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Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen


beep beep coming through
Blaziking said:
2 vs. 2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 2 weeks
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKO, direct healing moves, limit 3 chills per Pokemon
Arena: Flooded City
After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Blaziking's active squad: [Blaziking] Cyndaquil (M) - [Carnage] Bellsprout (F) - [Swimmy] Remoraid (F) <Sniper> - [Sling] Yanma (M) <Compoundeyes>

Kindling Queen's active squad: Charmander (M) - Growlithe (F) <Flash Fire> - [Fafneer] Houndour (M) <Flash Fire> - Numel (F) <Simple>

(Kindling Queen, I don't recall you getting any body mods approved for your Numel, and that's what your description of her looks like. I'd change it; little extra descriptions like that amount to unapproved body mods and really can't be allowed to affect the battle. If you really want descriptions, just personality is enough--no effects. Anyway, I can't exactly tell what that means and there is no such thing as a "turn" in ASB.)

Blaziking sends out
Kindling Queen sends out and attacks
Blaziking attacks
Those must all be three-story+ houses if only three feet of telephone pole is visible above the water, but okay
(I think so...)

Okay, Charmander let's get busy!

Well assuming they are, here are my actions...
We'll start with Double Team, 4 clones! Then scatter to the far ends and use Dragon Dance. Finish up with Dragon Rush and have your dopplegangers mimic your every move so as not to give away your hiding spot.

Double Team (4)~Dragon Dance~Dragon Rush
(Oops, yeah they're flat ^^;;)

Alright Blaziking, start off by using a Toxic attack. After that, use an Aerial Ace on the sucker. Finally, use Toxic again if it failed the first time. If not, use Protect.

Toxic ~ Aerial Ace ~ Toxic/Protect
Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round One

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Nervous about all of the water
Blaziking's Commands: Toxic ~ Aerial Ace ~ Toxic/Protect

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Keeping his tail as far away from the edge of the roofs as possible
Charmander's Commands: Double Team ~ Dragon Dance ~ Dragon Rush

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Sirens can be heard wailing in the distance as emergency vehicles of all shapes and sizes do their best to get to the badly flooded city. A heavy downpour of near-Biblical proportions has left it almost entirely submerged, with only the tallest homes and the top halves of office and apartment buildings protruding above the water and making it completely inacessible other than by air until it all has a chance to drain away. Those residents who have not drowned cling fearfully to one another on the exposed rooftops, unable to do anything but wait for help to come. While rescue forces are putting forth their best effort to evacuate any survivors they can find, two people have instead chosen to head into the flooded city for a bit of sport (however unsafe and slightly disturbing the prospect sounds). Blaziking sits on one end of a group of clustered roofs, tossing a Pokéball up into the air and catching it again as it comes down; he finally tosses it outward toward the center of the roofs, releasing a male Cyndaquil who pauses to sniff the air as he appears. Blaziking's opponent, Kindling Queen, also sends out a Pokémon; her Charmander materializes in a flash of red light and immediately scuttles away from a puddle on the roof that is a little too close for comfort. Neither Fire-type appears to be thrilled about his trainer's choice of battlefield--look at all of that water all over the place!--but both do their best to marshall their nerves and press on anyway.

Round One: Begin!

Charmander gives himself a moment to stretch before taking off around the rooftops at a very fast pace, being extremely careful to avoid the puddles pooled there and running circles around Blaziking as fast as he can. The running salamander becomes nothing more than an indistinct blur through the Cyndaquil's narrow eyes, and to his dismay when Charmander finally comes to a stop he has been joined by four others that look exactly like him. The five Charmander stand in a circle around Blaziking, all of them panting slightly but none of them presenting themselves as Blaziking's original target. The Cyndaquil is so flustered by his lack of a clear target that the toxic goop he spits out actually sails between the two Charmander in front of him and lands harmlessly in a puddle behind them. All of the Charmander, having regained their breath, snigger mischievously at him.

