2vs2 single
Style: set
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 40%
Banned: OHKO's, chills
Arena: Pokemon center battle arena
A Pokemon battle arena behind a pokemon center. Nothing out of ordinary.
Other: Kanto Pokemon only
The doors of a Pokemon Center slid open, and a rather large mechanical dragon squeezed her way out. The doors weren’t built to let giant hulking creatures pass through easily, though, so she had to duck her head and squish her wings against herself. Even so, the sharp edges of her feathers left ugly scratch marks on the doorframe. Two trainers followed her, looking embarrassed, as if they wanted to apologize for the damage their companion had caused, but the dragon simply waved it off, saying that the ASB League would pay for the repairs.
The trainers had just healed their Pokemon, but there was no such thing as enough battling. They simply walked around the Pokemon Center and claimed the clearing behind it as their arena. Any arena farther away would leave them twitching with battle withdrawal. Such was the life of Pokemon trainers.
It took a while for the trainers to decide on their fighters, but at last they both sent out the same species: the orange lizard known as Charmander. CharizardHammer’s Charmander, Blazer, looked at his opponent, then puffed out his chest, trying to appear as big as possible. He’d show him who the better lizard was. Calibri, Clover’s own Charmander, seemed to have similar thoughts: he gazed at Blazer with steady eyes and flexed his claws determinedly.
Round One
CharizardHammer (OO)

Blazer (M) <Blaze>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: “
I’m the boss here!”
Commands: Dig ~ Dig ~ Protect
Clover (OO)

@Wise Glasses
Calibri (M) <Blaze>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: “
I’ll show you who’s the boss!”
Commands: Scary Face/Dragon Dance ~ Toxic/Dragon Dance ~ Rock Slide/Dragon Dance
Blazer crouched, claws fully extended as he prepared to rip into the ground underneath him. Then a furious snarl rent the air and Blazer’s head snapped up, eyes wide with fear – what kind of monster made such a noise? It was, in fact, his opponent, but not his opponent: Calibri’s face was so dreadfully transformed that Blazer wasn’t fully sure that the creature staring at him was a Charmander. Calibri’s eyes, rimmed with an eerie yellow glow, were rolled into his head so only the whites showed. His mouth was stretched in a smile so wide that it seemed the corners would burst off the sides of his face, and when he opened that hideous maw, long, needle-thin fangs were revealed, dripping with a thick red liquid – was that blood? Never had the phrase “grinning from ear to ear” been more sinister. Blazer felt his initial confidence drain away, and despite himself he shrank away, whimpering.
Eager to get away from Calibri, Blazer redoubled his digging efforts, tearing chunks of earth away and tossing them aside at an incredible speed. Soon Blazer disappeared from view; the only hint of his existence was the handfuls of dirt that were tossed out of the mouth of the tunnel from time to time, and the
scrtch scrtch of his claws. Eventually even those stopped as Blazer deemed his current depth sufficient. He turned awkwardly in the tight confines of the burrow and sat down to take a quick break.
On the surface, Calibri massaged his jaws – grinning so widely always made his face ache. While rubbing his cheeks, Calibri glared at the ragged hole in the ground. Blazer showed no signs of reappearing soon, so Calibri began to dance. It was not a slow, calm dance, but rather one with a frantic rhythm and raw energy. The Charmander stomped wildly on the grass, threw his head back, and roared to the skies. As he danced, he could feel the power of his distant relatives, the mighty dragons, flowing through his body. Finally, Calibri was left panting but exhilarated, feeling as if he could take on the world.
Calibri’s elation was somewhat ruined, though, as the ground underneath him rumbled ominously. There was no time to dash away before the earth exploded, showering him with grit and dust – then the figure emerging from the ground tackled him, sending him stumbling. Calibri growled and brushed the dirt off his scales. That
hurt. That inferior Charmander… Blazer would live to regret that blow.
… Or not quite yet. Before Calibri could move, Blazer created a shield of pure energy, visible as a faint shimmering in the air around him, and assumed a defensive position, ready to reinforce the barrier if it came under attack. Calibri noticed the shimmering and, with a fair amount of grumbling, suppressed his urge to throw boulders at his opponent. Instead he began to dance again. The rush of power was as invigorating as ever; caught in the moment, Calibri bellowed with a wild passion. Power emanated from him as he was granted another fraction of draconic strength.
CharizardHammer (OO)

Blazer (M) <Blaze>
Health: 100%
Energy: 92%
Status: A bit intimidated. -2 Speed.
Clover (OO)

@Wise Glasses
Calibri (M) <Blaze>
Health: 91%
Energy: 91%
Status: Exhilarated and ready to take on the world. +2 Attack, +2 Speed.
Terrain notes
Nothing to note.
Final notes
CharizardHammer attacks first next round.