formerly kokorico
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fuckmafia donhere's a coupon for a free sandwich you redeem it by claiming your entire role in the thread
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fuckmafia donhere's a coupon for a free sandwich you redeem it by claiming your entire role in the thread
also its my birthday today thats something to talk about
sandwich artist. there, I wild draw 4'd you /shere's a coupon for a free sandwich you redeem it by claiming your entire role in the thread
not this.jack it is then
Robbin used Self-Destruct!
not me, i don't get freaked out too easily. i'm a little bit unflappable, guess you could say i'm built different haha. that's just me though lol hahanah not really but you freaked out for a second didn't you
i know it's a snapread but can you elaborate on this at all?snapread sande town for being confused about thiswait, i thought mf said the contest type is determined outside of our own move choices?
tarot was a von gamekinda wish that i hadn't been literally completely blacked out throughout all of tarot mafia because i feel like i have zero idea of what to expect from an MFia setup
oh right! i feel like i did play some MF game that i have zero memory of though.tarot was a von gamekinda wish that i hadn't been literally completely blacked out throughout all of tarot mafia because i feel like i have zero idea of what to expect from an MFia setup
paul paul!!!![]()
Aw guys look Paul Paul came up to me with this in his mouth (which is weird cause like he seems to have opposable thumbs??)