Karkat Vantas
Virile God-Snake Tower of Masculinity
Team Thunder (OO)
Magnemite - X - Magnet Pull
Health: 80%
Energy: 73%
Status: Not pleased by his status as a meat shield, although the kung fu was pretty cool.
Commands: Reflect ~ Signal Beam (Psy) ~ Signal Beam (Psy)

Vulpix - F - Flash Fire @ Fire Stone
Health: 80%
Energy: 65%
Status: "Sorry, brobot!!!"
Commands: Protect ~ Psych-Up (Pika) ~ Inferno (Pika)
Team Blinkingsky (OO)

Pika - M - Static
Health: 88%
Energy: 77%
Status: Surprised to learn Magnemite could use kung fu. Substitute and Safeguard imprisoned for the next action.
Commands: Sweet Kiss/Nasty Plot ~ Charge ~ Volt Tackle/Nasty Plot

Psy - F - Trace (Magnet Pull)
Health: 76%
Energy: 64%
Status: A bit drained from the psychic lifting. Paralyzed (light, 10%). Safeguard and Substitute Imprisoned for the next action.
Commands: Teleport ~ Magnet Pull + Fire Punch/Magnet Pull/Snatch ~ Fire Punch/Calm Mind/Snatch
Round 3 Start!!!

Magnemite - X - Magnet Pull
Health: 80%
Energy: 73%
Status: Not pleased by his status as a meat shield, although the kung fu was pretty cool.
Commands: Reflect ~ Signal Beam (Psy) ~ Signal Beam (Psy)

Vulpix - F - Flash Fire @ Fire Stone
Health: 80%
Energy: 65%
Status: "Sorry, brobot!!!"
Commands: Protect ~ Psych-Up (Pika) ~ Inferno (Pika)
Team Blinkingsky (OO)

Pika - M - Static
Health: 88%
Energy: 77%
Status: Surprised to learn Magnemite could use kung fu. Substitute and Safeguard imprisoned for the next action.
Commands: Sweet Kiss/Nasty Plot ~ Charge ~ Volt Tackle/Nasty Plot

Psy - F - Trace (Magnet Pull)
Health: 76%
Energy: 64%
Status: A bit drained from the psychic lifting. Paralyzed (light, 10%). Safeguard and Substitute Imprisoned for the next action.
Commands: Teleport ~ Magnet Pull + Fire Punch/Magnet Pull/Snatch ~ Fire Punch/Calm Mind/Snatch
Round 3 Start!!!
Vulpix looked at Pika. Although she wasn't threatened by a cute little shrew, she did not want to be paralyzed like that stupid Ralts. Fearing a Thunder Wave, she closed her eyes and generated a small translucent barrier. Pika glanced at the shield, and decided to poke it and see what happened. He felt the see-through wall with his index finger and ascertained that it was solid. Realizing his attacks wouldn't do anything, he decided to think up some evil schemes instead. Maybe tomorrow he would do the thing where you replace the toothpaste with the Oreo fillings, or...
Meanwhile, Magnemite was fearing another takeover of his bodily motions. He glowed a bright blue, then unleashed a shockwave of defensive energy; Vulpix sighed as the blue waves washed over her body and coated her in the protective energy.
Psy, trying to distance herself from her opponents, raised her body temperature. Her body grew highly unstable, becoming more and more insubstantial, before finally disappearing. She then reappeared, a few meters away, in the sunlight.
Vulpix snickered at the Ralts's decision to spend some more time in the sun; she was looking pretty pale, after all. Turning her attention to the scheming mouse, she tapped into her latent psychic powers and scanned Pika's mind. Not unlike how FDR stole Nikola Tesla's ideas by invading his dreams with the Tesla Dream Coil, she located the evil plans and duplicated them into her own mind. Feeling much more diabolical, she let out an evil laugh.
Pika panicked. Was somebody trying to break into his mind? Was this like Inception? Was he going to dream of dreaming about dreams now? He'd better defend himself from any further mental penetration. He rubbed his hands together and worked up a strong electric charge. The charge grew and grew in power until it surrounded his entire body. Pika grinned. Try interfering with my mental functions now, suckers!
Magnemite looked at the mouse, who was currently glowing neon yellow. Scared by the thought of trying to attack the charged mouse, he shifted his gaze towards Psy. He charged up Bug-type energy in his magnets, generating a kaleidoscopic beam of energy. He transmitted the multicoloured ray of light towards Psy. Psy turned around and stared at the rainbow beam that was about to hit him straight in the face, and then did a super-awesome ninja flip to avoid.
Just kidding, she got hit.
Magnemite spun around happily, pleased that it had damaged his opponent; but meanwhile, Psy was fuming. Although she would rather not be next to the dangerous Magnemite, orders were orders... she pointed her hand at Magnemite and called on her newly obtained magnetic powers. The lightweight opponent waved its magnets in anger as it once again found itself gravitating towards the Ralts.
Pika, now fully charged and ready to go, ran towards Vulpix. Vulpix began charging as well, arching back her head and preparing some nasty flames in her throat. Just as Pika collided with her, she let out a roar and spit a huge blast of hellfire at the mouse. The two were both knocked backwards; Vulpix got up and saw that her opponent was in equally bad shape. Both of them had scorched skin; Pika was on fire and running in circles trying to set it out.
Magnemite, interested as he was in the conflict between the two, was being drawn away from it by his green-capped opponent. It faced the pesky Ralts and charged up another beam, firing it at its opponent in a desperate attempt to get free. Although Psy did take the hit, she was not discouraged and continued to drag Magnemite towards her. Finally, it made contact with the Ralts' pale fingers. Psy held Magnemite in her left hand and set fire to her right. She swung her blazing fist and smacked the Magnemite in the eye. Magnemite let out a robotic bleep of pain-- she had hit its weak point for massive damage!
The referee waved his flags and the round was over.
Round 3 End!!!
Team Thunder (OO)