Just to be safe, the real Charmander and his four clones move out away from Blaziking in opposite directions, spacing themselves out relatively evenly near the edges of the rooftop arena. They need to stop for a minute again after this--so close to the water rushing around below them, much too close--but when they regain their composure they begin to dance as if nothing is wrong, moving around with preciseness and confidence. Their movements start out slow and deliberate, but as they keep going Charmander finds himself moving faster, more frenetically, as some ancient, arcane dragon magic rushes into him and blesses him with the strength and agility of his mighty ancestors. The little orange lizard feels full to bursting with raw power, and he lets it all out with the loudest, deepest reptilian roar he can manage, striking fear into the hearts of a few flood survivors huddled together on a nearby roof.

Blaziking shudders and flinches when he hears the terrible roaring, but he pulls himself together quickly. He's not going to let loud noises and lots of Charmander get to him any more! Now it's his turn to race around the roof as fast as his little legs will take him, but rather than worry about creating illusions the Cyndaquil intends to destroy them once and for all. The flames on Blaziking's back flare into life right as he takes off with a burst of speed, exposing tiny but sharp claws on his paws as he runs. He runs around the edge of the roof, deftly skipping around the puddles and tearing through two false Charmander before finally reaching and cutting into the real thing. Charmander gasps as Blaziking's little claws open up painful scratches across his chest and staggers backward in shock, only just managing to right himself before tumbling over the edge and into the floodwaters below.

Charmander is much quicker to recover from his nerves and near-fall this time. Mighty dragons aren't afraid of a little water! he tells himself, turning to face Blaziking. And the Cyndaquil is now so close to him that there's no way his next attack can possibly miss; Blaziking won't get away with messing up his clones. Charmander's tail flame, and the tail flames of his two remaining clones elsewhere on the roof, suddenly flare up in a bright green color. The green flames rise up and wrap themselves around the salamander's bodies, burning so brightly that it is painful to even look at. Then, with another vicious roar, Charmander breaks into a run and slams into Blaziking with all of his strength. Charmander's weight throws Blaziking backward a good distance and the intense heat and light of the green flames sear even the Fire-type's usually flame-resistant fur and skin; the Cyndaquil lands hard on the rooftop near where he'd first started, temporarily blinded and dazed. When his vision clears a little bit he can see three Charmander glaring down at him, although whether they are Charmander and his clones or him simply seeing triple from the blow he cannot tell. More thick, purple slime bubbles up in Blaziking's mouth, and he tries to spit it at one of the Charmander in front of him, but, again, he misses all three reptiles entirely and only splatters the slime in and around the same puddle he hit before.

Round One: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 86%
Energy: 87%
Status: Dazed, sore and frustrated

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 94%
Energy: 84%
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; feeling confident and strong

Charmander's Double Team: 2 clones remaining

Arena Status: One of the puddles on the rooftop has some toxic sludge floating in it. Nothing else has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Blaziking's first Toxic missed Charmander and his clones entirely, as did the second.
-Aerial Ace's damage was reduced slightly because Blaziking lost momentum rushing through the clones.
-Aerial Ace destroyed two of Charmander's clones.
-Blaziking attacks first next round.
Hmm, that could have gone better. Oh well. Blaziking, let's start off by using another Aerial Ace to hopefully dimish the clones. After that, use Double Team to make 3 clones. Then, if there are still Charmander clones, use Aerial Ace. Otherwise, try to use Toxic again.

Aerial Ace ~ Double Team (3) ~ Aerial Ace / Toxic
Okay! That was very good. We'll kick off round 2 by revealing yourself! Dash in front of Blaziking and on impact, use Dynamic Punch since the direct contact will ensure you of a successful hit. Okay-3 clones makes....4 Blazikings? Then we'll just have to take em down with a scattered Swift to hit them all. The damage will be reduced due to the spreading of the stars but the damage isn't the point! True identities are! Energy doesn't grow on trees ya know. To wrap this one up we'll take it home with a head on Dragon Rush to counter the Aerial Ace! The strength of the attack should be overpowering to Aerial Ace so you should be fine but make sure your clones are remaining still so they don't disperse mimicing the Dragon Rush. If you manage to confuse him, make the next two actions Dragon Dance if the Double Team fails and then if Aerial Ace fails for action 3 use Dragon Dance again. If however, Blaziking is close to the edge by action 3 and fails to use Aerial Ace, use Mega Kick to knock him into the water.

