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Britain's Got Talent

Amanda's dresses are always so pretty. ;w; I want her wardrobe.

<3 agreed

Also. Simon Cowell is so hot <3 I would totally fuck him and then stay for breakfast. Seriously.

I like Diversity but I'm not sure if I wanted them to win. They certainly deserved it because they were good. I am devastated and outraged that Holly Steel was given a second chance. Yes, she's a little girl, and yes, it was a really nice thing to do, and yes she was a brilliant singer, but no second fucking chances. If you enter a major talent competition such as, I don't know, Britain's Got Talent, you should be able to compete at an adult level. Every other contestant managed this. An adult who broke down and cried wouldn't have been given a second chance, so why should she have been?

(The video of her breaking down is hilarious though)
I liked Shaun Smith :(

he was attractive, confident, a good singer, a sportsman and has lovely skin

what's not the love

What's not to love is that he has enough going for him, he'll do well in life without Britain's Got Talent, but there were people competing who were much more skilled at what they did than what he did *coughgaretholiverjuliansmithcough* who would need the extra push from a show like BGT to make it big.

And I'm sick of effing singers. X Factor is there for a reason.
I was a bit gutted that Stavros Flatley never got into the top 3, but props to Diversity. They are quite good.

Not as good as two fat guys dancing, though.
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