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Baby Pokemafia {INNOCENTS WIN}


New member
The sun is slowly setting over Ecruteak.


All role PMs have been sent. 24 hours for night actions.
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Re: Baby Pokemafia [night 0]

The sun is rising, showering Ecruteak in golden light.
The baby Pokemon are awakening slowly.


Beside the Burnt Tower, there lay a Cubone, surrounded by char marks, shards of red-stained glass, and bits of shredded paper.

There is a crudely-made slash mark in its back that appears to be surrounded by burn marks. Its hands are tied together in a poorly-done knot, and it appears to have struggled until its death. You can see the dried-up tears on its skull, which is lying beside the Ground-type. Burns, scratches, and bits of paper are scattered all over its body, only leaving its bare head unscathed.

It is a baby Kangaskhan, destined to never to live the life it was supposed to.

No sane person would do such a thing.


Rock-ground is dead. He was innocent. 24 hours for discussion.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 1]

Because I know so much about Pokémon, I'd normally hazard a guess as to what did this.

However, because noone knows all the roles except Mawile, it would be hard.

Thoughts, anyone?
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 1]

Right now, my thoughts are on whether the victim was a Cubone or a baby Kangaskhan...

I guess we could try to guess the victim's role from his identity, though. But I'm not really sure of what a Cubone would do.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 1]

It's actually a Cubone, just so you guys know. I only use Gen 1-4 official pokemon.

EDIT: This was what I was thinking of.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 1]

EDIT: This was what I was thinking of.

I was going to point that out and say OR IS IT BOTH but I couldn't find the image.
Anyway, nothing we can tell just yet obviously. Except that we either have no killing roles outside the Mafia or at least one Healer. [/vague worthless analysis posted in an attempt to seem helpful]

Not abstaining just yet, but I doubt anything valuable is going to come up.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 1]

And also apparently the killer is a Fire-type of some sort. Still doesn't help, but... it's first day, what can ya do.

I'd tend more toward a randlynch (since it gives us a better chance than abstaining since Mafia won't target themselves at night) but yeah, let's wait for more people to show up (even if it probably won't bring anything new to light).
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 1]

The sun is slowly setting over Ecruteak.


No one was lynched. 24 hours for night actions.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [night 1]

The sun is rising, showering Ecruteak in golden light.
The baby Pokemon are awakening slowly.


No one has died. 24 hours for discussion.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 2]

So what are the possibilities, d'you think?

* Healer was lucky
* Alien got hit
* Roleblocker was lucky
* Mafia forgot to send in their night action (it's happened before...)

I can't think of any other options.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 2]

Or we could have a bulletproof or one of those roles where there's a 50% chance of missing them every night.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 2]

Also, from now on, all unsent night actions will be randomized and can target anybody, including you.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 2]

...That would be awesome if the Mafia don killed himself.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 2]

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but given that Mawile said "from now on", I'm guessing whoever didn't turn in their night action last night would've had an effect (which didn't happen because they didn't turn it in), which would probably have to be a killing role. (Not detective because that doesn't affect the in-thread game per se; not revenger because nobody died the last day/night; not healer because nobody died today.)
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 2]

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but given that Mawile said "from now on", I'm guessing whoever didn't turn in their night action last night would've had an effect (which didn't happen because they didn't turn it in), which would probably have to be a killing role. (Not detective because that doesn't affect the in-thread game per se; not revenger because nobody died the last day/night; not healer because nobody died today.)

I didn't really think much of it but you have a good point.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 2]

The sun is slowly setting over Ecruteak.


No one was lynched. 24 hours for night actions.
Re: Baby Pokemafia [day 2]

The sun is rising, showering Ecruteak in golden light.
The baby Pokemon are awakening slowly.


A Skitty appears to have stabbed itself in the heart.
Nearby, a Cherubi was set on fire.

St. Christopher (Skitty) is dead. He was mafia.
Emerald Espeon (Cherubi) is dead. He was mafia.
24 hours for discussion.
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