Dynamic Punch~Swift/Dragon Dance~Dragon Rush/Dragon Dance/Mega Kick
Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round Two

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 86%
Energy: 87%
Status: Dazed, sore and frustrated
Blaziking's Commands: Aerial Ace ~ Double Team ~ Aerial Ace/Toxic

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 94%
Energy: 84%
Status: Attack +1, Speed +1; feeling confident and strong
Charmander's Commands: Dynamicpunch ~ Swift/Dragon Dance ~ Dragon Rush/Dragon Dance/Mega Kick

Charmander's Double Team: 2 clones remaining

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Round Two: Begin!

Blaziking picks himself up from the ground, gasping a little as he tries to regain his breath. When he looks around he expects to see the three Charmander still staring haughtily down at him; what he actually sees, for just the split second before impact, is the two clones standing off to the side as the real Charmander bears down on him, fist drawn back and pulsing with a dull, bronze-colored light. Charmander barrels straight into Blaziking and, as they fall to the roof tiles together, buries his fist into the Cyndaquil's narrow eye. Blindingly bright, exploding stars in every color of the rainbow are all that Blaziking can see, and the immense, terrible pain in his head is all he can feel--he doesn't even notice his back hitting the roof or Charmander's weight on top of him. All he knows is that his head hurts like hell; there is no room for any other thought in the little echidna's brain.

Charmander quickly rolls off of Blaziking and stands up, backing away a few steps so that he blends in with his two remaining clones again. He and his two doppelgangers watch the floored Cyndaquil carefully, but Blaziking does not move. Blaziking is, in fact, much more concerned with giving his aching head a chance to rest. After a few minutes he tries to open his eyes and lift his head, but the pain refuses to let up and staring directly up at the sun does not help matters; he clamps his eyes shut again and whimpers, holding his head in his tiny paws.

Watching and waiting for Blaziking to move is getting incredibly boring, and Charmander feels like he's wasted a lot of time; all of this waiting cost him a chance to move a few minutes ago, and this time he isn't going to hang around for Mr. Slowpoke. He gives it a few more seconds--Blaziking groans, tries to stand, loses his balance and falls over backwards, knocking his head against the shingles and causing himself even more pain--and then makes a quick decision about what he needs to do. Blaziking clearly isn't running at him and trying to attack, and he still seems to be situated more or less in the center of the makeshift arena. That means dragon dance, right? And so Charmander begins to dance again, swaying and stepping back and forth to some wild, invigorating music only he can hear. His clones dance alongside him, mimicking his every move with perfect precision; all three of them let loose with a second roar, this one even louder and more terrifying than the first. Blaziking's agonized wails are drowned out by the roar's reverberations.

Round Two: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 72%
Energy: 87%
Status: Confused (moderate); barely able to think straight and head feels like it's in a vice

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 94%
Energy: 72%
Status: Attack +2, Speed +2; really pumped up and in a bit of a violent mood

Charmander's Double Team: 2 clones remaining

Arena Status: One of the puddles on the rooftop has some toxic sludge floating in it. Nothing else has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Blaziking was fully confused on all three actions.
-Charmander was told to use Dragon Dance on the second action if Double Team failed and Swift if it succeeded, but Charmander's increased speed means that he is supposed to act first. On the second action he was unsure of what to do and did not act, but he decided to wait and see what happened on the third action. Generally, if you want a Pokémon to wait its action you need to specify that.
-Kindling Queen attacks first next round.
At a boy Charmander! Well with this guy out of it, we'll just keep it going smoothely. Well since you are fairly boosted in Speed we'll up Attack another 2 with Swords Dance. If Cyndaquil manages to pull a successful offensive move, dodge since you have greater speed and are in better shape and follow up with Mega Kick. If it is unavoidable (Never Misses), so be it. Take the attack and use Swords Dance anyway. But be sure to use the dodge and Mega Kick if it is a stat changer! Next we'll have you lot by the edge of the roof so that if it is a physical attack from him you sidestep and use Iron Tail to knock him over into the water. If no physical attack and it is ranged, take it and use Swords Dance. For our final action....engage in a nice chomp on the little guys snout to keep his fire breathing trap shut! Yes-that means leave the edge of the roof but keep your clones with you to keep him guessing.

