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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Beware, I'm back


New member
So, hello (again if you remember me (which you don't)). I used to come here and make your RP's die, unfortunately.

How can I introduce myself? I'm 15, I live somewhere in the mild urbanization of Portugal, I love anime (Soul Eater - refer to avatar) and video games of various genres. My choice in music is along the lines of Japanese Pop and Rock, DJ-mixed songs, and Metal (nothing too dark or heavy please). I read mostly fantasy and romances, but I'm open for mostly anything. I'm in high school (I guess that's the equivalent) on a Science and Technology course. My aim to do something along the lines of informatics (programming if possible).

I guess that's enough for now.

Be seeing you around,
Hey, there! I'm Ketsu, the semi-lurker and fellow thread killer!

I'm also the resident Pokémon anime, Megaman (or Rockman), Vocaloid, and yaoi fangirl.

And by fangirl, I mean freak.

Welcome back to the forums!
Three welcomes and two that remember me already! This is most unexpected.

@Ketsu: Makes me feel good that I'm not the only thread killer. :D

@RandomTyphoon: You write da powa. Insta-friend.

@Blastoise: Portugal is a nice country, no doubt on that, but stays waaaaaaay behind other western Europe countries in economics and stuff. We have good things though, like cod recipes (which everyone here likes :D), Cristiano Ronaldo, port wine, Cristiano Ronaldo, a friendly atmosphere mostly everywhere, and did I mention Cristiano Ronaldo? *rolls eyes*
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