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Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

nah nah but in all seriousness i'd go for an abstain here

since we've done a sinful lack of mechspec, we don't really have any information on what anyone's roles look like - we can make educated guesses based on what our own roles look like, but we have no idea what kind of can of worms we may be opening by voting willy-nilly.

given that the only ever time this gimmick has been done has had roles that change power based on number of lives left (keldeo's double-take mafia) i would not like to throw out lives and potentially activate strong non-town roles willy-nilly based on a day of 95% shitposting

plus it's not like we're gonna get confirmation as to anyone's alignment until they get murked a second time and i have to assume there's gonna be plenty of death in the nights to come to assuage the gamelength concerns
Yeah, good points. EoD is closer than I thought it was, so putting pressure on anyone inactive probably isn't doing much this late in anyway. I'll abstain too.
side note can we talk more tomorrow

like i know i started the game with the single best shitpost in tcod history but that doesn't need to set the tone for the rest of the game

Justice moved slowly in the bureau, but chaos wasn't similarly constrained. The violence witnessed in the last waking hour had already been escalated from -- a boardroom was found littered with corpses. There by the central desk, mewtini sat slumped, face-down; opposite her, mewtini seemed to have been cradling her throat and gasping for air before stiffening up for good. Another mewtini was on the ground, alongside a shattered cup and a spillage of coffee. There was even a mewtini who had been running the printer, which was still stalling and incorrectly indicating that it's out of toner.

Two living mewtinis regarded the scene solemnly. Surely, every higher official locked in is already expecting they might wake up to a scene like this -- but does it ever get easier to find yourself dead?

mewtini has lost a life.
96 hours for discussion.
(It is Sunrise for the next 48 hours.)

Hmmmmm... I'm actually getting a bad gut feeling about Stryke off some general vague sense of Same As When We Were Mafia Together. I'm also tired and distracted by the other voting going on (Icelandic presidential election). If you've got a better case to make, though, by all means.
i'm pretty curious about this

reading back through that exchange i feel better about stryke than i do skylar
All right, after the night I have good reason to believe that RNP is mafia. This also kind of compounds my vague feelings about Stryke from yesterday, since RNP quickly stepped in for a counter-vote after I voted for Stryke, and given RNP is mafia, acting to step in to stop a vote on an innocent would be at least mildly eyebrow-raising.

To be clear, the Stryke feelings really were just vibes and it was mostly to vote someone, and the vibes had sort of become stronger for Stryke than kyeugh because kyeugh hadn't said anything further while it vaguely felt like Stryke was making the Same Sorts Of Posts as in Fire and Ice. RNP is not vibes.
not asking you to spill anything, just y/n — are you saying “after last night” as in after reflection, or did something happen overNight that influenced this?
To be clear, the Stryke feelings really were just vibes and it was mostly to vote someone, and the vibes had sort of become stronger for Stryke than kyeugh because kyeugh hadn't said anything further while it vaguely felt like Stryke was making the Same Sorts Of Posts as in Fire and Ice.
ignoring the fact that stryke is my buddy and i like having him around, why did you feel the need to vote /someone/ in a game where abstains are free with barely any information
also as of rn i think bfree and rnp are both doing town things

i wish i remembered meta
like, 10 players, i'm gonna assume 2-3 scum. maaaaybe 4, but that's iffy. so scum would need, like, 10 kills to reach majority for 3 and like 14 for 2. that's also assuming none of the mafia get knocked off and need even more kills to win. so if mafia needs so many kills to win, why the fuck would we help them reach that number by voting someone based on vague vibes in a day with like 64 posts when we won't even get confirmation unless we do it twice
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