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Cats (2019) Mafia

and we all sorta vibed with bfree being actually copchecked for a day and no one bothered to correct it

i knew something was up

jk i didn’t oof
yo wait real question

how did rari know to claim ILS’s cat
We figured out pretty early on that the 14 power roles corresponded with the 14 main cast members on the Cats! (2019) wiki. We already knew most of them from a combination of claims, neighbourising and just knowing our own roles. That left us with four possibilities for fakeclaiming, and we knew that Seshas and ILS each had one of those and were already dead, so we decided it was worth the risk to try and claim one of them.
yo wait real question

how did rari know to claim ILS’s cat
We figured out pretty early on that the 14 power roles corresponded with the 14 main cast members on the Cats! (2019) wiki. We already knew most of them from a combination of claims, neighbourising and just knowing our own roles. That left us with four possibilities for fakeclaiming, and we knew that Seshas and ILS each had one of those and were already dead, so we decided it was worth the risk to try and claim one of them.
what a power move tbhtbh

i’m not even angry about that
didn’t keldeo bring it up first? incredible tbh
in neighbor chat rari was like “lol what if keldeo only brought it up to discredit the theory” and i was like :O

if i’d taken her theorizing more seriously i ironically might have been able to solve the game hahahaha
wii sports mafia when
i call the best character that there is:
A quick postmortem:

This was a lot of fun, y'all! I have to say I was almost constantly at the edge of my seat, and over the course of the game there were several points where I went back and forth between being sure that one faction or the other was set for certain victory. Both sides played very impressively.

As I mentioned in passing in graveyard chat, the main function of having two neighborizers was intended to be the development of duelling towncores, where the town would have to figure out which towncore was more trustworthy. Unfortunately, that didn't happen — Seshas had the bad luck of neighborizing rari N0, which tipped the scum off and led them to kill Seshas ASAP to prevent the rest of the town from finding out there were two neighborizers. This, I think, ultimately tilted the information flow of the game a little too much in the scum's favor and played a big part in allowing the scum to clinch a win. On the other hand, I can't think of what I would have done differently, since any method of mechanically guiding the town neighborizer away from scum on N0 would have implicitly turned the neighborizer into a pseudo-inspection role, which was the complete opposite of how I wanted the role to work. I guess I just have to chalk this particular oddity up to swinginess.

The one thing I wish I could get a do-over on is writing the text of the Necromancer role. I will be the first to admit it was sloppy and I didn't think through it well enough. In retrospect, instead of the vague "at any time during the game" phrasing, I should have been clearer about what I intended, which was to express "you have the option to use this on any night, but you aren't obligated to use it on any particular night." That's my fault for not giving that text a closer proofread before sending out role PMs. I also think I fumbled the one-shot nature — I wasn't aware that the role is typically one-successful-shot, so I treated it as analogous to each of the JOAT's individual shots, which I'd already established as being lost when roleblocked. I must apologize to kyeugh for how these fumbles affected her in particular and caused unintended ways for the other players to call out aspects of her roleclaim as unusual and fake-sounding.

Finally, I have to bookend this game by giving another enormous thank-you to @Eifie for helping me work out the setup and troubleshoot it. In particular, she suggested the neighborizers and rolecop, which turned out to be pivotal to the game.

Thank you all so much for participating! Hope to see y'all again in the next game~
As I mentioned in passing in graveyard chat, the main function of having two neighborizers was intended to be the development of duelling towncores, where the town would have to figure out which towncore was more trustworthy. Unfortunately, that didn't happen — Seshas had the bad luck of neighborizing rari N0, which tipped the scum off and led them to kill Seshas ASAP to prevent the rest of the town from finding out there were two neighborizers. This, I think, ultimately tilted the information flow of the game a little too much in the scum's favor and played a big part in allowing the scum to clinch a win. On the other hand, I can't think of what I would have done differently, since any method of mechanically guiding the town neighborizer away from scum on N0 would have implicitly turned the neighborizer into a pseudo-inspection role, which was the complete opposite of how I wanted the role to work. I guess I just have to chalk this particular oddity up to swinginess.

I definitely agree that it shouldn't have been set up any differently, sometimes RNG just does that :( sometimes a neighborizer accidentally hits the mafia, and on the flip side sometimes the cop finds a mafia the first night

definitely emo about my personal play, but it was a very well set up game! <3
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