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Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen

Okay, we'll clean this up ASAP. But let's get you some energy. Chill for the first action cause Fire Blast will do around 7% damage to you so what's to lose? Then to wipe out Blaziking, use Ancient Power two times in a row!

Chill~Ancient Power~Ancient Power
Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round Six

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 23%
Energy: 41%
Status: Speed -1; Blaze (Fire damage x1.5); back right leg hurts and still has a terrible headache
Blaziking's Commands: Fire Blast/Toxic ~ Chill/Toxic ~ Fire Blast/Toxic

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 81%
Energy: 47%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; well, drat, the little rat escaped his cage
Charmander's Commands: Chill ~ Ancient Power ~ Ancient Power

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Round Six: Begin

Charmander's annoyance at Blaziking's escape and attack doesn't last long. Eh, it's no big deal; he's got this in the bag anyway. Certain that victory is within his grasp, the little orange salamander rewards himself with another quick rest. The battered Blaziking is also feeling pretty good, despite his injuries and his godawful headache. Charmander refrained from mauling him last round, thankfully--and this was Charmander's big mistake. He should've finished Blaziking off when he had the chance, the fool. Because now... it's payback time.

The four red spots on the Cyndaquil's back flare into fiery life suddenly, steam wafting away from him as the sudden, intense heat causes the water in his fur to evaporate. The flames burn higher and hotter, building up as Blaziking opens his mouth and reveals a ball of fire growing inside. The ball, too, grows larger, spreading out beyond its creator's mouth as it stretches out into the shape of a great, fiery kanji symbol, five burning arms blazing bright orange against the blue sky. With a shout from Blaziking the mighty fire blast shoots through the air, straight at the startled Charmander. Even the fire-type's flame-resistant scales cannot shut out the terrible heat of the attack, and all thoughts of relaxing are completely driven out of Charmander's mind as he rolls around on the roof in pain.

The fire blast runs its course and the flames die down to nothing, and Blaziking drops to the roof tiles, panting with exertion. It felt wonderful to see that awful Charmander suffering like that, but now Blaziking is tired and needs a bit of a break. But the furious and slightly crispy Charmander doesn't intend to let him have it. Once again the reptile shuts his eyes and focuses on the area around him, trying to reach out to the terrible spirits around him. His body glows with an eerie blue light as pale, wispy figures begin to circle the two battlers, angry, unsettled spirits of those who had perished in the flood. More debris rises up into the air, not from the rooftop battlefield but out of the murky floodwaters below, bits of houses, trash can lids, waterlogged and ruined belongings, and with a wild howl from the spirits it all pelts down on top of Blaziking. The Cyndaquil curls up into a ball and tries to ignore the hail of garbage striking him, but gives up when a trash can lid gives him a very nasty knock right in the back of his throbbing head.

Charmander and the spirits aren't finished with poor Blaziking yet. Laughing madly, Charmander chants and shouts and waves his arms, wild exhortations egging the on spirits to double the ferocity of their onslaught. And they do. Even more debris rains down upon Blaziking, nearly twice as much as before, all crashing against his body mercilessly; thankfully, most of it just bounces off after it hits and doesn't stay in place to pin him down, as with the rock tomb, but the Cyndaquil is very nearly beaten senseless by the vicious attack. At last the spirits settle down and sink back into their watery graves, leaving the two Pokémon alone on the roof again. Charmander sits back contentedly, sure that he's finally defeated his irritating foe. When Blaziking pulls himself to his feet, groaning, Charmander is quite surprised. He stares in disbelief as the Cyndaquil staggers doggedly toward him--why isn't he finished yet?!--and then cringes, expecting another fire blast. Instead, when Blaziking opens his mouth, more purple goo starts to dribble from it. Blaziking vomits the nasty substance all over his foe's chest at long last--sure, it only took him getting beaten to the verge of a coma before Charmander let his guard down enough for it to work, but dammit he got him this time. Charmander continues to cringe as the toxic mess burns his scales and seeps into his bloodstream, but he glares defiantly at Blaziking anyway. He can barf all he wants, the little cretin, but there's still no way he's going to win.

