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Cats (2019) Mafia

I'm interested in knowing mewtini and qva's levels of expertise too! ^^ How many mafias have you guys mafiaed?
hmmm i would say not more than half a dozen real games but i’ve flopped around helplessly or kind of just vibed in more than that
Just vibin seems valid! ^^ I unno what to do on day 1 so I'm just uhhhh treating this like a Discord chat LOL

All we need is pictures of peoples' cats! And dozens of unrelated tangents!
is it bad if i admit that i am so clueless about what to do d1 that i'm just waiting for keldeoooo
it’s only been like forty five minutes, i don’t feel like going super aggro when we only have like five people in the thread... i think the best thing to do is wait for people to show up rn
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