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Are you a Supernatural believer?

Do you believe in the Supernatural?

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Where have I been at?
Hey, here is a good discussion. Are you one who believes in the "supernatural" or otherworldly. I certainly do.
I believe in 4D space that is inside and outside the universe and the 3D part we are living in is just the surface. Does that count?
And there might be a ultimate 11D Multiverse that is not infinite in 11D and there is nothing beyond it.
I definitely believe in the supernatural. I've actually seen some "supernatural phenomena" happen.
Somewhere in the distance, I can hear my boyfriend whispering about the multiverse theory just to be a dick.

But no, I don't.
Somewhere in the distance, I can hear my boyfriend whispering about the multiverse theory just to be a dick.

But no, I don't.
Eh. I know people who have pretty convincing accounts of stuff like being psychic, but I'm not anywhere near convinced. I just wouldn't be too surprised if they proved it someday. Ghosts and goblins and demons are another matter, they're pretty much a no.
Though I don't remember it, I was told that I used to see ghosts.

This seems ridiculous, but apparently it happened, and the story seems rather convincing (to me anyway)

So my Grandma got a house where the previous owner had died, I think in the house too, and one time while visiting, I was alone in the living room, and ran into the kitchen where everyone else was, screaming my head off that there was a strange man in the living room. Everyone went in, but there was no one there and no signs of breaking in or anything. They asked me to describe the man, and I described the previous owner in perfect detail...

So yeah, I believe in the supernatural. My mom and sister have had similar happen as well.
"Do you believe in the supernatural?" is just a really vague question... a lot of things fall into that category, many of them completely unrelated to each other.

Ghosts, yes (ghosts as in "just normal dead people who happen to still be hanging around," anyway... not the horror movie version.)

Other things I'm not so sure of (for example: a lot of people who claim to be psychic are definitely fake, but I'm not convinced that all psychic-type stuff is completely impossible)... and some things are a definite no (like Satan magicking up fake dinosaur bones and putting them in the ground to trick people into believing that dinosaurs really lived 65 million years ago. Yes, there really are people out there who believe something like that.)
I don't believe in ghosts, etc., but I do believe in aliens. I mean, they HAVE to be out there somewhere. I just hope they're not Klingons and not Daleks. So, mixed signals there.

I'm also really not sure if I'm religious or not, in any way. I'm raised Catholic, but my highly logical brain (that half thinks it's a Vulcan brain) doesn't want to believe in things blindly. So. :P

EDIT: I've changed my mind. Ghosts do exist. We just don't see a lot of them because Sam and Dean are good at their job.
pathos, your comment is win
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I think that there might be an afterlife that everyone has just as they imagine it.

And ghosts might exist as well. But interaction with us requires the living person to have psychic powers or have his mind shield lowered (like when asleep), and the ghost should be powerful. The powerful ones can also do stuff like spread themselves over an entire city and guard it from transdimensional invasions.

I'm not sure about any of these ideas though.
Particularly powerful ghosts can actually enter the Nth Dimension and disrupt the local flange orbits, preventing telepaths in the area from using their powers. That's why they keep a Psychetron in Area 51 - so they can send in shock troops armed with proton packs to deal with the ghosts.
There's no unexplained phenomena that's bizarre enough for me to jump from "we don't understand this thing that happened" to "holy shit ghosts", so no, I'm not a believer.
Ghosts, psychics and what not = bullshit to me. I'm convinced that there is extraterrestrial life, but not that they've somehow "reached" us somehow, that's very, very, very unlikely. The multiverse theory is quite interesting though, and while part of me thinks "Oh yeah, this actually makes some sense" the other part just compares the idea to be as believable as gods and such. So no, I don't believe, buuut I do find speculating and theorizing about it highly entertaining, hence my interest in fantasy.
I've seen a ghost in front of me at the cemetery. It was running around, waving its arms like it was out of a madhouse.

Actually, I've definitely seen something but I don't think it was a ghost.

I don't believe in the supernatural (mostly because anyone who tried to prove its existence failed miserably), but I'm quite interested in it. I'm also easily impressed by movies. I'm always looking over my shoulder during nighttime, I used to cover my neck when I slept to avoid being bitten by a vampire...
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