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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Darkarmour's Genetic Monster Lab Art Shop.


But seriously, good job. You should make my hair blue........sapphire blue.......and I should have kinda tan skin.....yeah.......

And I vote for 3. It looks so stupid, it'll probably look awesome once it's been redone...
Thats 2 votes for No.4 and 2 votes for No.3.
@ S.K: It is actually, i'll see how it goes and then think about lengthen it.
@ Raichu : Yeah, its got a pogo stick attatched to its body.
@ FireFly: Try not to judge them on detail right now, they are only drafts, terribly bad drafts for that matter.

Also this shop is no longer suggestions but I can still only take up to 5 requests (might subject to change.) so please, please request! I'm going to bed now so i'll check up in the morning. Night everyone!
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1. 1 vote.
2. no votes
3. 3 votes
4. 3 votes.
5. no votes.
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The closing date is wednesday.

1. 1 vote
2. 1 vote
3. 4 votes.
4. 5 votes.
5. No votes.

Requests I will take:
Registeel-Registeel Drawing
Objection!-Cowboy Meta Knight

~3 Spaces left~
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