• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

BOOM! :3

Drella. ♥

Eeek! ♥

I'm Drella, and I like Pokemon.

And lots of other things, and probably you!

I'm 17 and I'm from England...Yeah I'm a limey. ;__;
Silleh accent and all, don't judge me!!
Um um, I'm a girl and I like to smile! :'D

Let's see, about me...
I've been into Pokemon for a long time now, since I was very young and I got Pokemon Yellow! My mother infact scorns me for still adoring it, today we walked past the game store and she rolled her eyes when I did a double take at the Pokemon Black and White posters and squealed awhile... Alas, I'm too poor to afford new games nowadays. My favorite game is Silver, though I also like the Mystery Dungeon games... My favorite Pokemon is Gengar, but I also really like Espeon and Drifloon and Banette and Latias and...*cough* Well, lots....

Hrrm, I'm minorly into Anime! Not so much anymore though, but Umineko No Naku Koro Ni, Death Note, Elfen Lied, Hellsing and Fruits Basket get love. I like graphic novels too, and I'm a big Scott Pilgrim fan, and I fawn over Neil Gaiman's Sandman series...I like Batman too...

Music's also a big ♥ for me...Emilie Autumn, Amanda Palmer, Dresden Dolls, Pierce the Veil, Say Anything, Ludo, Jack off Jill, The Pixies, Sex Pistols, Nirvana, Neutral Milk Hotel, Kimya Dawson...but basically anything alternative has my heart! I also love Lady Gaga though~ *giggles*

And I love fashion and dressing up...I'm secretly a faerie...
Tee hee-ee... Let's see...I've talked too much already!!
Time's a ticking...and it's almost 2am here anyway...

I wouldn't want to bore you any longer! If you're even reading this!

If you're not...

Long story short: Hi, I'm Drella, I like stuff! c:

♥ ♥ ♥
Hello, and welcome to the cave! Would you prefer some tea? Eeks, I don't know what I'm saying, it seems to be a meme or such! Well, anyways, may I direct you toward the RolePlaying area? -points to the left- I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself there! Hmm... anything else? Oh, yeah... No love for Ouran High School Host Club anime? C'mon, I love that comical show! Ahem... now that I've embarassed myself quite enough, I'll sum up my mesage to you: Hey. Hope to see you around! :3
Ouuu...tea sounds good, methinks! I may have to get up and make some real life tea now...if I can motivate myself to move my bum... :3
Thankyou for the welcome!! And Roleplaying...Oh gosh, I haven't done that in awhile but I might have to nervously venture there sometime soon! n_n
It's certainly funtimes, I remember...
And I do like Ouran! I just mentioned my extreme loves. It's a pretty good show, cute and funny..the ending to the anime made me cry. ;__;
I don't think you embarrased yourself!
I'm quite glad to have been welcomed by someone as nice as you! :'D

Don't worry, there's a lot of people from England here. Myself included :3

Pierce the Veil, Say Anything, Ludo
aaaaaaaaaa <33333333333333333333333333
You're my new best friend kay? kay.

Welcome to TCoD, enjoy your stayy. :3
Ah, yes the ending was tearful, though i'm glad it was a happy ending! And shucks, i'm not that nice of a person! ;D
@Manic Markku; yooooou're my favorite explosion...
OHGOSH. NEWBESTFRIEND?! Kay!! Anyone who likes ANY of those three bands is love to me anyway. ;DD

@Glace; You sure seem so , so shush. :3
Hi, welcome to TCoD, I see you've already been directed to ASB and Roleplaying, so *points* Check out mafia if you can.
Good morning Milady, may I kindly show you the ASB central... Oh damned it's closed for now. '-_-

Well, as soon as it will be open again, be sure to go sneak a peek there and enjoy an awesome new way to battle!
@Phantom; Will do! Thankyou for the welcome!! :'DD ♥

@Lord of the Fireflies; Ehehee...I will!! Thankya for the welcome... Nice name too. n_n Ehh, Lord of the Flies...:33 ♥
Hi! All my greetingstuff has already been sid, so I'll instead offer a tip: lose the specialist font. It gets annoying after ~3 posts.
Awwwwh...Alright. xDD I would have used a colored font but it could clash with one of the skins so I was just trying to jazz my post up a little! Sorry for annoying you!!! o__o ...
Hi there! Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies forums.

Please type in the default font; it is the default for a reason.
Hi, thankyou!!
I ammmm in the default. D:
I guess you want it regular size and not smaller too? Borin, but kaay. n____n Sorry for being trouble...
If it makes anything better, you're my favorite Pony. :'D
Welcomewelcomewelcome! I hope you enjoy your time here. And you seem literate enough, so I must direct you to the roleplaying area.
Hahaha thanks, very glad I come off as literate! :3 I like roleplay even though I haven't done it in ages...and I try to have good grammar, even though my spelling can be a tad iffy. Hehe n_n ♥
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