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Do you belive in Cryptids?

Cryptids are real?

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Why would you assume toxic waste had anything to do with? It's more likely to be a natural mutation. For all we know the Chupacabra could be the latest on the coyote's evolutionary path.

True, true. Toxic waste was the first thing that came to mind. A natural mutation... Would it take thousands of years to become this prominent or would it take just one oddball in a group?
I am OBSSEsSED with cryptids and paranormal events. I dont believe in every cryptid, but some. And i definitely believe in aliens.
No. The Loch Ness was proved a fake and the yeti (whatever you want to call them sound fake.)

Creatures that resemble Bunyips exist though.
I don't *believe* in cryptids the same way I don't *believe* in ghosts. I believe there are things like that that exist, but the way cryptids like Yetis have been sensationalised really annoys me. I don't believe in the ones humans have 'found' - the general idea of a Yeti or the Loch Ness Monster I don't believe in. Something similar we have no idea about? Sure, that's definitely possible. I just don't think we'd ever find it. Just like with ghosts.

Heh, I remember when I used to live in Scotland and whenever an English person asked us about Nessie every Scot would just go 'OF COURSE NESSIE IS REAL. >|' and every single English person believed it. XD
I believe in criptids, but I am very selective in which stories I believe. In my opinion, I think some of the criptids like Yeti and Nessie could be real, but other certain criptids may be real stories... of illusions, wether performed by humans, evil spirits (demons, which I do believe in), or a completely harmless animal.
Teh Ebil Snorlax said:
For all we know the Chupacabra could be the latest on the coyote's evolutionary path.

you were completely serious with this, weren't you
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