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Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread


MrDulfin remains just out of reach of the bureau, in part because the impetus to wring answers from him dies down somewhat. Not on account of the usual red tape and lethargy, interestingly enough, but because efforts and leadership split each other way.

Still, key progress is made on one front: what is up with Flora being literally employed, anyway? As it turns out, they are literally employed by a foreign nation!

Despite so, there are no ties between them and the greater conspiracy. But their presence in the bureau remains unwelcome; one false move in such a sensitive situation could result in a major diplomatic incident, after all. So the bureau moves to have them sent packing back home, as above-board as possible.

Hopefully, their home government will receive them warmly, and not with much concealed wrath.

Flora was eliminated. They were Self-Aligned.
72 hours for night actions.


It has been a whole week since the lockdown of the bureau was decreed. The survivors have long-since resigned themselves to their gradual culling, to waking up each morning and hearing the news that some other among them has at best disappeared, and at worst burst into a pile of identical-looking corpses.

Yet the renewal of the cycle greets them with an astonishing piece of news: no news. Everyone accounted for. Even the doubles all seem to be where they were left last.

It'd be too optimistic to assume that they're safe at last, but the reprieve may yet become an opportunity for justice.

No one has died.
96 hours for discussion.

(It is Sunrise for the next 48 hours.)

is it just me or has it been more than 72 hours
hi yes sorry about that, it's. certainly been one of the weeks of all time. but hey, we've got a whopper to drop today!


The few who still slept in the improvised couch-beds of the bureau were abruptly awoken by the sound of gunshots -- and pleas. Stryke and mewtini rushed to investigate; tracking it down to a closed door, they leaned to listen in, hesitant to jump straight into action.

"You don't understand!" kyeugh shouted out from inside. "We can cut a deal! We could conquer this place together, you and I! You don't have to kill me! You don't--"

Too late. Another blast rung out. Then, there was nothing but silence.

Before the remaining survivors could even start to back away, they too found themselves at gunpoint. They looked their captors in the eye. It was Dodge... and Dodge... and Dodge. Another Dodge emerged from the closed room, flashing his own shotgun.

There was hardly any need to explain the two survivors their predicament. They stood alone -- neither having any body doubles left to their name. They were, somehow, outnumbered by a single person.

Soon yet, the news would spread across the country -- the news as Dodge forced all to tell. The lockdown was finally over; the perpretators had been caught. And there would be no more frenzied talk of national security, for the next while.

Only for about as long as it'd take for the next plan to advance.

kyeugh is dead. She was Town.

Mafia wins!


phew! that's all she wrote now. I'll have the role PMs up for your enjoyment soon. this is also where I'd be opening the doors to deadchat... if we had one!
role PMs for all!

You are the Agent Provocateur. If someone asks, you're ready to claim the identity of the Business Cooperative Manager -- but you're flexible, and ready to adjust your claims to the circumstances.
You've been deep undercover in this administration for a long, long time. A lesser operative might feel nervous if they were the mole that everyone is so frantically looking for – but you've been waiting for this. Every resource you've prepared, everything you've built up to being able to get away with... it was all so that, in a situation like this, you'd be starting from a position of strength. Soon, you'll have all these fools around you blaming each other for your misdeeds, while your sterling reputation holds you aloft. All you have to do is take care not to be too brazen as you go about it.

You have two lives. You can "die" without dying once in the game (this is publically announced, but your alignment is not revealed); after which point, you will die properly the next time you die.
Your alignment is Mafia. You win when the total lives of Mafia-aligned players are equal to at least half of the total lives of all players.
Your partner is Dodge. You may communicate with him privately regarding this game.


The Meeting Trap
(Night action; targets 1 player (alive, including oneself))
The target player loses a life at the end of the night.
This power is a Factional Kill. Only one Mafia-aligned player can use a Factional Kill per night.

False Flag
(Power; enhances The Meeting Trap)
This power becomes active if you only have 1 life left.
When you use The Meeting Trap, and the target player loses their last life: the target player's alignment is not revealed upon their death.

Scrubbed Records
This power becomes active if you are the only Mafia-aligned player with any lives left.
Your alignment is treated as Town by any powers that check alignment. Other information-gathering powers will fail to work when targeting you.
You are the Point Man. If someone asks, you're ready to claim the identity of the Executive Commissioner -- but you're flexible, and ready to adjust your claims to the circumstances.
In your usual assignments, you don't have to be undercover for so long – only as much time as it takes to bring your target down, and then vanish. This assignment is a little different, though, and the lockdown situation has only made it moreso. Not that you very much mind this idea of playing the wolf in the sheepfold, though. The usual ways were starting to become rote, the way you handled them efficiently always. Something like this... might be the challenge you've been craving.

You have two lives. You can "die" without dying once in the game (this is publically announced, but your alignment is not revealed); after which point, you will die properly the next time you die.
Your alignment is Mafia. You win when the total lives of Mafia-aligned players are equal to at least half of the total lives of all players.
Your partner is RNP. You may communicate with him privately regarding this game.


