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Attacks and Abilities Guide

Could I combine Feint with Mach Punch to create a Protect/Detect-bypassing Mach punch? It's interesting because Mach Punch's base power is exactly the average of the two possibilities of Feint.

Following that, could it also work/not work with Bullet Punch/Aqua Jet/Shadow Sneak/other priority moves?
Yeah, that should work. The attacks would be executed at the priority of aqua jet/mach punch/whatever rather than feint, though.
Is it possible to use Dig in one turn, or does it have to be done over two turns?

If the answer to that is "it can be done in one", would it likely do less damage because of that?
It is usually done in one turn, not two, unless the trainer specifies that they want a delay. If it's done in two turns the energy cost should be split between the two, but the damage is not affected.
Actions, sorry. Derp, I've been at this long enough that I should know better. :B

Of course, you could always delay the resurfacing as long as you like such that the attack's duration ends up lasting for several rounds anyway.

And, just as a reminder, all ingame two-turn attacks are executed in one action in ASB unless the trainer says so, be they charge-turn attacks like skull bash or attacks with a turn of semi-invulnerability like fly. (Pretty sure you can't delay a skull bash for that long, though.)
Bounce would probably be a special case that would depend on the situation, the ref and the pokémon, but I certainly wouldn't allow it to be delayed more than a single action at the absolute longest unless the pokémon was capable of flight or levitation anyway; even then that would sort of change the nature of the attack, so it would be iffy. (I would also have it cost a bit more energy in order to attain the height necessary for that sort of hangtime.)

The short answer is probably just "no", but yeah, there may be exceptions.

That would also depend on the ref, I think, but generally speaking protect and similar last for the duration of an action so "delay until after a protect" would basically mean a two-action attack in most cases.
Does that mean Bounce can be delayed? I didn't think that was logical at all. Also, can something be delayed until after a Protect/Detect happens?

Well, Bounce CAN [like Fly] be used to jump on top of something tall, and then you can just sit there. I actually used that strategy in my battle with Steele
Now I actually have a question pertaining to something actually happening.

If something faster than its opponent Detects to avoid a status move, then the opponent uses Encore, wouldn't it Encore whatever the faster thing did on the second action? Which in this case probably wouldn't be likely to actually work...

EDIT: For clarity, the slower opponent's first action was a status move, and it was Detect'd.
You could just lower your head reeeeeeeeally slowly.

Does that mean Bounce can be delayed? I didn't think that was logical at all. Also, can something be delayed until after a Protect/Detect happens?
For bounce, you have the option of going up and coming down in the same action or going up the first, then coming down the second. You can't "hang" for any number of actions in between, unless your pokémon can fly or levitate and you just bounce up to gain altitude, then abandon the attack and start flying from there. Or, as Superbird suggested, bounce onto something, in which case you are again abandoning the attack part of the move and just using it to move somewhere.

Similarly, you can't really "delay" things like sky attack, skull bash, what have you--you either charge up and fire in the same action at increased energy cost and decreased priority, or you charge up one action, then fire the next. You can't charge up and "hold it" for any period of time.

When you do something like dig down, then surface later, or fly up, then come down later, you're not really "delaying" the attack. As in the bounce example, you're using the attack to move somewhere in the arena, and then later you have to move back. If you take an action to dig down, you have to spend another to dig back up later, and so on.

Protect, detect, and endure last for an entire action. You cannot wait them out.

Now I actually have a question pertaining to something actually happening.

If something faster than its opponent Detects to avoid a status move, then the opponent uses Encore, wouldn't it Encore whatever the faster thing did on the second action? Which in this case probably wouldn't be likely to actually work...

EDIT: For clarity, the slower opponent's first action was a status move, and it was Detect'd.
I find your scenario difficult to follow. If I'm reading it right, then yes, the pokémon using encore would not encore detect, but instead whatever its faster opponent did afterwards, unless what that opponent was doing had a lower priority or was otherwise delayed such that it hadn't done anything since the detect at the time that the encore went off.
Klutz would cancel out a Ring Target, right? I don't know what constitutes "ordinary effects", but I imagine a Ring Target wouldn't be so easy to aim at when a Buneary's swinging it around like a fool or something.

EDIT: Also, can you tell a Pokémon to just... drop its item? If so, would it take an action?
Yes, Klutz cancels the effects of ring target.

A pokémon can take a full action to get rid of its item in one way or another, yes.
If I had Bounced to the top of something and stayed there, would I be able to just use Bounce on the way back down? Without jumping up or anything?
Yes, you could just "bounce down"--land in a bounce (attacking the enemy in the process if you chose to). If you didn't bounce very high, you could just have the pokémon jump down, but if you went up to the top of your bounce or somewhere around there, the pokémon would need to use bounce to get down in order to land safely--just jumping wouldn't be an option.
Would you be able to combo Fly/ Bounce with another physical move (ex: Mach Punch, Zen Headbutt) to HIT ITS WEAK POINT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE?
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