Round Six: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 1%
Energy: 34%
Status: Speed -1; Blaze (Fire damage x1.5); barely clinging to consciousness

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 64%
Energy: 40%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; Poisoned (severe: 1% this round, 2% next); wasn't aware that a Fire Blast from a beaten-down little mouse thinger could... hurt so much

Arena Status: A small spot of toxic sludge sits in front of a scattered pile of debris near one edge of the arena. Several holes, ranging from the size of a brick to one the size of Charmander himself, dot one of the roofs where Charmander pulled out pieces of wood and tiling; the flooded attic is exposed just a few inches below.

Ref's Notes
-Neither Charmander nor Blaziking recovered full energy from his chill.
-Again, I don't think there are really enough accessible rocks around here for Ancientpower to use, so it did Normal-type damage.
-The second Ancientpower was a critical hit.
-KQ attacks first next round.
Toxic finally hit huh? Okay-use Aerial Ace but if he puts up Protect just Chill.

Aerial Ace/Chill~Aerial Ace/Chill~Aerial Ace/Chill
O_O Holy crap. How the hell did we survive all of that?

So anyways, Blaziking don't work your hopes up, you're doomed to faint. So sorry. Certainly went out with a bang though. So just shoot Charmander with Fire Blasts 'till you die.

Fire Blast ~ Fire Blast ~ Fire Blast
Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round Seven

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 1%
Energy: 34%
Status: Speed -1; Blaze (Fire damage x1.5); barely clinging to consciousness
Blaziking's Commands: Fire Blast ~ Fire Blast ~ Fire Blast

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 64%
Energy: 40%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; Poisoned (very severe: 1% last round, 2% this); wasn't aware that a Fire Blast from a beaten-down little mouse thinger could... hurt so much
Charmander's Commands: Aerial Ace/Chill ~ Aerial Ace/Chill ~ Aerial Ace/Chill

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Round Seven: Begin

Blaziking's four spots barely have time for one last little flicker before Charmander rushes forward as fast as he possibly can. Wickedly sharp little claws slice into the damp fur on Blaziking's chest, opening up several small cuts similar to (if slightly larger than) the ones the Cyndaquil had made with his own aerial ace attacks. Even the fairly weak attack is simply too much for the beleaguered Blaziking to handle--what little fire he had managed to conjure fizzles out and he flops on to his back, unconscious.

Round Seven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Blaziking (M) [Blaze]
Health: 0%
Energy: 34%
Status: Knocked out!

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 62%
Energy: 34%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; Poisoned (very severe: 2% this round, 3% next); it's about damn time!

Arena Status: A small spot of toxic sludge sits in front of a scattered pile of debris near one edge of the arena. Several holes, ranging from the size of a brick to one the size of Charmander himself, dot one of the roofs where Charmander pulled out pieces of wood and tiling; the flooded attic is exposed just a few inches below.

Ref's Notes
-Blaziking fainted on the first action.
-Blaziking sends out and attacks first next round.
I saw that coming.

M'kay, so we'll send out Swimmy the Remoraid! Hoorah, yay, woop-dee-do.

So land in one of the two foot puddles and what not. Show no mercy. Use Surf like a mad man fish.

Surf ~ Surf ~ Surf
Okay, so we're dealing with the opposite sex. Your speed is faster so let's go on with Attract. Then we'll use Captivate and finish up with Thuderpunch.

Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round Eight

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Swimmy (F) [Sniper]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: This water is icky...

Swimmy's Commands: Surf ~ Surf ~ Surf

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 62%
Energy: 34%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; Poisoned (very severe: 2% last round, 3% this); it's about damn time!
Charmander's Commands: Attract ~ Captivate ~ Thunderpunch

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Round Eight: Begin

Charmander's respite and victory dance are short-lived. As soon as Blaziking vanishes back into his Pokéball another opponent appears to take his place. And this one is looking a little more... fishy. And... wet. Swimmy the Remoraid materializes in the air a few feet above one of the abnormally deep puddles on the roof and dives straight into it. Deep as it is for a puddle, it's rather cramped for a fish of Swimmy's size; still, she shouldn't have to move around too much. After all, her opponent is just a Charmander, right? How long could this possibly take?

