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Blastoise vs Crazy Linoone

Well, we did a pretty good job wearing the electrike down. We might as well as end this with (attempted) maximum possible damage...

Endure against the Spark + Frustration combo, so Koutos will chill next action. Then, Flail until the round's over.

Endure ~ Flail ~ Flail
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Twelve
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 85%
Energy: 77%
Status: glad to be over that loser. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk
Spark+Frustration ~ Chill/Spark

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 3/3 chills
Health: 20%
Energy: 65%
Status: temporarily distracted from his heartbreak by this weird curse-y feeling. +5 Attack, +1 Defense, +2 Sp. Atk, -1 Speed, Attracted
Endure ~ Flail ~ Flail

Grinning nastily, Koutos coats herself with sparks once more, working herself into a flurry of electricity. Crunch sees this, and starts raising his arms to block the impending attack, but sighs and puts his arms back down again. Who is he kidding? He deserves it after everything he's put Koutos through. Koutos snarls, fighting back a nasty grin. It's a shame the thought of knocking him out cheers her up so much; that's not really what one is going for with a Frustration attack. She concentrates on how awful the Croconaw has been to her the past eight or so rounds and bounds across the arena, darting at Crunch in an effervescing ball of voltage. Crunch's last thought is how beautiful the sparks look dancing on her fur, as she slams into his chin and smashes him in the head with all the strength she can muster. The Croconaw lets out a roar of pain before blacking out, falling softly onto the jello. Koutos continues pummeling his senseless body until Linooney recalls him to his Pokéball. Koutos bounds away from the flash, panting gleefully. That felt good! For the dozenth time, the jello changes its flavour, returning to a familiar pale yellowy-orange colour. The referee eyes it with slight disgust. Goes right to his head, that stuff.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 85%
Energy: 67%
Status: glad to be totally rid of Crunch. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk

Linooney (OOO)
Crunch (M) <Torrent> 3/3 chills
Health: 0%
Energy: 65%
Status: Knocked out!

Terrain Notes
The jello is now Pina-Coladatov Cocktail flavour. Enjoy it responsibly.

Final Notes
- My name is Mike and I'm a Jelloholic
- Crunch was fully attracted first action. Poor thing :(
- Linooney sends out next round and then attacks.
Mike, please try not to kill yourself with Jello. It's not a very nice way to die.

And, well, since our opponent is a electric type...

[Heinkel] Gible (F)

Yeah I'm evil so what.

Let's start with, oh, I dunno, a few Jello Mud Slaps. If it uses Ice Fang, use Protect, but not twice in a row. Let's go and kick some electrike butt~

Mud Slap/Protect ~ Mud Slap/Protect ~ Mud Slap/Protect

Hrmm... Mud-Slap shouldn't work, because there's no mud... Roar, Howl, and Leer, in quick succession. Split it if you can't do 'em that fast.


If the Mud-Slaps do work, somehow, dive into the hole over there and chill, chill, and Rest.

3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Linooney pushes Crunch's Pokéball back under the Beret of Holding, grabbing another Pokéball out in the process and tossing it onto the Jello. Out of it bursts a small, rotund lizard with a sharp fin on its head and two curious horns shaped like jet engines. Heinkel, for that is her name, glances around the arena in fascination, jumping up and down on the Jello and watching it ripple. Koutos snarls threateningly, assessing her new opponent. Judging by her rampant playfulness, she oughtn't be too much of a threat... the referee blows a whistle and the round gets underway.

Round Thirteen
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 85%
Energy: 67%
Status: sizing up the newcomer. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: intrigued.
Mud Slap/Protect ~ Mud Slap/Protect ~ Mud Slap/Protect

Koutos sits on the Jello and thinks... Roar, Howl and Leer? All at once? She peers at Heinkel as threateningly as she can muster snd experiments with the sounds she can make; however, nothing between a roar and a howl materialises. While she fights with her awkward command string, Heinkel carefully inspects the Jello. Poking it with a claw, she decides it might well serve as a decent mud substitute. Scooping up a hunk of the fruity orange gunk, she flings it across the arena and into Koutos' face. The highly volatile glob of alcoholic goo spontaneously explodes in Koutos' face, and the Electrike yelps in pain and slumps to the floor, tiny specks of Jello and blast residue working their way into her eyes. Rubbing desperately, she tries to loosen them, but just succeeds in rubbing them right into her eyes. Bloodshot and streaming, she looks up, growling in fury. That damn lizard! She'll teach it to mess with her like that. Throwing her head back, she lets out a monumental roar, which echoes for miles, shaking the entire Jello cube. The referee and trainers, having experienced her roars a couple of times already, barely flinch, but poor Heinkel is terrified, screeching in terror and tumbling over.

