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Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

"Buried under ash, you say," Mhynt repeated, frowning in thought. "Well, that's a true shame. But I suppose in some ways, it's better than being in the possession of the corrupt who would most certainly misuse--"

Mhynt froze.

Suddenly, she was standing alert, grabbing her blade with a flick of her wrist to draw it to her. She glanced around... and then realized it was probably just her paranoia speaking. No. They weren't here. Couldn't be here right now. They'd've... sensed it, surely.

"...Sorry," she said, letting her blade disappear. "However, Moltres...

"I believe we can find your relic in the future. We only need the help of someone who can very easily look through miles and miles of ash in a day. If... you'd humor us and help rescue him."
Grace had been going around tending to those on the team who had been hurt, burned, or otherwise, channelling her life dew, and pulling out extra items from her satchel if they were needed. All the while, she was listening to the conversation and watching the others, but some of it gave her pause.

Mhynt thought they might need Moltres to rescue Owen? With how they'd struggled against Owen without Alexander, could the Wayfarers even save him as they were? Grace wasn't above getting help-- the more the merrier! But they'd already seen Moltres be corrupted.

"Uh, but Mhynt... what if Moltres gets Shadowed like Owen?" she couldn't help but ask. "Is recruiting Moltres for that... worth the risk?"
"No," Mhynt clarified. "She could help in other ways. But if we can rescue Owen... perhaps he could help us get that relic," she explained.
Right. So the fuckers that escaped hadn't even taken the thing.

And... "Owen can look through miles and miles of ash in a day? The fuck does that mean?"

Did they even want to recover the fucking relic? Make more Saints who have more power than any random individual who might get stupid shit into their heads should have? Maybe the thing should just stay buried.

He glanced back at Moltres. "Anyway, what do you mean about it not being in a Saint's business to talk to people?"
Moltres looked between Mhynt and Grace, considering their words carefully. "It would give me a peace of mind if it could be found," she admitted, "but you would do that? Go out of your way to find it after I..." she trailed off, distracting herself with answering the poochyena's question.

"Nobody wanted to listen to me before," she muttered. "What business does a Saint have to mingle with the commonfolk? What business does she have lowering herself to be taken advantage of?" Her tone became bitter at those questions. It was not a genuine viewpoint of hers, but instead what she had heard from others. "That other Saint," she added, "made an example of me. Because I tried to be an equal and not a master."
"And then you become a fiend in the end from all that bitterness," Mhynt concluded, nodding. Then, to Dave-- "Owen has a talent for seeing everything in a certain radius around him. If it's still strong enough here... he can sort through many stories' worth of ash without having to dig a single pile."

"...Do not think that I am offering this out of the goodness of my heart, Moltres." She paced around. "If we acquire the relic, we will first want to see if its power can help us deal with the Covenant, Cipher, and other forces causing trouble here. But, when that is done... it is yours. Perhaps we can all learn something from this. Perhaps you can change for the better."

She eyed Moltres.

"And we want to keep an eye on you. Perhaps you should come with us to Frontier Town... as long as you don't cause any trouble. I heard Gerome at the bar has an open position."
With the adrenaline from battle having mostly faded away, Silver took the moment of newfound tranquility to treat any lingering burn with his Lum Berry. He nodded appreciatively at Grace for speeding up the process with her healing skills, then turned to study the spectral bird by his side… or rather, he would have if there was any spectral bird by his side.

The now-Sneasel blinked in astonishment, his gaze darting from a side to another of the battlefield. Nothing; the golden mirage was gone. But thinking about it… Nobody showed any reaction to his presence. Has Spectrum even been there, or was he simply a mere figment of Silver’s imagination? Since when did he have figments of imagination? He wasn’t some freaking dreamer!

Considering all the evidence, there was only one logical explanation…

‘…I’ve officially lost all my marbles,’ he mentally grumbled, rolling his narrowed eyes. ‘Ugh! Better not say anything about that whatever-the-heck-happened, then. The last thing I need is being forced to pay a visit to that horned shrink and whatnot!’

Not wishing to deal with yet another headache — because seriously, there were far too many unresolved headaches to count at that point! — Silver listened to the conversation between his teammates and Moltres, silently taking mental notes.

"Nobody wanted to listen to me before," she muttered. "What business does a Saint have to mingle with the commonfolk? What business does she have lowering herself to be taken advantage of?"

Silver quirked a brow. “Hm? Who said that mingling with mortals and being taken advantage of are mutually inclusive concepts?” He crossed his arms, staring Moltres evenly in her eyes. “It’s irrelevant whether you’re a Saint or not. Nobody should be taken advantage of, regardless of status or power. Ever heard of a nice little thing called basic decency?