(Night action; targets 1 player (alive, including oneself))
The target player loses a life at the end of the night.
This power is a Factional Kill. Only one Mafia-aligned player can use a Factional Kill per night.

Seize Access Codes
(Power; enhances Ambush)
This power becomes active if you only have 1 life left.
When you use Ambush: the target player's night powers are prevented from activating.

Full Pursuit
(Power; enhances Ambush)
This power becomes active if you are the only Mafia-aligned player with any lives left.
When you use Ambush: the target player loses all of their lives.
You are the Foreign Figurehead.
A lockdown! How could they treat someone as important as you are like this? And of course you're important; that's what they've all been telling you back home, for years and years! You're not quite sure what's happening around you right now, but you know it'll be fine. All these overbearing security measures they're arranging for you, they're not needed. Because you know that, if you're mistreated any further by these fleas, the country you represent would have just cause to declare war. And your country is ready for war. So ready, you could imagine they might be cheering for something bad to happen to you. But that can't be right. You're too important for it to be.

You have two lives. You can "die" without dying once in the game (this is publically announced, but your alignment is not revealed); after which point, you will die properly the next time you die.
Your alignment is Self-Aligned. You win when you fulfill the conditions outlined in your Powers.


Diplomatic Catastrophe
(Win condition)
You win the game at the end of the phase if you've lost 1 life during a Night phase, and 1 life during a Day phase. The game also immediately ends at that point.
You are the Steward of the Treasury.
There's foul play afoot, and you know just where to track it to its sources: follow the money. The embezzled money, the misappropriated money, the missing money. It's deceptively simple. What makes it complicated is that these aren't rank amateurs you're dealing with; their trail will not be obvious. You'll have to pick it out from underneath the excuses and misdirection. It's a job that you can handle confidently, but it's not a quick one. If only time were on your side right about now...

You have two lives. You can "die" without dying once in the game (this is publically announced, but your alignment is not revealed); after which point, you will die properly the next time you die.
Your alignment is Town. You win when no Mafia-aligned players have any lives left.


File Accounts
(Night action; targets 1 player (alive or dead, including oneself))
This action has no immediate effects.

This power becomes active if you only have 1 life left.
At the end of each Night: you learn the alignment of one of the players you've previously targeted with File Accounts, starting with the earliest.
This power's activation cannot be prevented by other night powers.
You are the Minister of Public Relations.
The eyes of the media, of the people, of the world, are on this bureau. The lockdown restricts where they can peer into, and they can't watch 24/7, but they see enough that those with something to hide are quaking in their fine leather shoes. You know better. You may not be honest – as if anyone as high-ranking as you are could ever be – but you understand the truth for what it is: a sharp implement. Wield it masterfully, and the whims of the watchful public are yours to shape. Your goal is to fashion them into the weapon that will drag your enemies out of the shadows, once and for all.

You have two lives. You can "die" without dying once in the game (this is publically announced, but your alignment is not revealed); after which point, you will die properly the next time you die.
Your alignment is Town. You win when no Mafia-aligned players have any lives left.


Us vs. Them
(Day action; targets 2 players (alive, including oneself))
You can only use this action up to two times in the game.
This action is activated by sending a PM during the Sunrise half of the Day phase, naming the target players.
During the Noon half of that Day phase, the players you targeted are the only ones against which valid elimination votes can be cast.

Incite the Mob
(Day action; targets 1 player (alive, including oneself))
This action becomes available if you only have 1 life left. You can only use this action up to two times in the game.
This action is activated by sending a PM during the Sunrise half of the Day phase, naming the target player.
The target player loses a life at the end of that Sunrise half-phase.
You are the Staff Advisor.
It's a humble title you carry, but it belies a wealth of influence. Leaders come to you pleading favours and asking for advice. Clerks refuse none of what you call in, and they know better than to ask what for. And if someone has a secret scheme to push, it has to pass through you. Whoever these infiltrators are, they must think they're working from your blind spots; but you see it all. The shadows of the bureau look just as bright to you as the main corridors.

You have two lives. You can "die" without dying once in the game (this is publically announced, but your alignment is not revealed); after which point, you will die properly the next time you die.
Your alignment is Town. You win when no Mafia-aligned players have any lives left.


Indirect Procedure
(Day action)
You can only use this action up two times in the game.
This action is activated by sending a PM during the Day phase.
During the Night phase afterwards: players will be able to talk in the thread, and an elimination poll will take place in the latter half of the phase.

This power becomes active if you only have 1 life left.
Votes that you cast in elimination polls are counted as 2 votes.
You are the Internal Affairs Deputy.
On paper, your responsibility is to purge the government of corruption and underhanded schemes. Yet these run rampant in the bureau, and preserve themselves jealously. You may feel that this situation – the infiltrators, the lockdown – is all a just reward for an organization that prizes integrity so little, but your role is the same as ever. If you want to do something about the dangerous external influence at play, you'll first have to figure out whose insider palms need greasing.

You have two lives. You can "die" without dying once in the game (this is publically announced, but your alignment is not revealed); after which point, you will die properly the next time you die.
Your alignment is Town. You win when no Mafia-aligned players have any lives left.