Koutos squints through her impaired vision at a slightly blurry Heinkel crouched on the Jello in the fetal position. She grins; that Gible won't be getting up for a while, she thinks as she watches Heinkel quivering. To celebrate getting the upper hand, she hurls her head back and belts out a tremendous, deafening howl to the sky. Heinkel gives a quiet whimper, still clasping her claws over her ears.

Eventually, the ringing in the ears of all who witnessed Koutos' roar comes to a halt. With a murmur of relief, Heinkel stands up shakily, rubbing her ears. She looks over to Koutos, and finds the Electrike squinting at her oddly. Heinkel peers curiously into the her opponent's eyes, which are still very watery and caked in detritus, making it difficult for the Electrike to see clearly. Koutos stares back, indeed finding it hard to see; squinting harder, she barely makes out Heinkel's face, and contorts her face into a nasty snarl. Heinkel yelps and backs away from the terrifying expression on Koutos' face, falling onto her rear as the Electrike snickers nastily, before pawing at her sore eyes again. Oh, having some eye trouble are we? Heinkel thinks vindictively. Have some of this, you big bully. She scoops up another chunk of Jello and hurls it Koutos-ward. The Electrike doesn't see the glob coming until it's too late, and again it bursts over her head with a massive fireball of alcoholicy explosion. More ash and Jello residue invades her eyeballs, and again rubbing just aggravates her condition. Looking down with orange tears pouring from her eyes, Koutos sees the blurry glow of the Jello changing colour. Heinkel, unfamiliar with this occurrence, watches the Jello in fascination as it becomes a deep scarlet colour.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 69%
Energy: 61%
Status: rubbing her eyes constantly. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk, -2 Accuracy

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Status: "pretty bouncy stuff! :O". -1 Defense
Mud Slap ~ none ~ Mud Slap

Terrain Notes
The Jello is now cherry flavour, giving a +1 Attack boost to anyone who eats it.

Final Notes
- Koutos hesitated on the first action with her commands, allowing Heinkel to get her attack in first.
- the Pina Coladatov Cocktail Jello exploded when it was hurled at Koutos, dealing 5% extra damage for Mud-Slap after all calculations.
- Blastoise, for the sake of clarity try to put all your commands into a single command stream.
- Mike's rounds without a drink scoop of Jello: 1
- Blastoise attacks first next round.
My apologies, Mike.

Double Team, making as many clones as you can. Then Flash, and while she's blinded, dive into the hole. If you can't get in the hole for some reason, spam Ice Fang. If at any point she protects while you're going to attack her, eat some Jello.

Double Team~Flash+dive into hole/Ice Fang/Chill~Nothing/Ice Fang/Chill
Last edited:
Explosive Jello FTW.

Well, Heinkel, time for some revenge~ Start with a Dig to escape from the Ice Fangs, since, as far as I can tell anyway, there's no hole in the arena anymore (it probably collapsed when the Jello turned to pudding). After that, you can just laugh evilly and don't do anything as the Electrike wastes her energy trying to Ice Fang nothing. After the Electrike finished biting air, use Sandstorm and destroy all the clones. Fun times, yes?

However, if there is a hole in the arena, close your eyes and use Swift. Since Swift flies in all directions and always hits, it's a safe bet to just close your eyes to protect yourself from the worst of the Flash. After that, the Electrike should be in the hole, so you can just walk over to the hole and bury it alive with some Mud-Slaps.

Dig/close eyes and use Swift ~ nothing/Mud-Slap into the hole ~ Sandstorm/Mud-Slap into the hole
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Fourteen
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 69%
Energy: 61%
Status: rubbing her eyes constantly. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk, -2 Accuracy
Double Team~Flash+dive into hole/Ice Fang/Chill~Nothing/Ice Fang/Chill

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Status: "pretty bouncy stuff! :O". -1 Defense
Dig/close eyes and use Swift ~ nothing/Mud-Slap into the hole ~ Sandstorm/Mud-Slap into the hole

Koutos blinks and turns to her trainer with a grunt of confusion. What did he want her to do in the second action? Dive into the... hole? What hole's he talking about? She reasons she'd better find it, and starts to scurry all across the arena looking for a hole to duck into. While she does this, Heinkel begins to scoop up chunks of jello with her claws and fling them over her shoulder, forming a tunnel sloping down into the tunnel. In minutes she's several yards under the surface, looking up through the translucent dessert as her opponent grinds to a halt, with four identical Electrike now following her.

