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Awesome clothes


sorry, i'm never going to stop being mad about it.
Staff member
Share pictures of awesome clothes that you want so bad! You can share anything you like (I'll probably just post frilly dresses and such), so long as it's some form of clothing (jewellry, hats, shoes etc are all okay). :D

Please link to your images instead of just posting them so the thread doesn't take freaking ages to load.

let's get this ball rolling

hnng carnivale costumes! (more here)
alexander mcqueen! :D
also this and this and so much this. :D
uv the links you linked don't loadddd. Damn now they load. This is super cool.

I want these! However I can never get them because I can't wear shoes without trying them on to make sure they're the right size. ; ; They're size 8 which is nearly my size but? Can't be sure, ahg. But they're so pretty!

Also almost everything Kurt wears, so pretty. And Darren Criss, I want his warddrobe.
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