Vipera Magnifica
Aquatic Artiste
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Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Alright, why not? Catch :3
You catch theCatch both. And no, I left the magnet.
You catch the
female Tynamo and the![]()
male Tynamo! You're feeling pretty content. Do you want to carry on?![]()
A much easier way to do the sprites would be [*sprite=bw]Name of Pokemon[/sprite*] (Minus the asterisks). This way won't be animated, but I thought that might save you some time. Also, the sprite for Ferrothorn on the front page is a Stoutland.
Happy about my recent captures, but still wanting to find some more rare Pokemon, I continue on.
Sorry Ulqi, I guess yours popped up as I posted. So, you take the corridor to your right, and your left hand feels all tingly, because you are holding aMagnet in it. You notice there is a
Porygon there, using Magnet Rise (can Porygons learn that?). Do you want to catch it, as it is irritating your hand?![]()
I go and see what's making that noise.
Also, found a working Tynamo sprite![]()
I don't think the Pokemonelite2000 one is working.
Sure, why not?
Also, just as a note, the shiny encounter rate in the Safari Zone should be 1 in 200, not 1 in 8172.
Thanks! I'd downloaded's black and white sprite archive while I still could. =P It also figures I typed 508 rather than 598 for Ferrothorn! That's fixed though, I think.
You scout around, looking for the source of the noise. You find it is a
Do you want to catch it?![]()
Tynamo x2![]()
IDK if you're still running this based on what you said in the last Grr thread post, but I guess I'll catch the Spoink.
Also, thanks Squorn, for clearing that up.
Yeah. It's still running until I leave, that is if I leave. So, you catch the
Spoink! It leaves a Mind Plate. Do you pick it up?![]()
Tynamo x2 (I'll edit the sprite, I lost the URL),![]()
Right, Wynaut? You catch thePorygon! It stops irritating your hand. Do you want to continue?![]()
Oooh, a Mind Plate. I'll take it.
Might as well keep going to see what else I can get, right?
I might as well keep going. There's still a lot left to find.
You continue on. You find a bent spoon lying on the ground. Do you want to search around to see what could've dropped the spoon?