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Creepy Lizard

Abbassid Sword

New member
Hey people, I used to be active in 2005. I've been on and off since, mostly just to troll. When I first joined I was 14, and infamous for opposing an "Anti Anti homosexuality" thread because of my religion, which was Islam.

"Abbassid Sword" is actually a direct translation of my real name in Arabic. I grew up in Bahrain and I was studying in a strict Islamic school that was a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.


This should bring to perspective why things were the way they were, seeing that Pokemon forums are mostly Western-dominated and might not exactly understand the nature of an Islamist dominated community, as well as its impact on its youth.

Today, I'm openly atheist. I support the full rights of homosexuals in my country and elsewhere. I'm vocal for co-existence, freedom of religion, love and respect for all. It took just one single experience for me to turn from a potential ISIS member like many of my peers back in my school as well as other Islamist schools, and it's my exposure to a critical-thinking communities such as this one, thanks to the internet. This would not have been possible generations back. Though it seems like not-that-big-of-a-deal, I actually do owe this place my life. Or at least just a thank you. So thanks!

My main fields of interest are Middle-Eastern and global politics, reading, traveling (a lot) on my own, I'm very social and I enjoy meeting new people everywhere. I prefer to talk one-on-one because it's a better opportunity to truly connect with another individual. I value intimacy over small-talk.

Most of all, I'm in love with bodybuilding. All the energy I invested in the wrong places as a teenager due to my frustration with the world is now mostly revolved around extreme workout. Like politics It's one of those things I sometimes try to not talk about but end up talking about it anyway.

I won't be posting here much because of my busy life-style at the moment, but I'll be around to catch up from time to time.

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Whoa. Interesting to see you back! And I'm glad to hear you ultimately felt your experience on this forum was a positive influence in your life. Things have been pretty quiet here recently, but I hope you'll have a good time anyway.
Hey, I remember you! This is absolutely fascinating. It's not every day that you get to find out what actually happened to people from ages ago, and it's weird being able to look back on these incidents with fresh eyes. I think I understand you a lot better now.
Oh yeah, it sure did. It's actually my first exposure to people online. Congratulations for getting married and a happy (late) 1-year anniversary!
Hi, I remember you! (I think we all do...)

I used to be rock-ground.

Remember the Salazard's Den fiasco, when we and a few others bashed TCoD behind its back? My God, that was so goddamn dumb of us... :P
Hi, I remember you! (I think we all do...)

I used to be rock-ground.

Remember the Salazard's Den fiasco, when we and a few others bashed TCoD behind its back? My God, that was so goddamn dumb of us... :P

I forgot about that. I wasn't involved, but I heard a ton about it.
Was your name Abbassid Sword back then? I joined the forum in November 2005 but don't really recognize the name, haha. (I'm G-Mew/Glittermew.)
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