War & Thunder
I thought that when Rotom was in a different forme he retains his Original tpying. I might be misguided here, but isn't Rotm an Uber, also?
No, Rotom isn't an Uber.
Yeah, well, that seems to be my specialty.I wasn't trying toActually I was trying to, but I figured it would be more practical, if I didn't have to think about that extra bit of damage for every pokemon that isn't. :/
That's what most people think about Sandstorm and Hail teams, and that's whey end up with a lot of problems.
Normally I would have Hyper Cutter, too, but since it's a sandstorm team, I feel like Sand Veil would be more useful, as there is likely to be a sandstorm going on. But.
Honestly, I've tried running Gliscor with Roost. Wasn't entirely impressed. First, unless an Ice-type is thrown out, or a pokemon that knows an Ice-type move, he's solid enough no to need it.
If you use the set I suggested, Hyper cutter prevents your boosts being reduced by things like intimidate.
Honestly, I've tried Tyranitar before, and I found he is horrendously frail (even when it was under Trick Room and faster {i.e. slower than} than my opponent). Anything with Mach Punch, or even Brick Break can run right up to him and be like "Good Game, lol", Especially becuse he isn't incredibly fast (Hippowdon says "hi", I know). And I think Hippowdon is supposed to be a wall more than a brawler, which is why I was thinking about running Crunch as well, because practically, with just Earthquake, I get about ten attacks before I go either healing every turn or using Sr every turn, while I wait for him to be eliminated (which I suppose isn't necessarily a such bad thing, but).
You're not supposed to leave Tyranitar in on Fighting attacks. That's like leaving Scizor in on an obvious Fire Blast. And it is in no way frail, try using this set:
Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 180 SAtk / 76 SpD or 56 Atk / 252 SAtk / 200 Spd
Sassy Nature (+SpD, -Spd) / Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def) / Naive Nature (+Spd, -SpD)
- Crunch
- Ice Beam
- Fire Blast
- Stealth Rock / Stone Edge / SuperPower
I seriously thought about doing this at first, too. Not really sure why I don't at this point.
but...but...but... what sresservoir said.
If I want to outspeed things with it, why would I reduce my Cradily's speed? Sure Curse get additional Attack and Defense, but at the cost of speed, one of the major stats of Competitive Battling.
Because even with speed boosts, you outspeed only terribly slow things...plus scarfers (hell, even some things non scarfed like Deoxys-S)still outspeed you and have the ability to OHKO. With storm drain you can easily be Hazed or Roared out. Careful benifits your special defense with the sandstorm, and curse just makes a behemoth harder to kill..and gee, speed doesnt really matter. Conkeldurr is one of the biggest threats in the game and its slow as hell.
Marrowak isn't even on the team anymore! And I also intended to pass speed to him, sorry if you missed that bit.
I missed this point, sorry.
Omastar has the most Sp. Attack of any non-uber water type pokemon, and this includes Vaporeon and Gorebyss. I don't mind so much that Omastar is outsped by just about all of them, becuase I have plans for timid with Speed Evs. I am at this point also considering putting some into Sp. def or Hp.
1. Vaporen has Cheer up, making it better.
2. Gorebyss has Shell Smash, making it better.
These are things you have to look at, plus even with timid and max speed you fail to outspeed ANYTHING that poses a threat to you, bar things like Conkeldurr and Machamp, but they are even bulky enough to take your hit and OHKO you.
Again, why are you talking about pokemon I have decided to scratch from the team? And besides, Camerupt eats Scizors for Breakfast.
Same with Marowak, missed it. However, No one is going to keep a Scizor in on something that would Obviously beat it...
Comments in bold.