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Articuno Vs. shadow_lugia

Articuno said:
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 74%
Energy: 49%
Signal Beam ~ Safeguard~ Signal Beam
-Startled. Paralyzed (light) Affected by Taunt (1 more round)
+1 SAtk

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 46%
Energy: 57%
Toxic~Signal Beam~Signal Beam
- Wobbly, not very steady on her feet. Light Screen (1 more round)
+2 SAtk, +2 SDef​

As nonchalant as ever, the Trainers give their commands, both trying to hiding the worry and excitement in their voices, but failing. A wind blows up a cloud of dust, the referee waving it away from her face and the battle continues.

Pearl sniffs the air, and using a spark of psychic power, gathers various toxins to a spot maybe a foot away from her face. She's careful not to breathe in too deeply, taking shallow breaths as the few drops of poison condense into a small orb of toxic waste. Suddenly pointing her stubby hand towards Abra, the toxic ball rushes towards him and splatters on his arm. Abra gasps as the poison starts to sink in and frantically shakes his arm, trying to get it off. A single drop flies away, the rest already absorbed into his skin. Abra winces, with the image of a nasty black stain spreading through him.

Shaking off the effects of his previous paralysis, Abra spreads a palm towards Pearl, the spark of energy causing a red and blue glow to twist around his palm. Waiting as the glow becomes brighter, he points toward Pearl and the light streaks towards her as a twined beam of red and blue light. Again, the beam is weakened by the shield of energy in front of Pearl, but the remainder sinks into her, leaving a very visible mark that could be from a burn.

Pearl yells, and calls up her energy, causing her pearl to glow a twisting red and blue, very similar to Abra's. The glow intensifies, and with a blink, Pearl aims her pearl towards Abra and lets loose a red and blue beam, striking him across the chest. Abra yelps, shutting his mouth to keep himself from making noise.

Gathering up his psychic energy, Abra's energy glows a bright pink around him, before lightening and changing into a pale, almost invisible green. He collects his energy back inside him and sends a healing power to soak in the green aura, effectively protecting him from all status effects for a while.

Pearl is not impressed by this light show, and decides to show Abra some more lights. Her pearl glows red and blue, two kinds of light chasing each other around in her orb, and again waits for the glow to intensify. When she is satisfied with the strength of her attack, Pearl aims her orb towards Abra and lets loose, the red and blue light twining around each other as they sink into him. Abra keeps his mouth shut, determined not to make any noise.

Abra raises his palm again, the familiar red and blue lights dancing in it. He waits as Pearl did, until the lights are as big as he wants and lets the beam go, snaking to Pearl and sinking into her orb. Pearl yelps and hops back to keep her orb on her head, before jumping forward and raising her small arms. If that's how he wanted it, a Signal Beam fight, he just had to ask. Pearl smirks and looks to her Trainer as Abra feels the effects of the poison sapping his strength, and takes in a deep breath.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 48%
Energy: 37%
-Very tired now. Badly poisoned (4% this round, 5%next round) Affected by Taunt (1 more round) Safeguard (3 more rounds)
+1 SAtk

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 32%
Energy: 47%
- Quickly tiring, but ready! Light Screen (1 more round)
+2 SAtk, +2 SDef​

Referee Notes
-Why didn't you tell me I forgot to take HP off Abra for the Charge Beam a round ago? :<
-shadow_lugia attacks first next round.
Well, because I didn't realize that you had!

Pearly, you're doing EXCELLENT. Make that two tubs of ice cream :3

First, um, what other things can we use?

Oh, hey, Shadow Ball looks attractive right now. He wants a light show, and light is incomplete without darkness. If there is no dark, there can be no light. Then, bring on the light with Signal Beam. And finally, hm, another Signal Beam.

Shadow Ball~Signal Beam~Signal Beam
Articuno said:
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 48%
Energy: 37%
Torment ~ Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball
-Very tired now. Badly poisoned (5% this round, 6% next round) Affected by Torment (last round) Safeguard (2 more rounds)
+1 SAtk

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 32%
Energy: 47%
Shadow Ball~Signal Beam~Signal Beam
- Quickly tiring, but ready! Light Screen (last round)
+2 SAtk, +2 SDef​

Nodding to the two Trainers and their Pokemon, the referee gives them the all-clear and the battle continues, the Pokemon obviously tired now. Pearl bounces up and down as she gets ready.. and leaps forwards!

Abra tenses, and relaxes again as Pearl doesn't jump onto him or something, but becomes a bit worried as her eyes flash grey for a second. From behind Pearl, one would be able to see a kind of pale shape in her paws, getting darker and darker until it is visibly a dark purple ball of something. Once the ball is about half the size of her orb, she thrusts her paws forwards and the ball shoots forwards, sinking into Abra's arm. He yells, the ball must have been somewhat acidic or the energy might have been, since the skin where the ball had touched him felt burnt or something.

