• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Blame Mike and Arylett

(Oh the things one could say about Scotland. -shakes foot-!)

Only joking Tailsy, ilurly. ;;

Hello, I will blame Arylett and Mike for your arrival, new entitiy. :P
Welcome. I see you have seen the pure awesomesaucity in Arylett and Mike. Hmm...I'll give you a cat plushie that is well, the colour dark purple.
Mike's a god in human form though. =O I have to worship him once a week at least. ;_; And terrorise him 24 times a week too. (25 is too much. =P)
Well, if you come on Mike and Arylett's recommendations, you must be cool.

Actually, if the final case of JFA's your favourite, you are freakishly awesome :D It's probably my favourite case in the series; I love all the characters in it (especially Adrian) to bits <3
What other games do you play?

Also: welcome! :3
The IT: Now it's my thing too. =D
Mike: Can't I win both, and then win the murder one TOO? =P
Colossal: =O Welcome. I'm much less... posty though. =P
Dannichu: Freakishly Awesome? That's pretty damn awesome. I'm a bit of an RPG nut, Final Fantasy for example, is something I've played a lot of. And wow, you're in Kent, the place with the epic Plan-It Travel. =O (I have an awesome friend in Kent with a fetish for their coach drivers. XD)
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