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Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread


MrDulfin remains just out of reach of the bureau, in part because the impetus to wring answers from him dies down somewhat. Not on account of the usual red tape and lethargy, interestingly enough, but because efforts and leadership split each other way.

Still, key progress is made on one front: what is up with Flora being literally employed, anyway? As it turns out, they are literally employed by a foreign nation!

Despite so, there are no ties between them and the greater conspiracy. But their presence in the bureau remains unwelcome; one false move in such a sensitive situation could result in a major diplomatic incident, after all. So the bureau moves to have them sent packing back home, as above-board as possible.

Hopefully, their home government will receive them warmly, and not with much concealed wrath.

Flora was eliminated. They were Self-Aligned.
72 hours for night actions.


It has been a whole week since the lockdown of the bureau was decreed. The survivors have long-since resigned themselves to their gradual culling, to waking up each morning and hearing the news that some other among them has at best disappeared, and at worst burst into a pile of identical-looking corpses.

Yet the renewal of the cycle greets them with an astonishing piece of news: no news. Everyone accounted for. Even the doubles all seem to be where they were left last.

It'd be too optimistic to assume that they're safe at last, but the reprieve may yet become an opportunity for justice.

No one has died.
96 hours for discussion.

(It is Sunrise for the next 48 hours.)

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