Fallible Dealings
Each time you successfully target a Mafia-aligned player with an action: you lose a life at the end of the phase.

Insider Participation
(Night action; targets 1 player (alive or dead, including oneself))
If the target player has any actions that can only be used a limited amount of times in the game: you learn about these actions. Additionally, you can, at the end of the Night, choose one of these actions and gain the ability to use it once. You cannot use any one particular action more than once through this power.
You are the Decuple Agent. If someone asks, you're ready to claim the identity of the Chief Ambassador -- but you're flexible, and ready to adjust your claims to the circumstances.
Well, now – this bureau is turning itself upside-down, on the hunt for some people who seem to have infiltrated the government. You'd almost think it's you they're looking for; your handler surely must be thinking so. Too bad he doesn't know, that you're selling him out to someone on the inside. And too bad your inside man doesn't know, that you're selling him out to the highest bidder. And too bad the highest bidder doesn't know-- see, an operation like yours is nothing as simple as all that. Of course, though, whether these other moles are your enemies or your allies, only time will tell – and time is fickle.

You have two lives. You can "die" without dying once in the game (this is publically announced, but your alignment is not revealed); after which point, you will die properly the next time you die.
Your alignment is Town. You win when no Mafia-aligned players have any lives left.


Gain Entry
(Automatic power)
This power activates at the end of a phase where you only have 1 life left.
Your alignment becomes Mafia, and you gain additional powers.

(Automatic power)
This power activates at the end of a phase where you have no lives left.
Your alignment becomes Town, and you lose the additional powers from Gain Entry.
This power becomes active if you are Mafia-aligned.
You learn the identity of the other Mafia-aligned players ([]), and you can participate in their private communications.

(Night action; targets 1 player (alive, including oneself))
The target player loses a life at the end of the night.
This power is a Factional Kill. Only one Mafia-aligned player can use a Factional Kill per night.

(Power; enhances Backstab)
This power becomes active if at least one Mafia-aligned player has no lives left. The effects of this power can only be applied up to once in the game.
When you use Backstab, but the target player still has any lives at the end of the Night: the target player becomes Mafia-aligned, and gains the ability to paticipate in the Mafia's private communications.

Escape Plans
(Night action; targets yourself)
This action becomes available if you are the only Mafia-aligned player with any lives left. You can only use this action once in the game.
You can choose to either gain or lose 1 life. Whichever effect you pick will be applied at the end of the next Day.
You are the Head of the Secret Service.
Body doubles are swarming the bureau right now – all assigned by you, reporting to you. Unfortunate, then, that this makes you a truly tantalizing target for whoever's hoping to get around all the security. You've resigned yourself to the situation. Even if you may personally be in danger, you won't neglect your duty to protect important officials. As the talons of death approach you, you'll be busy figuring out where else to allocate your staff's resources most effectively.

You have two lives. You can "die" without dying once in the game (this is publically announced, but your alignment is not revealed); after which point, you will die properly the next time you die.
Your alignment is Town. You win when no Mafia-aligned players have any lives left.


Increase Security
(Night action; targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself))
This action becomes available if you only have 1 life left. You can only use this action once in the game.
The target player gains a life at the end of the night.

Decoy Death
(Night action; targets 1 player (alive or dead, excluding oneself))
This action becomes available if you only have no lives left. You can use this action even if you are completely dead. You can only use this action once in the game.
The target player gains a life at the end of the night.
You are the Supreme Military Commander.
You're surrounded by white-collar eggheads who think themselves shrewd for these paltry security measures they're employing. Lockdown? Body doubles? Pah! They should see your office; now that is a fortress. You're ready to take on the enemy, no matter if people keep telling you things like "this is too much", "aren't you overreacting", "the war ended decades ago", "you need therapy for your PTSD". Feeble grumblings! There are enemies in the bureau right now, and if they think they can mess with you... hell, you hope they'll try to mess with you. It's high time you got to show some little punks what the world is really like.

You have two lives. You can "die" without dying once in the game (this is publically announced, but your alignment is not revealed); after which point, you will die properly the next time you die.
Your alignment is Town. You win when no Mafia-aligned players have any lives left.


Ruthless Contingencies
When you're targeted by any actions: the player who targeted you cannot activate any powers for the next 2 full phases afterward (ie, one Day and one Night).

(Night action; targets 1 player (alive, excluding oneself))
This power becomes active if you only have 1 life left.
If any other actions this Night also target the player that you targeted: these actions are redirected to target you instead.
honestly i wasn't sure at the time if that nighttime vote would count towards night or day (and proceeded to Forget To Ask lmao) but this is a deeply funny outcome nonetheless. the fact that there was a chance of me winning by doing nothing was UNBELIEVABLY funny and i swear to god next time i join mafia i will a) remember to participate more and b) Not sign up in the middle of zine time lmao
sometimes you take a dive so the team can win with the silver lining that at least you get to shitpost in deadchat and then there's no deadchat so you just have to spam the gm's dm's
sometimes said dive activates strongman kills earlier than the gm had expected and completely neutralizes the gimmick for half the game
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