He tilted his head. “Respect and understanding go both ways — you can’t expect others to treat you decently and spend their energy and time into understanding you if you treat them like crap, and it’s only fair to desire and expect the same treatment.” With a loud humph, he looked away, aiming his indignation at some invisible targets. “Never let others know they’ve got you in their clutches and that they can do whatever they want with you, or they’ll begin demanding more and more favors outta you…”

A cold shiver ran down Silver’s spine as he muttered those words. Vague memories of his childhood began surfacing and coiling around his heart, just another pawn and puppet for Team Rocket’s schemes, but he immediately quashed them by aiming his attention toward another urgent topic.

“Anyway! That relic sounds pretty important, and it’d suck badly if some greedy bastard found it, so maybe we could ask the Escarpa to help us with research? They’ve got many Luxray in their tribe who might find something with their piercing vision.” He glanced at Mhynt. “And that Owen guy could help once he’s purged of his Shadows, I guess, but it doesn’t hurt to have a running start through other means, yeah? A smaller area to cover is always a good thing.”
As Moltres went down, Odette didn't watch her fall. Instead, her eyes trained back on her flaming hands, watching as the new fires flittered up her arms and over her body, leaving no pain in her wake. It felt like a mix of Shadow and Radiance rolled into one, but was far more familiar, and far more manageable, and far more welcome, simply because she knew it so well.

"Especially you," she added, turning to Odette. "I don't know how you did it but a mortal taking a Saint's power to use for herself against that very Saint. If that isn't the greatest defiance of power, then nothing is."
She flicked her gaze toward Moltres, her words stalling over her own disbelief. Odile had been able to use that move back home, but being able to wield it herself, stolen right out from under the very bird that was trying to kill them with it felt like a dose of some tasty justice. She wasn't sure how she managed to do it, but she did. And that was that.

"This level of anger is a little more familiar to me than you know," she said.

With all the discussion of finding this missing relic, she started to realize just how small Moltres looked now. How they'd managed to cut her down to size, and then some. How defeated she looked right now. Had they not just fought almost to the death, she'd have a little more sympathy.

"What business does a Saint have to mingle with the commonfolk? What business does she have lowering herself to be taken advantage of?" Her tone became bitter at those questions. It was not a genuine viewpoint of hers, but instead what she had heard from others. "That other Saint," she added, "made an example of me. Because I tried to be an equal and not a master."
"You'd be fucking surprised how that shit works," she said, turning her nose up in defiance. "It's not 'lowering yourself' if you figure out how to work together for mutual gain. The crazy concept here is that sometimes even go--Saints need that. And others are far more likely to work with you if you level with them. Trust me."

She crossed her arms. "In fact, I'd be willing to explain that concept to you in further depth if you agree to come back to town with us and keep your antics to a minimum. On top of trying to find this relic. In return, we can talk a little more about this move of yours. How's that?"
Moltres let out a bitter chuckle at Mhynt's statement. "Of course. It's never about kindness but about what you can get out of it. If the Relic can be used as a tool or weapon against your foes. The nobles thought the same." She turned her head away from the grovyle. "If that is your reason for wanting to find it, then find it yourselves. I will take no part in it."

Her gaze softened as she turned Silver which then shifted into slight annoyance at Odette. "So I had thought," she said in reply to the pair. "I do not say that because it is something I think but it is what others told and thought of me, so I have learnt to communicate more... directly."

She then shook out her wings, she didn't seem to be considering their offer much but decided to humour it for just a moment. "And say I do choose to go with you to Frontier Town, what is stopping me from just flying away?"
"No," Mhynt said with a sudden, cross statement. "Do not assume that because I'm not doing it out of pure kindness, that I'm doing it selfishly, either. If we did things out of pure kindness, you'd mock us for being soft and understanding, not defiant, wouldn't you?

"Do not try to frame everything as if the world is against you. That is how you Shadowed. Wake up. Think. We have many other options, and we are seeking the one that brings about mutual benefit. One that can help the world, and also help you. The sooner you start seeing the good in how people can be selfish yet accommodating, the better.

"For example... nothing will stop you from flying away. You can at any time. But I think the proposal benefits you, too. You will get to see mortals as they are. Not from the lens of someone trying to bat away some pest, or frightful of a Saint's power. Something as mundane as a bar... You will get to see mortals celebrating at their highest, and glowering at their lowest. You will have safety from any Shadowy forces that may take advantage of you otherwise, from people who have a track record of fending them off. And, if you take up that Relic offer in good graces... you will be easier to give it to later.

"All you have to do... is stop assuming the world hates you, or you'll only fulfil that prophecy."
Odette shrugged. "Nothing, honestly. But if you wanna be the Saint that keeps running away from their own problems to cause more for others, go off. You won't learn what it's like to level with other people like that."
"And then you become a fiend in the end from all that bitterness," Mhynt concluded, nodding. Then, to Dave-- "Owen has a talent for seeing everything in a certain radius around him. If it's still strong enough here... he can sort through many stories' worth of ash without having to dig a single pile."
What the fuck. This Charmeleon had some kind of fucking X-ray vision? Again, teleporting Grovyle, but what.

"Yeah, this other Saint sounds like a pretentious dickwad. Protip, anyone who thinks a certain class of people should be 'masters' who are above the 'commonfolk' should give you the fucking creeps."

