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[B/W] A strange idea I've been working on


Chaos, art and science
An idea that I made on pokemon online. It's kind of complicated to pull off, but it's been working epically. I just need tips on how to change it to counter stuff that would rip through it now. I'm not sure what that would be, but I'm sure there's some of it out there.

Adamant Evs: 4 Hp 252 Speed, 252 Attack @King's Rock, Technician/Skill Link
Tail Slap
Rock Blast
Bullet Seed

An awesome sweeper and my usual lead. It has a high speed, and a wide variety of attacks, and with skill link it almost always makes a flinch. I'm going to use Technician until I can get one with Skill Link, but once I get one with skill link, I'm going to use it. Encore and sing are just filler moves. When I run into a stat-boosting... pokemon or a no guard machamp, I use them for a free kill or switch, but beyond that they're not very helpful.

Modest Evs: 4 Hp 252 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed @Brightpowder, Flame Body
Pain Split
Confuse Ray

Brightpowder and a minimize usually get it's evasion rate up high on it's first turn out, after which I lower it again, and lower it again, getting it incredibly low. After that I pain split away any damage I took, use confuse ray, and try to hit with an inferno. It works better than I expected, so I stuck with it. I'm considering swapping out Inferno for Will-o-Wisp, but Inferno's more fun. And I don't want to use a shadow tag one. It violates my code of honor.

Adamant, Evs: 4 Hp, 252 Attack, 252 Speed @Expert Belt, Steadfast
Blaze Kick
Close Combat
Stone Edge

Awesome sweeper. Good speed, aspect of surprise, that sort of thing. I usually manage to take two or three pokemon out with it. It's surprising how much use I get out of blaze kick.

Quirky, Evs: 4 Speed, 252 Defense, 252 Sp. Defense @Big Root, Prankster
Leech Seed

It's a sub-seeder. (It's a whimsicott. What else can it be.) I switch into anything using a move that I want them to keep using, use encore, substitute, leech seed, and, if I have a turn left with encore, toxic. It's completely walled by grass-poison types, but you don't see those much. I would give it leftovers, but big root works, and I need leftovers for Milotic. Speaking of which,

Sassy, Evs: 252 Hp, 4 Defense, 252 Sp. Defense @Leftovers, Marvel Scale
Aqua Ring

“Hai guyz, I'm a bulky water!”
It has a high Hp, and a huge special defense. It's job is basically just to tank. I use aqua ring for the additional recovery, and with Leftovers and Recover it's quite hard to kill with a special sweeper. If a physical sweeper switches in and I have a reason not to switch out, I use rest to activate marvel scale.

Timid, Evs: 4 Hp, 252 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed @ Focus Sash, Trace
Thunder Wave

A bit of a gimmick. I've done 6-0 sweeps with it, but it isn't that useful unless you get lucky. I really don't know what I should do with it. Any moveset suggestions are welcome.
Evasion's very rude, you know.

Why Recover on Milotic? Also :< I miss Sleep Talk on Milotic being brilliant.
Oh. That could be a problem. I'll mess with it a bit, try and think of a unique and aggravating moveset that isn't often banned.
Well, for the Chandelure's set, you could always run the standard Choice Scarf set. For annoying, Baton Pass Smeargle to Flail Magikarp :D And it probably wouldn't be that hard to pull off due to the major amounts of rain teams nowadays :D
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