Swords Dance/Mega Kick~Iron Tail/Swords Dance~Crunch
@_@ Gah...Blaziking this is not good. Alright, for this round use Aerial Ace continuously. If you get over the confusion, use Toxic. If and when that pesky Charmander is poisoned, use Smokescreen for the rest.

Aerial Ace / Toxic ~ Aerial Ace / Toxic / Smokescreen ~ Aerial Ace / Toxic / Smokescreen
Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round Three

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 72%
Energy: 87%
Status: Confused (moderate); barely able to think straight and head feels like it's in a vice
Blaziking's Commands: Aerial Ace/Toxic ~ Aerial Ace/Toxic/Smokescreen ~ Aerial Ace/Toxic/Smokescreen

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 94%
Energy: 72%
Status: Attack +2, Speed +2; really pumped up and in a bit of a violent mood
Charmander's Commands: Swords Dance/Mega Kick ~ Iron Tail/Swords Dance ~ Crunch

Charmander's Double Team: 2 clones remaining

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Round Three: Begin!

The rush of raw, draconic power coursing through Charmander is heady and exhilirating, but it isn't enough--he needs more. He and his clones begin to dance again, this time hopping wildly back and forth and slashing the air viciously with their sharp claws. Even more adrenaline surges through him, and he comes down from his dance panting heavily with a deranged smile on his face. The image of three grinning Charmander swims in front of Blaziking's narrowed, bleary eyes, each orange head too indistinct to see clearly but all of them quite frightening. The Cyndaquil curls up in a little ball, trying to hide until the gang of scary Charmander go away and leave him alone.

The trio of Charmander backs up to the edge of the roof, watching the quivering Blaziking carefully. Charmander is confident that his opponent is still too addled to cause him any harm--he hasn't been able to do so much as stand for the last four actions, so why should this one be any different? He is caught off guard, then, when he sees his opponent pick himself up from the roof tiles. Blaziking staggers dizzily to his feet, wobbles for a few seconds as he tries to regain his balance, and then rushes blindly foward with tiny claws exposed and a high-pitched scream issuing from his throat. The Cyndaquil dashes straight up to Charmander's clones and tears through them with impressive speed and accuracy for someone with such a headache, causing the two false Charmander to disintegrate and opening up another cut in the chest of the genuine article. Charmander gasps as he feels the sharp sting of Blaziking's claws, but he isn't so shocked that he can't retaliate. He pivots quickly on one foot and slams his tail, which is glowing with a silvery energy, into Blaziking's back. The force of the blow, coupled with Blaziking's momentum, sends the Cyndaquil lurching forward and over the edge of the roof. Blaziking squeals in terror as the water below seems to come rushing up to meet him, and he flails wildly in the hope that he might miraculously find a way to stop his descent. Unfortunately for him, there is nothing for him to catch--Blaziking sails out for several feet and hits the swirling floodwaters below with an audible splash.

Blaziking's snout breaks the surface of the water after a few seconds, followed shortly by the rest of his head. He gasps for air and struggles to keep his head up, though his short limbs and unfamiliarity with water make this quite difficult. He kicks and thrashes wildly, but doesn't go much of anywhere--he is too nervous and stunned to think clearly for now. Charmander watches his foe flailing around and sniggers nastily at him. Serves the nasty little hairball right for messing with his clones. He doesn't do anything more than laugh, however. Biting Blaziking, fun as that might be, requires reaching Blaziking... and reaching him requires getting into the water, which of course Charmander doesn't intend to do in a million years. No, leaning out and enjoying the entertainment is plenty good enough for him for the time being.