The Electrikes glance around the arena, and spot the opening to the tunnel Heinkel just dug. They trot up happily before realising there's not enough room in the narrow hole to move around too much. Since she's got this Double Team up, that poses a problem for the illusions... shrugging, they pace around the tunnel opening, the true Koutos breathing out misty breath, which is odd considering the weather isn't particularly cold. A coating of ice starts to appear on each clone's fangs, and with a growl they lunge forward and bite thin air, the ice smashing into shards as their jaws connect. Heinkel looks up at this and laughs at her folly, while Koutos growls sheepishly and glares at her trainer crossly.

Then, the five Koutoses look back down through the jello. Still no way of getting to that damn Gible. And they still have this idiotic, foresightless set of commands to follow. With a sigh, they cover their teeth in another layer of ice and give the air in front of them a half-hearted nip. As the ice fragments into tiny crystals, it is picked up by a sudden wind and blown away. That's odd, Koutos thinks; there wasn't any wind around before. She begins to wonder where it suddenly picked up from, when all of a sudden an enormous cloud of sand grains picks up in the wind and begins to blow intensely hard in a spiral around the arena. The cloud of sand whips against Koutos' hide, becoming massively abrasive in the intense wind and shredding at her skin. The Electrike squeals as her clones flash out of existence in the raging orangey vortex. When the wind dies down, the Pokémon look around the now very sandy arena to see the jello is now blue under a layer of crunchy sand particles. Everyone concerned looks in horror at the now-ruined jello, and the ref seriously considers disqualifying Heinkel for this outrage.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 68%
Energy: 47%
Status: "SANDY JELLO NOOOOO". +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk, -2 Accuracy.
Double Team ~ Ice Fang ~ Ice Fang

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 91%
Status: horrified at what she's done to the poor jello. -1 Defense, Sand Veil activated.
Dig ~ nothing ~ Sandstorm

Terrain Notes
The jello is now blue raspberry flavour; +1 Defense to anyone who eats it. There is a Sandstorm raging (4 more actions).

Final Notes
- Sceratio's hole is indeed gone, having squished together when the jello turned into pudding.
- due to Linooney's lack of forethought in using Dig, Koutos found a hole (Heinkel's), but getting down it would be impossible due to her Double Team, so it didn't really matter.
- Sandstorm destroyed Koutos' clones.
- Linooney attacks first next round.
Shush guys there's still perfectly good Jello underneath and you can just wash it off with a Rain Dance or something.

So, let's use the Sand Veil to our advantage here and Dig up, then Mud-Slap the Electrike silly. There shouldn't be any clones or annoying things like that to worry about, and even if it uses Ice Fang, it still has to get through the Sandstorm and the -2 accuracy to hit. If Koutos uses Protect while you're about to Mud-Slap, just do nothing. We'll save the Jello for later.

Dig (up) ~ Mud-Slap/nothing ~ Mud-Slap/nothing
Yeah, don't even try to keep your Double Team up, 'kay? Use an Odor Sleuth (try not to inhale too much sand). If Odor Sleuth was successful, Ice Fang. If it wasn't, use Swift. End with Rain Dance, or Ice Fang if you tried it but it didn't work.

Odor Sleuth~Ice Fang/Swift~Rain Dance/Ice Fang

you can just wash it off with a Rain Dance or something.
not if it turns to pudding before my Pokémon can rinse it all off, you jerk >:<
Aaaaa late reffing is late >< Sorry guys!

