There are millions of these, I know. But I decided to be a show-off and open my own. I will only be offering advanced re-colors, advanced re-vamps (Of both old and new sprites) advanced edits, and advanced splices. I will only mix two pokemon together, however.
This is an example of the advanced splice.
I will have three slots open at a time for requests. If there are no slots left, then sorry, you'll have to wait a while
1: Atem's Girlfriend
2: Open
3: Open
Now you're probably wondering, why order here? Incase you didn't notice, look closer at the Spoink/Tauros mix. It has texture. Yay for texture!

I will have three slots open at a time for requests. If there are no slots left, then sorry, you'll have to wait a while
1: Atem's Girlfriend
2: Open
3: Open
Now you're probably wondering, why order here? Incase you didn't notice, look closer at the Spoink/Tauros mix. It has texture. Yay for texture!
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