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Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [GM Win]

Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 2]

ZC (sorry) because of inactivity.

And, for the Record, we know we've lost Nixon, and it looks like both people who've been killed in the night are non-Amy-Rory-and-the-Doctor innocents. And Canton's an innocent who shows up as Mafia? I think?
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 2]

Time is up. (a little late, granted)

Agents surrounded the house.

According to the intel given this guy was a notorious drug dealer that needed to be taken down. But the agents felt differently. This was one of those raids where the orders came from high up, but the thing is, they never knew exactly how high. With the death of the president going on, they couldn't help but feel this was related somehow. Nixon had died, presumably of natural causes, but as far as the public knew there were no witnesses.

As loyal agents they were to do as they were told. If this case had something to do with the presidents death, then, well, they were happy to have done their part for their country. Whatever part that was.

Three black CIA vehicles surrounded the small cabin. They were in the capital of the middle of no where Colorado. Head Agent Becker stood behind the middle car, megaphone in hand, he raised it to his lips, "ZEPHYROUS CASTFORM! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" All the agents held their breaths as they waited for a response from inside, when none was forthcoming Becker tried again, "WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!"

The seconds creeped by like hours, and Becker put the megaphone down on the car, and turned to his second next to him, "Carter, I think it's time we paid him a visit."

Carter nodded, and without another word he signaled the rest of the agents to close on the building. Slowly, twenty agents encircled the cabin and it's surrounding woods. The poor shack of a cabin stood no chance when all of them opened fire. When there was still no sound from the cabin Becker lead a team of five into the building. Where they found the body of Zephyrous Castform sprawled out in the living area. No less than thirteen bullet wounds in his body. They raided the house for clues. Finding some pretty suspicious things. Canton would need to know of this.

On Castform's body Carter found a picture of a family. Castform was happily standing in the back with his wife and children. What had they done? Had they just killed an innocent? No, all the information they'd found today showed this guy to be nothing but scum... but even scum came from somewhere. What had happened to his poor soul that made him turn out like this.

Carter shook his head, Crime never pays, in the end you always end up paying the tab out of your own pocket. The agents around him already started to set the place up to burn. Carter handed the picture to Becker, who looked at it for a second before pulling out a match, lighting it, and setting the picture on fire. He tossed the flaming picture on Castform's body, igniting the blaze. They left and watched the shack burn. Another bad guy gone.

Zephyrous Castform is dead. He was mafia.

48 hours for night actions.
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Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 2]

Also, a little news about the game.

I've been given threadmin powers so I can control the game a little better. Thanks Negrek.

Also I'm doing something new. At the end of the game along with revealing night actions and roles I will be giving what clues I've hidden in the flavor text as well.

Also, I request permission from the players to post the events of the game on fanfiction.net. They will be longer and more in depth of course, not just the little bits they are here, and should be in the form of actual multi chaptered fanfictions. The ones I will be hoping to post are.

Doctor Who Of Voodoo and Vampires
Torchwood Mafia: Season of Angels
Aaand this one which I don't have a name for yet.

My name at fanfiction.net - PhantomX0990 (I have all of 1 grand fanfic up there... and it's Dragon Age 2...)
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 2]

Ok as of today I have TWO night actions that've been sent in out of a total of 9 roles that have night actions.... ha get this-

Of the players who have night actions, if they don't send in one tonight, at least ONE of them will be modkilled. (Haven't sent in actions for two nights, and it's NIGHT 2 PEOPLE)


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Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 2]

It seems standard text size is not enought to voice my sadness, so I have been forced to clarify.


Not all night actions were sent in.

Begin Day 3.

Canton flashed his ID at the guards and entered. As he walked in the workers looked at him, with a wave of his hand he shooed them away, leaving him free to talk to the Doctor.

"We found one of the Silence's hench humans holed up in a cabin in the middle of no where."


"No where to be seen. If they'd taken it I doubt they would leave it in the open anyways."

The Doctor nodded, "And today?"

"Another death. They seem to be getting more random."

ole_schooler is dead and was innocent.

You have 48 hours for discussion.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 3]

I've been reading through this thread and I have a very strong suspicion that Kirby-Chan is probably mafia.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 3]

I've been reading through this thread and I have a very strong suspicion that Kirby-Chan is probably mafia.

Do you have any proof that I am mafia? It's strange that you have voted for me without any proof and the fact that you haven't post yet until now. It could be the silent that chose you to vote me. Unless you have some evidence, I will abstain.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Day 3]

Lack of activity is making this very hard to write.

The abstains cancel out the vote for Kirby-Chan.

End Day 3.

Begin Night 3. 48 hours for night actions...


Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 3]

So, time is up... and as a result multiple members were modkilled. I am deciding on whether to cut the game off here or not.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 3]


I won't list roles..

Four people would have been modkilled. Pretty harsh. And there isn't much going on.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 3]

Sorry, the Influenced Wittness, Amy, and (I think I might need to check) Rory would have been killed. It's not fair to the players that are playing and I think this is the best thing. We can try again some time in the future.
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 3]

I never sent an an action because I be chocolate((vanilla))
Re: Doctor Who Mafia 3: Silence Will Fall [Night 3]

Yeah you were (apparently) a twist cone. I will post roles when I stop smoking.
All right, Phantom used tactical nuke, it's super effective.

If you want to reveal your roles go ahead.
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