Abra winces, and angrily points towards Pearl. He yammers a bunch of bad words and sentences his own Trainer didn't even think he knew, telling Pearl off and insulting her family. He tells her just what he thinks of her, somehow managing to make her feel dejected and her Trainer incredibly pissed off. He trails off, his insults having done their job.

Pearl snaps her head up, glaring at Abra. With a screech, two lights form inside her orb, a red and a blue... Abra knows what's coming, but can almost do nothing about it. She fires the familiar blue and red beam at Abra, who lets out an abnormally loud but short yelp as it sinks into his burnt or melted skin. Abra hops around, trying to get the pain to go away. Pearl grins at her work, glad to put the cat or dog thing in its place.

While he hopped about, Abra's eyes flashed a flat grey similar, if not exactly the same as Pearl's, earlier. A dark purple ball starts to form in his paws, getting bigger until it becomes the size of Pearl's similar attack. Suddenly whipping around, he fires the ball at Pearl, and laughs as it causes her to cry out. So she got what she deserved..

Rubbing her chest, where the ball had exploded, Pearl takes a closer look at her wound and sees that her skin is slightly burned or melted or something. It's not as bad as Abra's, she can obviously see, and faces him. Upon seeing his face, Pearl loses her nerve and hops backwards. She couldn't attack again.. that just make him laugh or something. And what if it missed? All these thoughts in her mind, Pearl makes a small fist and hops up and down as she thinks.

Abra looks over at his opponent, unsure what to do.. if he attacked again, he'd be a hypocrite, having told Pearl what to do. She obviously had listened, and he might as well too. Promising himself he would attack all out later, he settles down onto the dirt floor of the arena. Thinking more and more about it, the idea appealed more.. and he sits up again, grinning.

Across from Abra, the faint shield of light that had helped Pearl greatly starts to fade, the Spoink barely noticing in her frenzied thoughts. It dimly flashes and is gone, Pearl only brought back to attentiveness by a yell from her Trainer. The poison in Abra's bloodstream also starts to take effect, him only dimly aware of a burning sensation inside of him. He shrugs, if it's inside him, what can he do about it? With that thought, he looks expectantly at his Trainer, waiting for commands.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 21%
Energy: 23%
-Numb all over. Badly poisoned (5% this round, 6% next round) Affected by Torment (no more) Safeguard (2 more rounds)
+1 SAtk, -1 SDef

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 20%
Energy: 35%
- Pissed as hell. Light Screen (no more) Affected by Torment (3 more rounds)
+2 SAtk, +1 SDef​

Referee Notes
-Articuno attacks first next round.
A Taunt on the second turn? That's not good! So we'll just have to Taunt him into not Taunting us. Then I want you to Chill, since you're getting kind of tired, and finally use another Signal Beam.

Taunt~Chill~Signal Beam
Articuno said:
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 21%
Energy: 23%
Shadow Ball ~ Taunt ~ Shadow Ball
-Numb all over. Badly poisoned (6% this round, 7% next round) Safeguard (1 more round)
+1 SAtk, -1 SDef

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 20%
Energy: 35%
Taunt~Chill~Signal Beam
- Pissed as hell. Affected by Torment (2 more rounds)
+2 SAtk, +1 SDef​

The Trainers hurriedly give their commands, and the battle starts with no further hesitation. Above the arena, a lone Murkrow flies over suddenly, cawing swaer words as it flies. The referee reaches down for a rock as it flies away, still swearing. With a grumble, she tells the battlers to continue, and sits back.

Pearl jumps forward to face Abra head-on, obviously pleased with her commands. Once again, she starts to swear and jeer at Abra, who lets this all happen quietly. It's nothing he hasn't heard before- Did she just insult his mother? Clenching his fist, Abra searches inside himself for the spark of energy that fuels his attacks.. there it is.

With a flat dark purple flash, a small ball of shimmering energy starts to form in his hand. When it is acceptably big enough, the orb turns a dark purple and Abra throws it towards Pearl. She doesn't dodge, being caught up in her rant. Pearl yells as the energy is released into her, and her skin is distorted somewhat, just like Abra's. Which is great, she thinks sarcastically. Pearl was already in bad shape, and that energy ball, very similar to hers, if not exactly the same, took quite the strain on her.

Across from Pearl, Abra looks to be really worked up and restless. His Trainer had commanded his to taunt her back.. but why taunt her when he could attack her again? All he had to do was walk over, or float over and shove a Psychic down her throat, it would be so easy! The dark thoughts in his mind, Abra fights with his commands and sits down.

