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Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [GM Win]

I was... either the doctor or nurse. I can't remember which!

(If you're still planning on writing that write-up of the mafia game, Phantom; I'd love to read it! I will be doing that eventually with the Troll Mafia.)
I am currently working on my next mafia. Which is going to be inspired by the backwards mafia game.

I have the intro post written out, it's just a matter of me messing around with the game mechanics. Like Voodoo and Vampires it's going to be an original story. Happening during the events of "The Eleventh Hour". When the Doctor promises to be back in five minutes the TARDIS overjumps and he ends up on a ship where the crew is being hunted by the Shadows. (guess what Who creature)

Also for the first time ever the Doctor is a role.

I've been working on this game for a loong time... Like back before my first Who mafia.
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