic Water, Burning Tickle Me Elmo, $4
Aqua Balls: 1

You see a male Squirtle peeing in a pond.
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Blastoise (M), Frillish (M), Magikarp (M), Swanna (F), Totodile (M), Seaking (F)
Items: Wave Incense, $2, Elmo plushie w/rifle
Aqua Balls: 4

You see a thief smuggling some Goldeen.

Stop thief with your Blastoise, stop the thief and get a Goldeen or let him be? (getting a Goldeen would count towards a capture)
Re: Aqua Land

Kill him with blastoise but leave the goldeen
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Blastoise (M), Frillish (M), Magikarp (M), Swanna (F), Totodile (M), Seaking (F)
Items: Wave Incense, $2, Elmo plushie w/rifle
Aqua Balls: 4

You see a female Poliwrath hitting a rock.

Pokémon: Corphish (M), Gyarados (F), Dragonair (M), Panpour (M), Politoed (M), Poliwhirl (F), Wartortle (F), Feraligatr (M), Magikarp (M)
Items: Water Stone, Mystic Water, Burning Tickle Me Elmo, $4
Aqua Balls: 1

You see some Dratini. Male or female?
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Corphish (M), Gyarados (F), Dragonair (M), Panpour (M), Politoed (M), Poliwhirl (F), Wartortle (F), Feraligatr (M), Magikarp (M)
Items: Water Stone, Mystic Water, Burning Tickle Me Elmo, $4
Aqua Balls: 1

You see the entrance kid, admiring a stone. ''Wow, this is the first time I see an Eviolite around here''.
Re: Aqua Land

Added some new Pokémon.

Pokémon: Corphish (M), Gyarados (F), Dragonair (M), Panpour (M), Politoed (M), Poliwhirl (F), Wartortle (F), Feraligatr (M), Magikarp (M)
Items: Water Stone, Mystic Water, Burning Tickle Me Elmo, $4
Aqua Balls: 1

Azurill (M)

...And the RNG chose one.
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Blastoise (M), Frillish (M), Magikarp (M), Swanna (F), Totodile (M), Seaking (F)
Items: Wave Incense, $2, Elmo plushie w/rifle
Aqua Balls: 4

You see a female Poliwrath hitting a rock.

Pokémon: Corphish (M), Gyarados (F), Dragonair (M), Panpour (M), Politoed (M), Poliwhirl (F), Wartortle (F), Feraligatr (M), Magikarp (M)
Items: Water Stone, Mystic Water, Burning Tickle Me Elmo, $4
Aqua Balls: 1

You see some Dratini. Male or female?
taking wrath
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Blastoise (M), Frillish (M), Magikarp (M), Swanna (F), Totodile (M), Seaking (F), Poliwrath (M)
Items: Wave Incense, $2, Elmo plushie w/rifle
Aqua Balls: 3

You see a male Poliwag wandering around with an Oran Berry.

Pokémon: Corphish (M), Gyarados (F), Dragonair (M), Panpour (M), Politoed (M), Poliwhirl (F), Wartortle (F), Feraligatr (M), Magikarp (M)
Items: Water Stone, Mystic Water, Burning Tickle Me Elmo, $4
Aqua Balls: 1

A male Squirtle with Black Glasses is scampering around.

Damn, RNG loves this place.
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Corphish (M), Gyarados (F), Dragonair (M), Panpour (M), Politoed (M), Poliwhirl (F), Wartortle (F), Feraligatr (M), Magikarp (M)
Items: Water Stone, Mystic Water, Burning Tickle Me Elmo, $4
Aqua Balls: 1

A male Squirtle with Black Glasses is scampering around.

Damn, RNG loves this place.

Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Corphish (M), Gyarados (F), Dragonair (M), Panpour (M), Politoed (M), Poliwhirl (F), Wartortle (F), Feraligatr (M), Magikarp (M), Squirtle (M)
Items: Water Stone, Mystic Water, Burning Tickle Me Elmo, $4, Black Glasses


Will you end or keep going? An extra ball costs a dollar. The $4 will be used to pay the cost.
Current total: $14-$4=$10
Re: Aqua Land

Pokémon: Blastoise (M), Frillish (M), Magikarp (M), Swanna (F), Totodile (M), Seaking (F), Poliwrath (M)
Items: Wave Incense, $2, Elmo plushie w/rifle
Aqua Balls: 3

You see a male Poliwag wandering around with an Oran Berry.

Pokémon: Corphish (M), Gyarados (F), Dragonair (M), Panpour (M), Politoed (M), Poliwhirl (F), Wartortle (F), Feraligatr (M), Magikarp (M)
Items: Water Stone, Mystic Water, Burning Tickle Me Elmo, $4
Aqua Balls: 1

A male Squirtle with Black Glasses is scampering around.

Damn, RNG loves this place.

take berry
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