"Just a Charmander" is a little nervous about the idea of fighting a water-type, especially in an arena that is so replete with water, but he doesn't intend to let his nerves get the better of him. All he has to do is incapacitate her so she can't hurt him with the water, and he knows just how to do it. Charmander swaggers up to Swimmy's puddle and smiles roguishly down at her, flashing her a full set of perfectly white teeth, and tries his best to sweet-talk her. Hey, there, baby, he says, lookin' fine! You know, babe, you've got the nicest... um... the nicest... wait. Crap. If Swimmy was a female Charmander he'd know the perfect pickup line to use, but a fish... he's drawing a blank on fish pickup lines. The nicest... tail flame? he tries lamely, his confident grin replaced by a sheepish, embarrased one. Swimmy just stares. Tail flame? What's his brain damage? She doesn't have one of those. Totally unimpressed by Charmander's attempt to hit on her, Swimmy backs up a little in her puddle and concentrates, focusing on the push and pull of the floodwaters all around the roof. With some effort she is able to release enough water energy to change the direction of the flow, cause it to run faster... a few more moment's work and a sizeable wave looms up over the roof. Charmander has just enough time to yelp and pull his own tail flame in close before the wave crashes down upon him, fetid water pounding down on his little body as he tries to shrink closer to the roof. The wave peters out shortly, leaving Swimmy in a slightly deeper puddle and Charmander, soaked, painful and terrified, on the shingles nearby.

Wet and miserable, Charmander slowly uncurls and picks himself up. He shivers as he checks his tail--good, still burning, but not as brightly as before--and stifles a little sniffle. Don't cry, don't cry... mighty dragons don't cry... it's not that bad... I can deal with this... He turns and makes his way back over to Swimmy, a hurt look on his face, and tries again. What was that all about? Here I am, trying to be a gentleman and pay a pretty girl like you a compliment, and just because I get a little flustered you try to drown me? He pouts for effect, and Swimmy cocks her head to one side as she listens. It's just... you know, I'm not used to talking to girls that are so different. Look, if you're not interested then you're not interested, but... can you at least cut me some slack here? I wasn't trying to upset you or anything... He shuffles his feet a little and gives her a hopeful look. Swimmy frowns and considers his words. Well... maybe she was a little hasty. Just a little. And he is kind of cute when he tries to apologize like that... in a geeky sort of way, anyway. Unfortunately for Charmander he isn't cute enough to get Swimmy to disobey her orders, but at least this time she takes pity on him--the second wave she summons and rains down on him is somewhat smaller than the first. She even makes sure he has ample time to get his tail out of the way.

So much for that plan, Charmander thinks to himself as he sits on the roof, having been pushed a few feet behind Swimmy. Stupid fish. Well, if playing nice won't work, he'll just have to make sushi out of the little monster. His sodden fist glows yellow and starts to crackle as little sparks leap off of it. Without warning he slams his electrified fist into Swimmy, punching her right in her dorsal fin. Bubbles stream from Swimmy's mouth and gills as she thrashes and writhes in pain, electricity coursing through her body. Charmander pulls his arm back quickly--he's had enough water touch him today, thanks--and Swimmy spins around to glare at him. What the hell was that? First he tries to woo her, then he's all sheepish and kind of geeky-cute and she shows him a little mercy, and then he punches her? With electricity? The Remoraid finds her patience wearing a little thin, and the third wave that rises up over the rooftop is bigger than the last--maybe not quite as big as the first one, still, but she wants him to know that she means business and he'd better cut the crap. The wave washes Charmander even further back, and he instinctively curls up to protect his tail, but by now he's so cold and sore that he can barely feel the deluge of floodwater hitting him.

