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Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

why do i feel like flora is literally always inactive and literally always mafia
honestly it's like. one half i keep forgetting to reply, one half not really having much to say, and one half me opting to join a mafia game while i'm kinda in the middle of moving "chel that's three halves" IRRELEVANT

Night passes the bureau by sleeplessly, but with much of the same productivity. If even less, seeing as Flora can't catch a break on account of literally being employed.

Not that the usual humdrum natter was all that took place in the interim, though; someone was clearly much busier. One of the corridors is a fresh trail of dead Butterfree-alikes and assorted security personnel, a scene with a truly striking sense of color theory. And as theory goes, this is where theorically a remaining living Butterfree would show up to stare at the carnage and bask in its solemn strangeness, but... where is she?

Flora was eliminated, and lost a life.
Butterfree is dead. She was Town.
96 hours for discussion.

(It is Sunrise for the next 48 hours.)

Either scum has some sort of busted ability to kill people to death (i.e. take both of someone's lives) or we had the incredible misfortune of having our vig target the same person as scum
I brought up this possibility specifically hoping it wouldn't happen...
But again, we probably weren't getting any useful inspections anymore either way, even if the mafia had to take two nights to take out Bfree
Stryke being mafia seems unlikely, and that would be the only confirmation we'd get before they finished her off the following night
Which doesn't make it suck any less, of course
It's possible they want to keep their identity secret still or are just kinda embarrassed, but the fact that a vig hasn't claimed responsibility makes me think the whole doublekill power might be plausible. Wouldn't have been a bad time to use it with all the talk of getting our cop back online, and plus any of us with vig powers would've had to have realized that targeting Bfree would be a very risky move. In any case though it's probably limited use like all the other busted powers, and even if they can use it again I doubt they will considering the pressure is off them now, so it's whatever
Anyways I'm running real low on ideas that aren't "pick off the inactives" (and thats still very much on the table), so uh. Anyone wanna claim or something
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