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Wow, you are really good at scratching. I love Aurion and Tesleeta. :3
i made its skin dull, where the shade that would be the highlight according to the palette is used as more of a base shade. so, it isn't really shiny enough where it would create a discernible highlight.![]()
Why is that line there on the face? Is it marking an edge of some sort? If so, the shading probably shouldn't be the same on both sides. If it's some kind of line, well, it doesn't fit well.
if that section was individually rounded, the entire shape of it would be thrown off. i've actually done a lot of work and editing on that sprite, particularly the blade.![]()
Why is the our-right bottom part of the big blade's outline lighter and not rounded?
the shininess (which is really just relative to my usual style) and artificial-looking wings was done on purpose. the wings aren't "real" wings, but clumps of its mane stuck up to look like wings, and its back legs are standing on their tip-toes. i guess i can edit that to be more apparent.![]()
A few things on this one- the shading on the our-left wing is... kinda boring. And thick. It looks plastic. The tail, it looks like it distorts behind the back leg. All but this leg don't look like they are firmly on the ground, wither. And last of all, o.o bright.
i was looking at real dinosaurs when designing its tail, so i don't know what to say.![]()
Something about the tail bugs me... I can't point it out right now, but it might be the size, position, or non-connectiveness. Or I could be wrong.
i don't see its eye being squished, strange. i'll see if i can fix the legs, but they are meant to come down to a distinct point.![]()
The yellow spotted area looks too close to the eye, it makes the eye look squished. Also, the very bottoms of the legs look too light.
i was looking at real dinosaurs when designing its tail, so i don't know what to say.
i made its skin dull, where the shade that would be the highlight according to the palette is used as more of a base shade. so, it isn't really shiny enough where it would create a discernible highlight.
So you just drew a line because of lack of a better idea? I'm not sure I understand your logic. I mean, I understand the dull palatte thing, but not why there needs to be a line.
if that section was individually rounded, the entire shape of it would be thrown off. i've actually done a lot of work and editing on that sprite, particularly the blade.
Ok, if you say it screws up if you round it... But that still doesn't understand the highlight on the bottom of the blade.
the shininess (which is really just relative to my usual style) and artificial-looking wings was done on purpose. the wings aren't "real" wings, but clumps of its mane stuck up to look like wings, and its back legs are standing on their tip-toes. i guess i can edit that to be more apparent.
OK, I didn't get that.
i was looking at real dinosaurs when designing its tail, so i don't know what to say.
I agree with Kratos on the tail part. Not the knee part though, they seem OK to me.
i don't see its eye being squished, strange. i'll see if i can fix the legs, but they are meant to come down to a distinct point.
Here, I made an example. Mine's the second one.
See, in mine, I got rid of the toe highlights and gave the eye breathing room. I guess I just see the yello space as like a "coat" that he is wearing that was up to his eye. Sorta...
Nice but, what is it? a potato?![]()