Round Eight: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Swimmy (F) [Sniper]
Health: 80%
Energy: 85%
Status: Special Attack -1; ...why did the cute, geeky lizard punch me? D: Jerk...

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 27% (CAPPED)
Energy: 21%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; Blaze (Fire damage x1.5); Poisoned (very severe: 3% this round, 4% next); ...so wet... so... cold... the water...!

Arena Status: A small spot of toxic sludge sits in front of a scattered pile of debris near one edge of the arena. Several holes, ranging from the size of a brick to one the size of Charmander himself, dot one of the roofs where Charmander pulled out pieces of wood and tiling; the flooded attic is exposed just a few inches below.

Ref's Notes
-You never specified what the chance of moves like Surf, etc. causing poisoning was, Blaziking, or how severe it was, so I just set it at 5% and mild poisoning. Not that it matters much right now, but just for future reference.
-Attract failed. Oh, how the tables have turned, says the RNG.
-Swimmy was upset by the Thunderpunch and isn't as captivated by Charmander any longer, so her special attack went back up a little.
-The third Surf hit the damage cap.
-Kindling Queen attacks first next round.
Time to get crafty my flaming friend.

We'll begin with Fire Blast and dry out that pool of water! If Protect is called out than you use Defense Curl instead. If Fire Blast succeeded than use Dragon Breath. If it did not than use Toxic and drop it in her pool of water so it poisons her. If Protect is called into play this action than move along with Chill. For the final action, use Facade but again, if Protect or some way to prevent yor attack is used than use Swords Dance.

Fire Blast/Defense Curl~Dragon Breath/Toxic/Chill~Facade/Swords Dance
Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round Nine

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Swimmy (F) [Sniper]
Health: 80%
Energy: 85%
Status: Special Attack -1; ...why did the cute, geeky lizard punch me? D: Jerk...

Swimmy's Commands: Surf ~ Surf ~ Surf

Team KQ (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 27%
Energy: 21%
Status: Attack +4, Speed +2; Blaze (Fire damage x1.5); Poisoned (very severe: 3% last round, 4% this); ...so wet... so... cold... the water...!
Charmander's Commands: Fire Blast/Defense Curl ~ Dragonbreath/Toxic/Chill ~ Facade/Swords Dance

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Round Nine: Begin

Charmander staggers to his feet, still shivering violently and thanking his lucky stars that his tail flame hasn't gone out yet. He's got to do something before this Remoraid finishes him off for good... struggling to hold on to the confidence he'd had so much of before, Charmander moves back over to Swimmy's roof puddle and opens his mouth. Intensely hot flames build up inside and begin to spread out from the reptile's jaws, taking the shape of a great, burning cross not unlike those Blaziking had fired off; the Fire Blast is angled downward and strikes the Remoraid's small pool of water. The attack, fueled by Charmander's desperation, is hot enough to cause most of the water to evaporate but only does minor damage to Swimmy herself.

Swimmy gasps and flops around in her now much-shallower puddle, hot and quickly drying off. She wastes no time in bringing another mighty wave up over the roof, this one at full force--any guy that tries to suffocate her by taking her water away is officially no longer geeky-cute and instead an insufferable asshole--which washes poor Charmander back several feet again and quickly refills the puddle. Swimmy lets out a sigh of relief and draws a good amount of nice, cool water through her gills. It's pretty foul, but at least it's water.

Water is, of course, something that Charmander can do without. His former pride and power now completely forgotten, the cold, shivering lizard drags himself weakly over to Swimmy's hole. His tail flame is still burning but is now dangerously low, and it takes a great deal of effort for the battered Charmander to force himself back over to his opponent. Where before he had been laughing and sneering at his opponents, now all he can really manage is vomiting into Swimmy's water; the Remoraid shrinks away from the mess as it sinks into her pool and tries not to suck any of it in, but she has to filter the water over her gills eventually and absorbs some of the fouled liquid anyway. That does it--she's had it with this little orange jerk. Another massive wave of water crashes over the roof, and Charmander is in no position to protect himself from the deluge of water. The wave subsides, leaving a scowling Swimmy in her puddle and Charmander, tail now reduced to smoldering embers, face down and unconscious on the roof tiles. Kindling Queen recalls him immediately, promising to rush him to emergency treatment as soon as possible.