3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Fifteen
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 68%
Energy: 47%
Status: "SANDY JELLO NOOOOO". +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk, -2 Accuracy.
Odor Sleuth~Ice Fang/Swift~Rain Dance/Ice Fang

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 100%
Energy: 91%
Status: horrified at what she's done to the poor jello. -1 Defense, Sand Veil activated.
Dig (up) ~ Mud-Slap/nothing ~ Mud-Slap/nothing

The sandy tornado dies down just as quickly as it started, and Koutos slowly and timidly stops cowering on the jello and gets up. A swirling vortex of sand still blankets Heinkel's tunnel, such that the sand still obscures her exact whereabouts. Turning her head to the air, and careful not to inhale a noseful of sand, Koutos begins to sniff rapidly, picking out a variety of aromas in the air, such as the blue raspberry-y jello, the stale remains of the giant blueberry pie discarded in the trees nearby, and the fact that the referee could do with a shower. Most importantly, she picks up the scent of a Gible nearby. Turning in the direction of the scent, Koutos uses her incredible sense of smell to hone in on Heinkel's exact location, even through the swirling shroud of sand. Heinkel, meanwhile, is beginning to get a tad claustrophobic in her tunnel, turns her snout upwards and begins carving a slope back upwards by gouging chunks of jello out of the ground with her claws. The curtain of swirling sand follows her across the surface of the jello as she makes her way to the surface. She pulls herself out, wipes the jello off her body and looks melancholily at the mess of disgusting sand spoiling the otherwise delectable arena. Through her sand screen, she can just about make out the referee's look of dismay and disappointment. The wind picks up as she looks at the floor in shame, blowing the sand surrounding her into a frenzy and tearing at everything exposed, particularly Koutos.

Giving the air a quick sniff, Koutos jets off across the arena towards the tower of sand that has again constricted around Heinkel. Rather complacent behind her shield of sand, Heinkel is taken entirely by surprise as Koutos leaps through it and deals a savage bite to her face. The ice with which the Electrike had coated her fangs shatters on contact with the Gible and sears her skin with perilous coldness. Shivering and squealing in pain, Heinkel struggles against Koutos, kicking up a blob of jello in her desperation to escape. The clod smacks Koutos directly in the eyes, and she lets go with a yelp to wipe the goop from her eyes. Again she just succeeds in rubbing it further in, and she snarls in pain as her already burning eyes sting on a whole new level. Suddenly she feels a grating sensation against her side; again the wind has welled up, and the sandstorm is grinding at her skin. She yelps and tries to cover her wounds, though they're too numerous to keep all the sand out.

Growling in frustration, Koutos looks around the arena; or attempts to, through her blurry, heavily impaired vision. There's very little she can see through the clumps of jello and with her inflamed eyes. Luckily, she doesn't need to see for her next attack... treading carefully, she begins to perform a complicated but bumbling series of steps, yapping up at the sky as she does so. After a few seconds of blind stumbling, she slips on the jello and lands ungraciously on the ground. But as she goes to get up, she feels a drop of liquid splash onto her face, followed by a steady stream of droplets coming down hard. A thunderclap shudders through the area, and the rain picks up into an incredibly heavy downpour. The wind dies down, sending Heinkel's veil of sand swirling to the floor, and the bright blue deluge begins to wash the accumulation of sand off of the surface of the arena. Grumbling at the loss of her protective cloud of sand, Heinkel walks up to her sightless opponent and kicks another hunk of jello into her eyes. Koutos lets out another snarl, and tries to wash the gunk out with the rainfall before it irritates her vision any further, but to no avail. Heinkel retreats, shivering and looking for shelter from the veritable monsoon of blue jello-water hammering down on her. As she does, it turns into a light orangey colour, along with the arena itself. As the drops hit the surface, they let off tiny explosions, setting the entire block of jello quivering eerily.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 58%
Energy: 40%
Status: should have gone to Specsaver's. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk, -4 Accuracy.
Odor Sleuth ~ Ice Fang ~ Rain Dance

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 84%
Energy: 82%
Status: hating this crappy weather. -1 Defense
Dig (up) ~ Mud-Slap ~ Mud-Slap

Terrain Notes
The jello is now Pina Colada-tov Cocktail flavour. There is a heavy rainstorm (4 actions remaining).

Final Notes
- screw continuity, the font colours are out of here.
- not much to comment on I don't think :/
- Blastoise attacks first next round.
Goood girl!

Lessee, make a nice explodey Substitute, at about the max size if you can. Then deal a couple Mud-Slaps of your own, but focus on dodging them if she throws Jello at you. Oh, and use Substitute as many times as it takes for it to work, even if she Mud-Slaps, 'kay?

Well, now that the sand's washed off~

Dig down and sit there to save energy for later and escape the Mud-Slaps because I'm evil and stuff. Since the rain is exploding on impact with the Jello, it shouldn't reach you if you dig the tunnel right. The Mud-Slaps shouldn't reach you either, since you'll be far under Jello and away from the attacks.