Mhynt was going out of her way to be fucking weird about this, but he supposed in theory Moltres could agree. Hard to picture her casually serving drinks at the Zera, though.

"So, to be clear," he said, "what does this relic do exactly? Like, it can make someone a Fire Moltres, but it doesn't bring back the old guy, just transform somebody else? Does it have some other power without doing that?"
Moltres huffed. She didn't seem to be enjoying Mhynt's way of going about things but had no way to deny any of what she said, like a disgruntled teenager being lectured by a parent. "A bit of kindness can go a long way," she mumbled but said nothing more on the topic.

"Yes," she answered Dave. "Ascent in of itself means the transformation of the chosen heir. The Dawn's relic holds great power over lava and flame but its speciality lies in bringing spring and warmth to a region."

She glanced at Anite who had been listening into the conversation with folded arms. The Saint looked hesitant in accepting the Wayfarer's proposal but their promise of helping find the Dawn's Relic was far too good to pass up. The aggron said nothing but gave an approving nod at the Wayfarers. Poorly socialised as the bird was, getting her interacting with people again seemed to be a good idea in her eyes.

Moltres gave pause and then with a grumbling sigh said, "Fine then. I will humour this arrangement for now but the moment I catch any of you going back on your word, I'm cutting it off."
"Tell us if you see a Wayfarer acting against the arrangement," Mhynt said. "I'm sure we'll be happy to stop them." With her arms crossed, she nodded and added, "...Warmth and spring. Well, we have plenty of warmth here, so I doubt it will have much use for that... but who knows? It could be useful."

She sighed outwardly and adjusted her shoulder. There was a sore spot she was trying to ignore.

"Anyway," she said, "if you don't want to follow at our pace, you may fly to Frontier Town ahead and we'll catch up. We have a telepathic connection with other Wayfarers. They will know about you and shouldn't be alarmed... Does anyone else think otherwise?" She glanced at the team.
"As long as you don't Shadow or talk down to some of us, I don't think we should have any problems..." Grace said, tapping her paws together. "Are you still hurt, Moltres? Um, physically, I mean. I don't think I can heal any mental wounds..."
Jade had been silent for a long while, lost in thought, still coming down from the high of the battle. Moltres's words had gripped her, had reminded her of the legends back home.

'What business does a Saint have to mingle with the commonfolk? What business does she have lowering herself to be taken advantage of?'

"I know it'll probably feel weird, spending time around mortals." She decided to leave out the 'again.' "It's not exactly normal where I'm from either. But... I think it's better than suffering alone. And you don't have to let your guard down."
"Yes," she answered Dave. "Ascent in of itself means the transformation of the chosen heir. The Dawn's relic holds great power over lava and flame but its speciality lies in bringing spring and warmth to a region."
Spring and warmth? Obviously this thing didn't literally modify the axial tilt of the planet, so presumably just some temporary warming effect in a certain radius. Worth digging it up for? Well, maybe it'd make up for some of Zapdos's orchard damage or something.

The other purpose was to choose an heir.

"So this heir thing," he said. "How'd you get picked for it? How are you planning to pick somebody to make them a Moltres?"
Moltres allowed the other Wayfarers to discuss their arrangement amongst themselves, paying little heed to them. She was just about to fly off until Dave had spoken up.

"He just liked me," she answered. "Thought I had potential and I don't know. He had died before I was anywhere near ready to choose a heir and mentor them. Not that I ever would have gotten a chance," she added with a bitter snort. "Right now it's just for some peace of mind, dunno if I'll even find someone worthy of it, there isn't much for them to do these days."
Mhynt nodded and turned around. "Be careful on your way to Frontier Town. Or anywhere, really. Shadows are lurking in places you don't watch. If you see a Zweilous or Hydreigon that gives you... a bad feeling, attack and flee. The same goes for any Pokemon using Shadow-tinged attacks." She paused. "That isn't us. But they should know not to attack you by now."

After confirming with the others that they had little more to discuss, Mhynt looked at the town. "It looks like things are in order here... I doubt we can do much for repairs."
"He just liked me," she answered. "Thought I had potential and I don't know. He had died before I was anywhere near ready to choose a heir and mentor them. Not that I ever would have gotten a chance," she added with a bitter snort. "Right now it's just for some peace of mind, dunno if I'll even find someone worthy of it, there isn't much for them to do these days."
Dave raised an eyebrow. "Not much for them to do? I don't know, we came here from another world and still seem to have our hands full with Forlas problems."

And yet it was hard to believe creating another Moltres was a solution to that. They were here right now because a Moltres had become one of the Forlas problems.

He sighed. "But you know what, I'm in favor of hanging on with the picking another Moltres thing. If we can get this relic, you can keep it from creating a Moltres out of some random Excadrill who stumbles upon it, and that sounds like an overall win. Gerome's a good guy; I'm sure you'll be fine." And that he could at least try to keep her in check, if necessary.
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