Round Nine: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Swimmy (F) [Sniper]
Health: 72%
Energy: 75%
Status: Poisoned (moderate); so long, loser.

Team KQ (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Charmander (M) [Blaze]
Health: 0%
Energy: 7%
Status: Knocked out!

Arena Status: The roof is wet and slippery, and the majority of the debris has been washed into the floodwaters by the repeated Surf attacks. Several holes, ranging from the size of a brick to one the size of Charmander himself, dot one of the roofs where Charmander pulled out pieces of wood and tiling; the flooded attic is exposed just a few inches below.

Ref's Notes
-Fire Blast's damage was drastically reduced by the water. Leaving Swimmy high and dry like that also removed the rest of her captivation, bringing her special attack back to normal.
-Surf refilled Swimmy's puddle.
-The Toxic didn't hit Swimmy and instead started to dissolve in the water; she did take some of it in, however, so she is now moderately poisoned.
-Charmander fainted on the second action.
-Kindling Queen sends out and then Blaziking attacks first next round.
Hm...how boring. Alright Faf., let's give em' a go. Use Spite after you've been hit. That'll stop Surf for the next 2 actions giving you a freebie. Okay-use Solar Beam one after the other.

Spite~Solar Beam~Solar Beam
Last edited:
...out of curiosity, KQ, what do you mean by "sunny enough to support Solarbeam"? It almost always hits in one turn in ASB anyway; it's just the damage that's modified by the weather. Do you want to rephrase that?
Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round Ten

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Swimmy (F) [Sniper]
Health: 72%
Energy: 75%
Status: Poisoned (moderate); so long, loser.
Swimmy's Commands: Surf ~ Surf ~ Surf

Team KQ (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Fafneer (M) [Flash Fire]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Why it has to be so wet D:
Fafneer's Commands: Spite ~ Solarbeam ~ Solarbeam

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Round Ten: Begin

A flash of red light spirits Charmander's replacement onto the roof, revealing a black and tan canine creature with a skull-like, bony helmet and bony rings around its legs. Fafneer the Houndour growls eagerly and wags his stubby tail as he watches the Remoraid in the puddle, waiting for her to move. And move she does. Not wasting a moment or wanting to give this new opponent any room to breathe, Swimmy brings yet another wave up over the roof and crashing down on Fafneer. The massive wall of advancing water catches the Houndour completely off-guard--the hell kind of a start is this?!--and knocks him back a considerable distance, leaving him totally stunned on the roof tiles. It takes Fafneer a minute or two to get over his shock and pick himself up, and when he does, he's mad. No way in hell is he going to let this stupid little fishy try anything like that again. He mutters under his breath, whispering terrible, arcane curses and wishing for harm and confusion to befall his opponent. The cursed words snake their way through the air and into Swimmy's ears (or whatever passes for ears on a fish), and she can't shake them out of her head. They nag repeatedly at her mind, distracting her, forcing thoughts of the attack she'd just used out of her brain.

Thus distracted, Swimmy is unable to bring another massive wave into being and attempt to crush Fafneer with it. Sneering, Fafneer shakes himself, creating a fine spray of droplets as he steps back; when he feels that he's no longer completely soaking wet he positions himself as directly under the sun as he can. The Houndour's black fur begins to shine and glow as Fafneer collects sunlight. Before long his entire body is giving off a great deal of light and heat; Swimmy has to turn away as best she can given her cramped space. Even better than turning away would be swimming as far away from the Houndour as possible, but no such luck--the caved-in roof tiles hold her in place, directly in the line of Fafneer's attack. A beam of pure, concentrated sunlight streaks through the air and hits Swimmy's puddle. The Remoraid thrashes and flails around in terrible pain as the blinding, searing sunlight strikes her and burns her. The puddle all but evaporates, leaving the scalded Swimmy flopping desperately in two inches of hot water.