Yeah I'm evil so what.

Oh, by the way, make a large Substitute underground, just in case something happens later on.

Dig down ~ Substitute (20%) ~ nothing
Sorry for two late reffings in a row, but... laptop asploding and all that =(

3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Sixteen
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 58%
Energy: 40%
Status: should have gone to Specsaver's. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk, -4 Accuracy.

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 84%
Energy: 82%
Status: hating this crappy weather. -1 Defense
Dig down ~ Substitute (20%) ~ nothing

Koutos looks up in the air in concern; the highly volatile rain drops seem to erupt worryingly on impact with the firm surface of the jello. It seems to only be pure chance that stops the entire arena going up in flames... she decides she needs a bodyguard. Tentatively picking up a small hunk of jello, she begins to knead it carefully with her paws into a vaguely Koutosesque shape. It hardens and gains some bizarre form of sapience, before suddenly jumping onto its creator's back top shelter her from the falling drops of napalmy dessert. Unsure how she feels having a gelatin bomb on her, Koutos glances nervously at her opponent, who is tentatively prodding at the ground. Slowly, Heinkel sinks her claw into it and pulls up a glob of jello, before slowly and gently depositing it on the ground next to her. Satisfied that the jello will remain stable, Heinkel continues to gingerly dig a tunnel through the jello. After a few tense minutes she stands relieved in a longish tunnel, sheltered from the downpour of explosive orange water that picks up just as she finishes, littering the surface of the arena with a series of tiny explosions. Those that fall over Koutos are largely absorbed by her substitute, which takes a slight beating from the eruptions but retains its composure.

Koutos peers grumpily through the ground at her subterranean nemesis. That completely destroys all her plans, dammit. She kicks at the floor angrily, pushing up a glob of jello which flops onto the ground a couple of feet ahead of her an exploding in an enormous burst of flame. Yelping in surprise, Koutos staggers and falls onto the ground clumsily. Sniggering at this comical failure, Heinkel carefully pulls a chunk of the ground up with her claws again and begins to mould it in the same way as Koutos did moments earlier. Carefully laying her creation down, Heinkel pokes it with her claw, which glows brightly as she imparts a portion of her life energy into the jello-Gible. It comes to life instantly, wandering in front of Heinkel and standing rigidly between her and the tunnel mouth to protect her from any and all dangers. Fortunately, that of the pina-colada rain is negated by the yards-thick slab of jello she burrowed under. Koutos' substitute isn't so lucky, taking another round of small but damaging explosions.

The Electrike growls furiously down through the jello at Heinkel. Laugh at her will she?! Well, she'll... she'll... well. She'll kick Jello about. Again. Stupid, stupid commands! Kicking the floor again, she pushes up another heap of jello which slops ineffectually against the ground with a loud, fiery boom. With nothing else to do this round, Heinkel sits back with her substitute and watches the explosion and subsequent pretty ripples, which soon pick up with another showering of volatile rain that chips away at Heinkel's substitute a little more. As the downpour eases up slightly again, the two substitutes slowly turn a deep blue colour, followed by the arena itself and then the rain. Koutos' substitute hops off her shoulders, and the two battlers tentatively poke the ground to ensure it won't all blow up the instant they start moving around.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 38%
Energy: 24%
Status: frustrated about her commands. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk, -4 Accuracy. Has a substitute with 17% health.
Substitute ~ Mud-Slap ~ Mud-Slap

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 64%
Energy: 70%
Status: feeling snug and secure. -1 Defense. Has a substitute with 20% health.
Dig down ~ Substitute (20%) ~ nothing

Terrain Notes
The jello is now blue raspberry flavour (+1 defense when eaten). There is a heavy rainstorm (1 action remaining).

Final Notes
- due to the explosiveness of the jello, the rain dealt weather damage of 1% each action.
- I will start reffing these on time eventually, I promise T_T Right after the Russia trip.
- Crazy Linoone attacks first next round.
Whoa! You're going to Russia? That's awesome. Um. Bring a coat. And eat some borsht for me.

Anyway, attacks, yes?

