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Attacks and Abilities Guide

I couldn't quite catch this: if a pokemon has the STAB bonus, does it reduce the energy consumed by 1% in addition to the 1% damage increase?

If a Pokémon uses a move it has STAB for, the base damage is multiplied by 1.25. And I think the Energy and Damage Guide does advise knocking 1% energy off, yes.
Just need to get this straight: if a Pokemon uses Swagger, but the target has used Magic Coat, then only the confusion is reflected, and the target gets the attack boost, correct? Or are both aspects reflected?
would I be allowed to combine agility and double team for lots of clones?

Just need to get this straight: if a Pokemon uses Swagger, but the target has used Magic Coat, then only the confusion is reflected, and the target gets the attack boost, correct? Or are both aspects reflected?
The entirety of the attack is reflected. It's safeguard that lets the attack boost through.
Sucker punch will work if the target uses an attacking move, regardless of where that move aimed.
Regarding Imprison:

Lets say a Gardevoir has Imprisoned an Alakazam's Psychic. But then the 'Zam uses Hidden Power. Could the Gardevoir use Imprison again to block off both Psychic AND Hidden Power?

I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, but I wanted to check.
Imprison is based on the attacks that the casting pokémon has used, not its target, but if your gardevoir used imprison to block psychic, then used hidden power, at that point yes, it could use imprison again to block both psychic and hidden power.
orly? I always thought it blocks attacks used by the opponents..crud.
Could I go change my commands on my battle with Eonrider?
I guess, but you should take the approach of reading the attack guide/asking questions first and giving commands second.
In Yellow Forest, there are Pikachus who know Fly and Surf. Does this make both Fly and Surf legal moves for a Pikachu?

I don't have one, but I was just wondering.
Yes, although they were both already legal because pikachu could learn them through other means. I think.
True enough. Mostly because when a new generation comes out I need time to get all the attacks worked out and so forth before everything gets added in. Games that don't introduce anything new just get the same treatment for the sake of consistency.
... and then there's the trouble of making sure you have valid information, and so on. yes. I suppose that is a pain.

I guess event pokémon can be gts-traded now and stuff.
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