• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Back after... many years?


New member
I'm not too sure how long it's been. But a few years, atleast. I used to be Angel Mew, and you would have found me hanging around JJH forums & oekaki, LJ, Neopets (Oi vey...), DA and here. xD
I'm not too sure where you'll find me today. Probably DA and Gaia.

So hai everyone. <3
Hi I'm Princess EeveeSkitty of Windia. I have a heart and I welcome mostly every single newbie to what I call home with a kind gift of a cat plushie. Yours shall be *turns on random number generator* LAVENDER. Thank you for choosing PES services and I hope you see me again[which you will if you go to forum games].
Hello, and welcome back to tCoD! *rips off the little cherry on a Cherubi and throws it at you as present*
I'm not too sure how long it's been. But a few years, atleast. I used to be Angel Mew, and you would have found me hanging around JJH forums & oekaki, LJ, Neopets (Oi vey...), DA and here. xD
I'm not too sure where you'll find me today. Probably DA and Gaia.

So hai everyone. <3


Even though I myself only stayed about a day... :huh:
@ Phillip: Nuh uh, sorry. ):

@ Flareth: Yeah. xD I have a Godot avatar on Gaia. So yeah, pretty obsessed with PW. <3

@ Blastoise: Ohay.

@ EeveeSkitty: Fank yew. And hi.

@ Music Dragon: Thank you! And that's awesome... In my opinion? o.0

@ MewxCharmeleonxEevee: Thanks. x]

@ BK: I may know you too, then? Even if it was just for a short time. I'unno. But hey.
I dunno either; mayve you said hi when I posted my introduction from way back.

I was the Crazy Cat Called "Jimmeh" Who's Avatar Said "I Luv U".
You should learn to like RP's. BTW, nothing personal, but I HATE your avatar. It's something about the hair and the nose. I see things like it often, and I just don't like it.
@ Philly: Maybe you should learn to take other peoples' opinions? Like, you don't like my avatar, that's cool with me. I don't like RP, just deal with it o-0
Hello and welcome back. I haven't been here long myself, about a month and spend most of my time in the Artwork and Spriting section. I'm making a pokemon game called Pokemon Aotearoa (based on New Zealand) and alot of the community are helping. If you're interesting in that kind of thing, I invite you to come take a look at my thread, 'Calling All Spriters'. Even though it's called 'Calling All "SPRITERS" I welcome ideas for story, pokemon, characters and just about anything else.
Hello and welcome back. I haven't been here long myself, about a month and spend most of my time in the Artwork and Spriting section. I'm making a pokemon game called Pokemon Aotearoa (based on New Zealand) and alot of the community are helping. If you're interesting in that kind of thing, I invite you to come take a look at my thread, 'Calling All Spriters'. Even though it's called 'Calling All "SPRITERS" I welcome ideas for story, pokemon, characters and just about anything else.
Hello, and thanks. :3 Sounds good, I'll take a look.
White wolf, I always welcome all newbies I can so no one is left out :D I hate that feeling. I don't think my introduction thread got any welcomes so I felt like giving welcomes out.
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