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FR/LG Catching Jynx in FireRed?

I recently got bored and started a new game of FR, with the intention of using Pokémon I don't use too often in the games to make things more interesting. I'm considering different Pokémon to use for my team atm, and one of the ones I was thinking about was Jynx, as I've literally never used one in-game before and it would fill the Ice and the Psychic slot on my team very well. I've just had a look on the Serebii Pokédex though and apparently the only way to get Jynx is by trading for Poliwhirl in Celadon? I thought I'd just check here cos I've known Serebii to be inaccurate in the past with some things, is there no other way to catch Jynx in FR? Apart from breeding the traded one for a Smoochum, but you can't breed until after beating the Elite 4, which is a bit lame.
True. There is no other way to get a Jynx, other than trading.
However, it's not hard to get a Poliwhirl -- after you get the Poké Flute, head down the route east of Vermilion City along the boardwalk and enter the house on the rectangular patch of grass. This person will give you a Super Rod, and if you fish with it in fresh water (I've found that the ponds by Bill's house work well) then you should catch a Poliwag or Poliwhirl within a couple minutes. (according to my experience)
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