Magnemite - X - Magnet Pull
Health: 72%
Energy: 56%
Status: "MY EYYYYYEEEEEEE" Reflecting (3 more actions).
Commands: Reflect ~ Signal Beam (Psy) ~ Signal Beam (Psy)

Vulpix - F - Flash Fire @ Fire Stone
Health: 71%
Energy: 47%
Status: Under the effects of Magnemite's Reflect (3 more actions). +2 Sp. Att.
Commands: Protect ~ Psych-Up (Pika) ~ Inferno (Pika)
Team Blinkingsky (OO)

Pika - M - Static
Health: 74%
Energy: 59%
Status: Trying to set out the fire. Burned (severe, 3% per round). +2 Sp. Att.
Commands: Nasty Plot ~ Charge ~ Volt Tackle

Psy - F - Trace (Magnet Pull)
Health: 58%
Energy: 49%
Status: "Who knew Magnemites could be so... attractive? Haha, geddit?"
Commands: Teleport ~ Magnet Pull ~ Fire Punch
Team Thunder (OO)

Magnemite - X - Magnet Pull
Health: 72%
Energy: 56%
Status: "MY EYYYYYEEEEEEE" Reflecting (3 more actions).
Commands: Reflect ~ Signal Beam (Psy) ~ Signal Beam (Psy)

Vulpix - F - Flash Fire @ Fire Stone
Health: 71%
Energy: 47%
Status: Under the effects of Magnemite's Reflect (3 more actions). +2 Sp. Att.
Commands: Protect ~ Psych-Up (Pika) ~ Inferno (Pika)
Team Blinkingsky (OO)

Pika - M - Static
Health: 74%
Energy: 59%
Status: Trying to set out the fire. Burned (severe, 3% per round). +2 Sp. Att.
Commands: Nasty Plot ~ Charge ~ Volt Tackle

Psy - F - Trace (Magnet Pull)
Health: 58%
Energy: 49%
Status: "Who knew Magnemites could be so... attractive? Haha, geddit?"
Commands: Teleport ~ Magnet Pull ~ Fire Punch
Arena Notes: Unchanged.
Ref Notes:
Sorry for the huuuuuge delay.
Ralts loosened her grip on the Magnemite after using Fire Punch; she's still pretty close to it, though.
Fire Punch was a crit.
Inferno burned.
Thunder commands first.
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