Pearl looks smugly at Abra, her insults still doing what they were supposed to. Keeping a cautious eye on him, Pearl uncoils her spring and relaxes, lightly bobbing on her spring. He wouldn't be doing anything for a while, she notes, watching his internal battle amusedly.

Suddenly going upright, Pearl's orb glows with the familiar red and blue lights, which chase each other around in her orb. She concentrates on sending as much energy as she can into the lights, and when she can no longer hold it in, releases the entwining red and blue beams towards Abra. They sink into his upper chest, near his neck, and pump the energy they carried into him. Abra yelps with the sting of the light, just as badly wounded as Pearl now.

Grimacing, his eyes flash dark purple and the small orb of pale purple forms in his hand once more. As it grows, it darkens and becomes a dark purple, the size of Abra's palm now. He hurls it towards Pearl and it strikes true, releasing its energy into her and sapping hers. The dark ball is enough. Pearl cries out and falls onto her face, to tired to move. Forcing herself up, she swears one last time at Abra before collapsing completely.

Abra looks expectantly at Pearl, expecting her to get up and swear at him, laughing or something, and sighs when she doesn't. As Pearl's Trainer recalls her, Abra looks towards his own Trainer, who gives him an approving nod. Abra grins, wincing as the poison in his blood saps his strength further. No matter, he won't last long next round, Abra notes grimly.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 2%
Energy: 23%
-Numb all over. Badly poisoned (6% this round, 7% next round) Safeguard (1 more round) Affected by Taunt (3 more rounds)
+1 SAtk, -1 SDef

Pearl (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 0%
Energy: 41%
-Knocked out!
+2 SAtk​

Referee Notes
-Pearl's Chill recovered 15% energy.

-shadow_lugia sends out
-Articuno attacks
-shadow_lugia attacks
Alright, Fern, you know this'll be easy. You managed to defeat that bloody Poochyena of Animorph's, so KICK THE MONKEY'S BUTT.

Hey s_l you know you could've written 'Tackle x3' right, right

Articuno said:
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Rest, 1 Direct Healing per Pokemon
Arena: Indigo Plateau

The Indigo Plateau is a basic stadium with nothing special.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 2%
Energy: 23%
-On his last leg. Badly poisoned (7% this round, 8% next round) Safeguard (last round) Affected by Taunt (2 more rounds)
+1 SAtk, -1 SDef

Fern (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%

The Trainers exchange glances, and shadow_lugia tosses her next Pokeball into the ring. A green reptilian Pokemon forms from the light, an Ivysaur, who looks rather pumped. She's ready to kick some ass, and given the sorry state of her opponent, it won't take much to kick his into next Wednesday.. The Trainers shout out commands, rather simple, and the match begins!

The Ivysaur, Fern, an experienced battler, knows exactly what's coming for Abra, and so does he. Holding his arms in front of his face, Abra obviously knows he won't last long, his blood is working against him, dammit! Fern grins, and rushes towards her weakened opponent, tackling him to the ground with a muffled thump. Abra struggles to get up and suddenly goes limp, completely exhausted. His eyes are slipping closed now, and the last thing he sees is the green aura around him fading, and the weight of his new opponent lifting off of him.

Fern steps back from Abra, a bit disappointed. Well, there'll definitely be more fighting soon, so she savours her win for the moment. Articuno pulls Abra's Pokeball out and recalls the fallen Pokemon, making a quick decision on his next Pokemon, and smiling slightly as he looks around for its' Pokeball.

Abra (M) <Thick Fat> @Choice Specs
Health: 0%
Energy: 23%
-Knocked out!
+1 SAtk, -1 SDef

Fern (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 100%
Energy: 99%
- Somewhat disappointed.​

Referee Notes
-A short reffing, but what can I say? I stretched a Tackle out as long as I could >_<

-Articuno sends out
-shadow_lugia attacks
-Articuno attacks
You have to send out again, Articuno. Abra was knocked out, and I'll ignore that your post was over the DQ time.
*sigh* Alright, Articuno is DQ'd. Articuno gets $3, shadow_lugia gets $8, and I get $5.

Articuno's Abra gets 2 EXP., shadow_lugia's Pearl gets 1 and Fern gets 2.

Articuno is also barred from accepting or making new challenges for the next two months. Good match while it lasted.
Okay then:

Articuno is DQ'd. shadow_lugia gets $8, and I get $5.

Articuno's Abra gets 2 EXP., shadow_lugia's Pearl gets 1 and Fern gets 2.

Articuno is also barred from accepting or making new challenges for the next two months.
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