Pop out of the ground with a Dig Up and ROAR! That should surprise the Electrike when you suddenly pop out of the ground like that! If the Electrike protects, just hang around, do nothing, and wait for the Protect to drop before attacking with the Dig Up + Roar. If you still have an action left after that, Dragon Breath the annoying Jello Electrike away~

Nothing/Dig (up) + Roar ~ Dragon Breath/Dig (up) + Roar/Nothing ~ Dragon Breath/Dig (up) + Roar/Nothing
In Soviet Russia, Linoonian Battlefield eat /you/!

Anywhoosit, death to the landshark. Try to maneuver your explosive friend close to the hole, so that the evil landshark will be next to it when she comes up. Then unleash a Flamethrower on the jello-clone when she does, and since the Sub is filled with very flammable alcohol, it will explode painfully, yes? Then quickly attempt to Bite her on her back-fin, or Light Screen if that's not plausible for some reason.

Maneuver Sub
~Flamethrower~Bite/Light Screen

By the way, Mike, you're fast enough; I suck with self-set deadlines, so I'm not one to talk. On a related note, Crazy Linoone, I will have that reffing up tomorrow.
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Seventeen
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 38%
Energy: 24%
Status: frustrated about her commands. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk, -4 Accuracy. Has a substitute with 17% health.
Maneuver Sub~Flamethrower~Bite/Light Screen

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 64%
Energy: 70%
Status: feeling snug and secure. -1 Defense. Has a substitute with 20% health.
Nothing/Dig (up) + Roar ~ Dragon Breath/Dig (up) + Roar/Nothing ~ Dragon Breath/Dig (up) + Roar/Nothing

The referee returns to the jello cube after a lengthy absence, wearing a Russian hat and covered in a liberal coating of snow. Dusting it off, he declares a beginning to the next round. Koutos picks her substitute up with her teeth and wanders over to the mouth of Heinkel's tunnel, laying it carefully across the threshold to the burrow so that it stands within reasonable proximity of anything coming out of the tunnel. Satisfied that her copy is arranged properly, Koutos scurries off across the arena a few feet to observe. Heinkel looks up the shaft of the tunnel with a snicker; Koutos just made that thing a waaaaay easier target. Her stumpy legs begin to carry her as fast as they can muster up to the surface, and she bolts Koutos-substitute-ward, finally leaping out of her tunnel with a terrifying, vicious snarl. her claws rip savagely at the substitute as she tackles it, knocking it to the floor and breaking off chunks of jello from it. Continuing her terrifying scream, she dives down on top of it and deals a final, fatal smack with her claw, smashing the substitute into fragments which dissolve quickly back into the jello from whence they came. Heinkel's own substitute storms urgently up the tunnel after its creator, and resumes its position in front of her in the now-dying rainstorm before she can come to any harm.

With the last drops of blue raspberry rain pattering onto her, Koutos watches these events in horror, traumatised by the combination of Heinkel's sudden emergence and her bloodcurling roar. Huddled against the ground, she can barely do anything but shudder and yelp; certainly in no position to attack for the time being. Heinkel chuckles nastily and waddles up to the quivering wreck, opening her mouth to reveal a mysterious greenish flame dancing among her teeth. Taking a deep breath in, she exhales to send a plume of the flame washing over the body of her cowering opponent. Koutos' yelps turn from those of shock to pain as the inferno burns at her skin viciously, the dragon energy mysteriously amplified beyond the normal constraints of the attack. Writhing in pain, Koutos staggers to her feet and scurries away, rolling over in the jello to try to soothe the chemical burns covering her skin.

Now managing to move freely again, Koutos steps toward Heinkel, still shuddering a little. Her energy's starting to flag, but the shock from that horrific screech seems to have worn off. She snarls and resolves to get back at Heinkel for that, charging towards the Gible and leaping into the air, fangs drawn and slavering. At the last moment, Heinkel's Substitute leaps between the Pokémon, and Koutos lands on it by mistake. Tackling the doppelgänger to the ground, she deals a savage chomp to its backfin, suddenly noticing the sweet taste of blue raspberry jello. Gah, she thinks, hopping off. Tricked. She wanders off in disappointment, and as she does so the jello undergoes another transformation, this time back to the deep red cherry variety. Heinkel turns to her now-crimson substitute hungrily, trying to ignore the urge.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 23%
Energy: 18%
Status: starting to feel pretty down about this. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk, -4 Accuracy.
Maneuver Sub ~ nothing ~ Bite/Light Screen

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 64%
Energy: 60%
Status: "maybe just a bite, that won't hurt :<". -1 Defense. Has a substitute with 12% health.
Dig (up) + Roar ~ Dragon Breath ~ nothing

Terrain Notes
The jello is now cherry flavour (+1 attack).