Swimmy's panicked jumping and splashing continues as she struggles against her cursed memories, fighting valiantly to hurt Fafneer and refill her puddle at the same time. No gigantic wave is forthcoming, leaving the tiring, injured Swimmy wide open for another solar blast. As before, the beam of solar energy hits Swimmy point-blank. The last of the pathetic puddle vanishes in the intense heat. The Remoraid is left high, dry and miserable, gills flaring as she gasps at the waterless air.

Round Ten: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Swimmy (F) [Sniper]
Health: 37% (CAPPED)
Energy: 70%
Status: Poisoned (moderate); Spite (Surf, 2 rounds remaining); in terrible pain and needs water badly

Team KQ (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Fafneer (M) [Flash Fire]
Health: 65%
Energy: 72%
Status: Glad that he won't be taking another critsurf to the face anytime soon

Arena Status: The roof is wet and slippery, and the majority of the debris has been washed into the floodwaters by the repeated Surf attacks. Several holes, ranging from the size of a brick to one the size of Charmander himself, dot one of the roofs where Charmander pulled out pieces of wood and tiling; the flooded attic is exposed just a few inches below.

Ref's Notes
-Swimmy's Surf scored a critical hit; interestingly, with Sniper it did exactly 35% damage. Hm.
-Swimmy did nothing on the second and third actions because her only command had been disabled.
-The second Solarbeam hit the damage cap.
-Kindling Queen attacks first next round.
Good boy Fafneer! Okies, now we need to keep that fish outta water! It's really messing her up. We'll get going with Double Team x5 and then Double Team once more to make dulicates of your duplicates (12 in total) and all the while keep in motion till you gang up on her for a Solar beam at all possible angles.

Double Team~Double Team~Solar Beam
Blaziking vs. Kindling Queen, Round Eleven

Pre-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Swimmy (F) [Sniper]
Health: 37%
Energy: 70%
Status: Poisoned (moderate); Spite (Surf, 2 rounds remaining); in terrible pain and needs water badly
Swimmy's Commands: Bubblebeam ~ Lock-On ~ Hyper Beam

Team KQ (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Fafneer (M) [Flash Fire]
Health: 65%
Energy: 72%
Status: Glad that he won't be taking another critsurf to the face anytime soon
Fafneer's Commands: Double Team ~ Double Team ~ Solarbeam

Arena: Flooded City

After a massive downpour of rain that lasted for days, a large city became covered in feet of water. The arena is in a small neighborhood with homes clustered together making a 70ft x 40ft arena on the rooftops of these homes. There are tips of telephone poles reaching about 3 feet out of the water. On the rooftop, there are some areas with small, 2 foot puddles, enough for a small water Pokemon to fit in. Because the water rushing beside the building carries some disease ridden corpses and some sewage water, moves that are used by drawing water (i.e Surf, Muddy Water, Water Pulse) have a chance of poisoning the opponent. If a water type Pokemon stays in the water too long, the chance increases (5% chance increase every round) that they may become badly poisoned. Every round there is a 5% chance that water could rush for one round, causing small Pokemon in the water to be pulled away by the tide, thus causing the Pokemon to have a harder time attacking while attempting to stay where they are in the water. Because of this, 2% of damage from attacks from this Pokemon are taken off if this occcurs.

Round Eleven: Begin

Still gasping desperately, Swimmy struggles to draw upon what little water she has left in her body. Her sides contract sharply and a jet of bubbles streams out of her open mouth, zipping through the air and colliding with Fafneer. The bubbles burst explosively on impact with the Houndour, stinging his face and eyes; Fafneer tries his best to shake it off, backing up a few more paces to give himself room to run. And run he does, making a tight circle around Swimmy's dry roof depression as fast as he possibly can. Five Houndour seem to fall away behind him as he goes, each afterimage keeping up his quick pace behind him. The "pack" of Pokémon skids to a halt a few moments later and stands in a circle around the beached Swimmy, each one leering evilly at her.

