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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


Ah, good point there...

Hmm, you could still try the comedy idea if you ask me. Your comics are insanely popular, always have been.

Maybe, but I don't expect that to work out =/ Still, maybe Mitch and Betty's Cavalcade of Whimsy could happen after all... XD

I'll still be doing the abuse monkey thing on the side though, just in case.
Something in history, or art. Or history of the arts. Or politics, if I get super lucky.
You know, just so I can combine three of the most depressing career choices.

One of my life goals is to create a history comic that won't be boring as shit for most people but still be completely factual.
Oh, and if I get lucky and feel suicidal I might try to do political cartooning, but I'd need wit for that :v
Chemical Dependency Counselor for adolescents.

Yeah, that's something every kid wants to be when they're 5, right? Helping kids with addict problems and possibly other mental illnesses and family problems.
I want to write novels, but I am flexible. Nothing to do with sports or math. I want to make a difference, but I really doubt I will.

It would be awesome to be on television, or in movies, or just acting a bit. Unfortunately, I do not have the looks for it. I've got acne and I'm not skinny and I just don't look good.
I mostly want to write.
Probably two.

Artist/Author, to do on my own time,


...Uh, I haven't decided the second one yet. The artist/author thing is the only one I know.
I'm going to be a graphic designer. Should end up being pretty fun. I like how what originally started out as a hobby is now going to become my source of income.
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