Final Notes
- sadly, I didn't get the opportunity to sample borscht while in Russia. It's Polish, anyway.
- the Roar prevented Koutos from using Flamethrower, which is just as well because the substitutes became raspberry flavour along with the jello. Silly Blastoise.
- Dig broke Koutos' substitute.
- Dragonbreath was a critical hit.
- Blastoise/Butch attacks first next round.

Frustration spammation, unless you can't attack for whatever reason, in which case Eat Jello. If you start feeling better about the battle or something, switch out Frustration for Bite, and aim for grabbing onto Heinkel's fin.

Frustration/Eat Jello/Bite~Frustration/Eat Jello/Bite~Frustration/Eat Jello/Bite
What. Borscht is not Russian? CAPCOM LIED TO ME D: WHY.


In Russia, borscht eats you!

Anyway, Heinkel, nice job~ We're almost done here~ Eat some Jello first, since you want some so much. You substitute should protect you from the first few attacks, so no worries there. After that, spam DragonBreath and hope for paralysis. If the electrike is biting on your fin and you can't reach it, Dragon Rage with liquefied Jello and see if you can throw the electrike off while you're spinning.

Eat Jello ~ DragonBreath/Dragon Rage ~ DragonBreath/Dragon Rage
3vs3 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, 'chills' limited to 3/pokémon

Arena: Jello Square of Gigantism

To indulge my love of all things Jello and Crazy Linoone's obsession with food-based fields, the following field has been made;

A humongous, wiggling, jiggling, shivering cube of gelatin, plopped down in the very deserted clearing that once held an oversized, piping-hot blueberry pie. The slippery surface of the delectable dessert itself is divided in half, each half a color of a battler's choosing. Any Pokémon that would be otherwise forced to fall off of the battlefield will be stopped by the mystical Jello spirits protecting the area and lifted back up. The arena itself is large enough for a battle between a couple of Snorlax, with room to spare.

Every round, the Jello flavor on the field will change. The changes are as follows, and each has a 10% chance of happening:

Clear- No effect.
Cherry- +1 attack to anyone who eats it.
Blue Rasberry- +1 defense to anyone who eats it.
Strawberry- +1 special attack to anyone who eats it.
Lime- +1 special defense to anyone who eats it.
Piña Colada-tov Cocktail- Explosive; causes roughly 5% typless damage if thrown, plus the normal damage taken from a projectile; highly combustable and causes mild heartburn if consumed.
Root Beer- Causes all Pokémon (and trainers) to float slightly and weigh one-fourth of normal weight for the entire round.
Coffee- Gives standard level of energy for a chill and does not count towards chill counter. Causes mild confusion three actions after consumption.
Green Tea- Cures any status effects other than Freeze and Attracted when eaten. Gives 5% health to all pokémon the first time it appears.
Pudding- The field turns to Jello-brand pudding for the round, but magically retains its cube shape, except on the top. -1 speed to Pokémon.
Watermelon- Increases the power of all projectile attacks by x1.5.

There is an equal chance of all of the flavor changes, but if the referee rolls the same flavor as the previous round, he/she must reroll until a different one is randomly selected. In addition, chills are replaced by the order to eat jello, which replenishes the same amount of energy as a chill would.

Other: Large puddles of melted jello will be automatically provided for water-dependent Pokémon. These can also be requested at the release of any Pokémon. Any and all water-type moves will immediately turn to jello-juice as it leaves the user's various orifices, and moves like Surf (which are fueled by a rather large part of the field liquifying) will form out of liquified gelatin.

Round Eighteen
Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 23%
Energy: 18%
Status: starting to feel pretty down about this. +2 Attack, -2 Defense, -6 Sp Atk, -4 Accuracy.
Frustration/Eat Jello/Bite~Frustration/Eat Jello/Bite~Frustration/Eat Jello/Bite

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 0/3 chills
Health: 64%
Energy: 60%
Status: "maybe just a bite, that won't hurt :<". -1 Defense. Has a substitute with 12% health.
Eat Jello ~ DragonBreath/Dragon Rage ~ DragonBreath/Dragon Rage