Round Three: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 58%
Energy: 79%
Status: Confused (light); doing his best to tread water, get back to the roof and, you know, not drown

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 88%
Energy: 62%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; on top of the world, at least as long as he doesn't get wet

Charmander's Double Team: 0 clones remaining

Arena Status: One of the puddles on the rooftop has some toxic sludge floating in it. Nothing else has changed.

Ref's Notes
-I'd still prefer it if you were a bit more specific about waiting commands, KQ.
-Blaziking was fully confused on the first action.
-Aerial Ace's damage was reduced after hitting through Charmander's clones.
-The shock of hitting the water reduced Blaziking's confusion slightly.
-Charmander could not reach Blaziking without getting into the water and potentially killing himself, so he could not use Crunch.
-Cyndaquil are not strong swimmers, so it costs Blaziking 3% energy per action to swim/tread water.
-Blaziking was too stunned to get back to the rooftops on the third action.
-Blaziking attacks first next round.
>< Not a good round. Um, how about you use a Quick Attack in the water? Perhaps with the force of the attack you'll be able to push through the rushing water. If that works, keep using it until you can get to a telephone pole. If you do, climb up it and jump back onto the roof. If Quick Attack in the water doesn't work, then I think we're kinda screwed as of now. If you do get back on the roof, show no mercy and use Double Edge.

Quick Attack in water/Climb up telephone pole and leap onto roof/Double Edge ~ Quick Attack in water/Climb up telephone pole and leap onto roof/Double Edge ~ Quick Attack in water/Climb up telephone pole and leap onto roof/Double Edge
Looks like we're set this round Charmander.

Move towards the center of the roof to avoid attacks by the edge and Chill. We need that energy if we want to last.

If he doesn't get back on the roof by action 2, Chill again but if he does-we'll get him with Focus Punch since your speed is greater so you should land that attack before he does if he uses Double Edge. Even if he gets up there only on account of an attack such as climbing or Quick Attack, use Focus Punch.

If you used Chill again and he still is not on the roof come action 3, Chill once more. If he came on the roof from one of the previous rounds and you have already used Focus Punch, use house fragments to replace the rocks you'd normally use during Rock Tomb and squish him!!! Damage taken from him is nothing! If he gets on the roof this action, use Focus Punch.

Chill~Chill/Focus Punch~Chill/Rock Tomb/Focus Punch
Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round Four

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 58%
Energy: 79%
Status: Confused (light); doing his best to tread water, get back to the roof and, you know, not drown
Blaziking's Commands: Quick Attack/Climb pole and leap to roof/Double-Edge ~ Quick Attack/Climb pole and leap to roof/Double-Edge ~ Quick Attack/Climb pole and leap to roof/Double-Edge

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 88%
Energy: 62%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; on top of the world, at least as long as he doesn't get wet
Charmander's Commands: Chill ~ Chill/Focus Punch~ Chill/Rock Tomb/Focus Punch

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Round Four: Begin

It's very difficult for Blaziking to think straight with the cold, fetid water swirling around him and splashing his face, but that's all the more reason for him to want to get back to the rooftop as fast as he possibly can. The Cyndaquil summons all of his strength and dog-paddles foward as fast as his tiny limbs will take him, cutting through the water at a surprisingly decent pace given his general unsuitability for aquatic maneuvers, and at last manages to reach the edge of the roof. It takes a great deal of kicking and thrashing, but after several tries Blaziking finally manages to hook his chin on the edge of the gutter. The gutter is full of even nastier stuff than the floodwaters, and some of it gets into the small cut the metal opens up near Blaziking's neck, but it doesn't really do much other than sting and smell atrocious. Another minute of struggling finally sees the Cyndaquil latching on to the gutter with one hand, and then the other, and finally pulling himself back up onto the roof shingles. He collapses onto the tiles almost immediately, panting hard and shuddering violently with cold and exhaustion.

Charmander frowns as he watches Blaziking heave himself back onto the roof. He was really hoping that his opponent would continue to flounder helplessly out there, but no matter. He has ways of dealing with annoying opponents who keep coming back when they aren't wanted. For the time being the salamander simply relaxes, enjoying the warmth of the sun overhead and plotting Blaziking's demise.

