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Bank of TCoD

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Bank Staff: $20 Each


Team Approvers: $10 Each

Kratos Aurion

Allowance this week is $6.

Negrek has to actually distribute the paychecks--they don't just come out of thin air. They look like the post I just quoted. So no, you cannot collect your allowance now.
First of all, I'm pretty sure my account needs to be reset to $331; I'll worry about cashing in the emergency reffings later. Second, reffing ended.

331 + 5 = 336
Question: are we supposed to claim the e-reffing money here or post in the ref HQ first? I mean, obviously you'd have to post here eventually so I'd imagine that Grass King and Prettzel haven't gotten that money yet, but the multitude of $15s I should've had added to my account never were.

So, if I am supposed to claim them here: 336 - 10 + 100 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 531

And if not: 336 - 10 + 100 = 426
Kratos Aurion

Ref HQ said:
Emergency referees receive $5 more per round than they ordinarily would based on their rank, and they may collect money for their work immediately upon its completion; they need only post here with a link to the round reffed before taking the money to the bank.

(which I should remember next time since I kept adding yours >>; )
Right, well I guess I misread that then. So seven e-ref rounds, blah blah.

426 + 105 = 531

why am I not in bed yet it is four o freaking clock in the morning
Blahhh. Stupid Prettzel is stupid.

Emergency reffing stuff.


Really really hope I didn't screw up
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