Koutos grumbles, looking bitterly at the molten lump of jello that was once her substitute. Fantastic use of energy that was, especially since she's so little left to waste... her stinging eyes start burning up, obscuring the fruity pile of goop she is staring at and causing her to recoil in discomfort. Feeling weak and fed up, she decides to take her lousy situation out on that stupid Heinkel. Storming up with a disgruntled snarl, Koutos plants a furious smack of her paw right on the Gible's forehead, followed by a savage kicking and a final bite to the back-fin before she retreats, feeling slightly better for letting that out. The substitute, which Koutos had targeted by accident, climbs miserably to its squishy jello feet and attempts to stop huge dislocated chunks from rolling off its body. Its subject, Heinkel, drools as she watches the sweet, fruity golem, desperately fighting the urge to take a bite of its severely deteriorating form. Barely able to suppress her sweet tooth, she squeezes her eyes shut, opens her jaws wide and dives face first into the jello, scooping up a generous helping and swallowing it whole. She gives a satisfied "mmm", sating her appetite as well as somehow empowering her, making her muscles seem ever so slightly stronger than they were before. Despite being pretty much inanimate, Heinkel's substitute seems to exude an aura of relief.

Watching Heinkel on her snack break angers Koutos. How come the Gible gets a nice big chunk of jello when her trainer is still making her slog it out like this? In her condition, no less! Through her blurry, tear-filled eyes, Koutos attempts to discern Heinkel from her substitute, attempting to blink away some of the intruding detritus, to no avail. Too furious to hesitate and think things through, Koutos simply charges blindly at the first thing she sees that looks like a hunk of jello. With a vicious howl, she leaps and sinks her fangs into just that- a heap of jello, left by Heinkel when her tunnel was dug. The Gible laughs evilly at her opponent's failure, and Koutos whips round furiously, snarling and spitting out jello. Heinkel decides to show her opponent how battling should be done, opening her mouth and inhaling softly, summoning another bright green blob of dragon fire in her throat. Taking another deep breath, Heinkel exhales strongly onto Koutos, showering her body with the flame. Its mysterious energy burns at her skin agonisingly, and the Electrike springs up with a yelp, scurrying blindly around the arena before collapsing and again trying to roll the flames off her.

The burn subsiding, she stands up again, and snarls once more at Heinkel, but this time much more quietly and weakly. One might say it almost peters out into a whine. Koutos can barely keep her gunk-clogged eyes open, she's getting so tired, but the red mist is still upon her. With a final roar of exasperation, she weaves aimlessly across the jello again, by chance crashing into Heinkel's substitute headfirst and passing straight through it. The substitute crumbles into hundreds of squishy red blobs, which drop to the surface of the jello and fuse with the block they were hewn from. Koutos, meanwhile, begins to run much slower; her eyes begin closing of their own accord, and she has to keep forcing them open, with Heinkel just a few feet ahead of her... blinking rapidly for a few more minutes, finally she gives way to exhaustion, collapsing to the soft ground having never been able to attack her true target. Heinkel wanders up to the tuckered-out Electrike and pokes her a few times; achieving no response, she begins to celebrate, before discovering the loss of her delicious partner. Looking sadly at the mound of jello that was one her marvellous creation, she kicks the comatose Koutos in anger. The jello begins to glow yet again after she finishes doing so, settling into a brownish colour, but strangely maintaining its consistency. Heinkel inspects it curiously, noticing it has an incredibly pungent smell to it, and that just being around it gives her the most tremendous buzz... she begins to fidget uncontrollably while the referee, overpowered by the disgusting stench, retches over the side of the arena.

Blastoise (XOO)

Koutos (F) <Static> 1/3 chills
Health: 17%
Energy: 0%
Status: knocked out!
Frustration ~ Frustration ~ Frustration

Linooney (XOO)
Heinkel (F) <Sand Veil> 1/3 chills
Health: 64%
Energy: 70%
Status: almost too mournful and hyper to be happy about beating Koutos. +1 Attack, -1 Defense.
Eat Jello ~ DragonBreath

Terrain Notes
The jello is now coffee flavour. Yuck.

Final Notes
- if it's any consolation I think it's quite a common misconception that borscht is Russian. Besides Olga Orly wasn't Russian either what'd you expect.
- Koutos' second Frustration missed, as curiously Odor Sleuth removes the target's evasion increases but not the user's accuracy deficit. Huh.
- Koutos energy-fainted on the last action.
- Butch sends out next round, then is attacked by the killer Linoone.
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