Charmander sits up and closes his eyes, lost in deep concentration. His entire body is brimming with destructive power, but now he focuses all of that wild, primal energy into his clenched right fist. His hand seems to glow with a faint, bronze-colored light, raw force almost emanating from it. Blaziking, still dazed and miserable, fails to notice this. There is only room for one thought in his head--get the hell away from the edge of the roof. And so he crawls forward, dragging himself back towards the center and relative safety.

But the center of the roof is no longer safe. By the time Blaziking reaches it, his opponent is fully charged up and ready to go. Charmander stands up, pulls back his fist and then slams it right into the back of Blaziking's head with terrifying force, every ounce of strength in the lizard's body behind the blow. Blaziking's face crunches down into the shingles, dislodging several of them from the roof and sending them sliding down into the water. The Cyndaquil actually blacks out for a good minute, going limp at Charmander's feet.

When Blaziking finally comes to, he opens his eyes to a world of excruciating pain. His head feels worse than it's ever felt before, a thousand times worse, the sunlight is suddenly blinding, and he feels too sick and stunned to even think about moving, let alone actually get up and do anything. As such, he is a sitting duck when Charmander goes on the offensive again. Unnerving crunching and tearing noises can be heard as Charmander calls upon earthly energy to wrench bits of the roof from their places. The fragments of wood and tile float in the air above Charmander's head for just a few seconds before he sends them all crashing down on top of his motionless opponent, burying him in a layer of splintery refuse.

The weight of the debris presses down on Blaziking, and one of his back legs is particularly painful; it seems to be trapped under an exceptionally large section of roof. But, at the very least, the blanket of house bits seems to have one mildly beneficial effect. It shields his stinging eyes from the glare of the sun and calms him down just a little bit. Most of the addling fog seems to lift from his mind, leaving only the colossal, throbbing headache behind.

Round Four: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 23% (CAPPED)
Energy: 61%
Status: Speed -1; Blaze (Fire damage x1.5); trapped under a pile of debris and suffering from the worst headache he's ever had in his life

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 88%
Energy: 53%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; still really pumped, if a smidge tired

Arena Status: The toxic sludge in the roof puddle seems to have dissolved at last. Several holes, ranging from the size of a brick to one the size of Charmander himself, dot one of the roofs where Charmander pulled out pieces of wood and tiling; the flooded attic is exposed just a few inches below.

Ref's Notes
-I actually didn't think there was that much distance from the edge of the roof to the water, so there wasn't really any need for Blaziking to find a telephone pole. (I'm really not convinced that that's the sort of climb/jump a Cyndaquil could make anyway, given how far telephone poles generally are from rooftops, so it's probably just as well.)
-Blaziking was fully confused on the second action. Just as a note, had he not been fully confused then, yes, he would have hit with Double-Edge before Charmander could use Focus Punch. Focus Punch charges with a positive priority but launches with a negative priorty, meaning that Charmander would have moved last regardless of speed.
-Blaziking was fully confused on the third action as well, but his confusion cleared up at the end of the round.
-Rock Tomb caused Blaziking to hit the damage cap. Since there were no actual rocks used it could not properly be called a Rock-type attack, so it did Normal-type damage.
-Kindling Queen attacks first next round.
Alright-We'll do what we can so that you last for the second Pokemon. Go on and use Swift+Toxic. What a sight...purple dazzling stars. O_O But then you'll be on your toes avoiding as many moves as possible. Aim for life! But if this booger puts up Protect-halt fire and just change all moves to dodging.



Oh no. Dear me this is not going to end well. Okay Blaziking, let's use Protect on your first action, and keep the purple glowing stars away from you. Then use Toxic for the next action, then use Aerial Ace.