The Remoraid feels quite intimidated by the ring of foes around her. She can barely manage to move or attack as it is, what with those accursed solarbeams drying out her pitiful puddle; how the heck is she supposed to deal with Fafneer if there are six of him standing around her? All the beleaguered little fish can do is shut her eyes and try to remain calm, try to block out the heat and sun and five extra Houndour and see if she can sense where the real Fafneer might be (and hope that she can actually turn to aim at him when the time comes). With her eyes closed as they are Swimmy cannot see that Fafneer and his pack have started running in circles again. Another five black and tan dogs materialize behind the original as he runs, bringing the number of Houndour prowling the roof up to eleven. All of them appear to be panting slightly with exertion after running so hard, but they crowd eagerly around their opponent's hole all the same.

Swimmy, eyes still closed, flops pathetically around in her spot, doing her level best to turn to face what she believes is the real Fafneer. The constant, dizzying running has really disoriented her and made the Houndour very difficult to track; his energy signature rushing around at such high speed was terribly confusing, and as she flails and scoots along the sunken roof tiles she has very little confidence in her ability to find him now.

The eleven Fafneers all sneer and snicker at the sight, waiting for the Remoraid to tire herself out. They are shocked when Swimmy stops very suddenly, her face pointing directly at one of the eleven Houndour. Her eyes snap open, wide, mad and staring, and lock with the eyes of the Houndour she is facing. A golden light can be seen in her open mouth, pulsating and growing into a blindingly bright sphere; without warning, a massive beam of brilliant energy shoots straight out of the desperate Remoraid's jaws and slams into the real Fafneer, driving him back across the roof and nearly causing him to slip and stumble into another hole that still has floodwater in it.

Fafneer staggers back into his circle of clones, fur singed by the intense, searing heat of the hyper beam, and shoots the gasping, gagging Swimmy a hateful glare. You'd think she'd know by now that she isn't the only one who can bake her enemies with a blast of concentrated heat. The area around Swimmy and her hole is washed out with white light as the eleven Houndour gather sunlight. The light burns Swimmy's already dry eyes and she shuts them just in time to avoid seeing eleven mighty solarbeams angled straight down at her. With no hope of avoiding any attacks in her compromised position she has no choice but to sit there and take the hit; only one solarbeam actually strikes true as the others are nothing but illusions, but Swimmy's weakened body feels like it's been hit by eleven or twelve blasts all the same. When the light dies down at last and visibility around the dried-up hole returns to normal only one Houndour is standing there, the others having vanished along with the fading solarbeams. Fafneer pants heavily, cooling himself off and sucking in air. The high-speed running and the constant super-powered attacks are taking a lot out of him, but it will all be worth it if it means getting rid of this stupid fish any sooner.

Round Eleven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Blaziking (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Swimmy (F) [Sniper]
Health: 15%
Energy: 39%
Status: Poisoned (moderate); Spite (Surf, 1 round remaining); dried out and desperate

Team KQ (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Fafneer (M) [Flash Fire]
Health: 35%
Energy: 47%
Status: Doesn't understand how a half-fried fish can still hurt him so badly

Arena Status: The roof is wet and slippery, and the majority of the debris has been washed into the floodwaters by the repeated Surf attacks. Several holes, ranging from the size of a brick to one the size of Charmander himself, dot one of the roofs where Charmander pulled out pieces of wood and tiling; the flooded attic is exposed just a few inches below.

Ref's Notes
-Attacking without being in water is very difficult for Swimmy, so she uses a little extra energy with each attack.
-I assume, KQ, that you were having Fafneer use Double Team to increase the accuracy of his attack (as mentioned in the attack guide); as a result, his clones faded after he was finished.
-Blaziking attacks first next round.
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