Protect ~ Toxic ~ Aerial Ace
Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 23%
Energy: 61%
Status: Speed -1; Blaze (Fire damage x1.5); trapped under a pile of debris and suffering from the worst headache he's ever had in his life
Blaziking's Commands: Protect ~ Toxic ~ Aerial Ace

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 88%
Energy: 53%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; still really pumped, if a smidge tired
Charmander's Commands: Swift + Toxic/Dodge ~ Dodge ~ Dodge

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Round Five: Begin

A dome of green energy twinkles into being and encircles Blaziking and his pile of debris, shielding him from anything Charmander might try to throw at him—more sections of roof, for example. Charmander scowls. There go his attack plans; trying to hit the Cyndaquil with anything at this point would be utterly pointless. He might as well just sit there and do nothing at this point, but his trainer would prefer that he’d be cautious for the time being. Why, well, Charmander doesn’t really know—Blaziking’s hiding under a giant green salad bowl, what’s he going to do, cry at him?—but he follows orders anyway, doing a quick hop-skip shuffle back toward the other end of the rooftops.

Charmander remains on his toes as the green barrier fades away, ready to dodge anything his foe might attempt to throw at him. He still isn’t sure what that might be, given Blaziking’s current position, but I guess you never know. Blaziking, meanwhile, tries his hardest to struggle free of his beam and tile prison. The going is slow and quite painful, with shards and splinters poking him all over the place and the great weight of the larger pieces pressing down on him. After a few minutes of writhing and squirming the Cyndaquil has to give up; breaking free is proving to be much too taxing for now. He tries his best to summon some more of the toxic goo he’d been spitting around earlier, but the messy purple glob he manages only flies out a few feet in front of him. Charmander jumps to the side instinctively, but he really needn’t have worried—there was no conceivable way for Blaziking to hit him at this distance anyhow.

Charmander continues to do a sprightly little dance in place, watching Blaziking and waiting for him to get out from underneath the debris and make a move. Not that he really expects him to accomplish much, but again, you never know… And his caution is quite justified this time. The mound of debris shifts and slides even more as Blaziking redoubles his efforts to fight his way out, thrashing around twice as fast as he was before. He finally manages to push off the larger pieces and stands up quickly, causing the smaller bits that aren’t actually poking into him to slide off. He staggers forward and falls to his knees almost immediately, however, unable to put a lot of weight onto one of his back legs. He struggles to his feet again, this time putting most of his weight on his left leg, and then holds out his little paws. Charmander rolls his eyes as he sees just a hint of little claws emerging—not this again—and immediately shuffles backward in a bid to avoid the attack. Even with Blaziking’s compromised leg and Charmander’s hopping around, however, the aerial ace is just as inexorable as ever. Blaziking puts on an impressive turn of speed (if not quite as impressive as what he’d pulled off when not limping) and cuts into Charmander’s chest again, leaving several small, paper cut-like scratches behind.

Round Five: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 23%
Energy: 41%
Status: Speed -1; Blaze (Fire damage x1.5); back right leg hurts and still has a terrible headache

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 81%
Energy: 47%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; well, drat, the little rat escaped his cage

Arena Status: A small spot of toxic sludge sits in front of a scattered pile of debris near one edge of the arena. Several holes, ranging from the size of a brick to one the size of Charmander himself, dot one of the roofs where Charmander pulled out pieces of wood and tiling; the flooded attic is exposed just a few inches below.

Ref's Notes
-For the record, Swift + Toxic is not a logical combination. Swift stars are made of pure energy, and energy generally can’t take any sort of liquid coating or anything like that. And given the instantaneous nature of a Swift attack, I’m not sure how you’d get any poison on them in the first place.
-Blaziking’s Toxic missed because he was still trapped under the debris and was unable to actually reach Charmander.
-Blaziking used extra energy during his second and third turns due to his struggles with the debris.
-Blaziking attacks first next round.
This really is not looking good. At least we avoided any more damage :D

Hmm, okay, let's start by using a Fire Blast, since your Blaze ability should be factoring in decent damage. Then use a chill, and follow up with another Fire Blast. If at any time your health reaches under 10%, blast Charmander with more Toxic. Might as well go out with a bang, if you're going out.

Fire Blast / Toxic ~ Chill / Toxic ~ Fire Blast / Toxic
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