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Dragon vs. Heavy Lobster

Really sorry 'bout this huge mess. >_> Uh, lessee.

Let's go with a Substitute to absorb as many Facades at we can, so.. 15%? After that, Facade him back. If your Sub's still up use Light Screen, if not, Facade again.

Substitute(15%)~Facade~Light Screen/Facade
Originally posted by Dragon
And I'm not barred anymore, let's change that!

1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week and ten minutes
Damage Cap: 99%
Banned Moves: 8 chills/Pokemon, OHKOs, Earthquake, Fissure, Frenzy Plant, anything that may completely destroy the arena
Arena: Another platform in the sky

It seems Dragon is obsessed with platforms in the sky. This battlefield is a platform floating in the sky, wide enough to fit a Wailord on, comfortably. So if you have a Wailord you can use it. Around the edge of the platform is a trench of water that seemingly runs under the platform as well. It's deep enough to fit a Wailord in, as well. It is not possible to fall off the platform, as there seems to be some weird force of gravity that pulls people and Pokemon to the platform. So if you jump off, you'll just get pulled back to the platform like a yo-yo or rubber band or something.

What felt like weeks crawled, as Heavy Lobster and the referee sat there, looking bored out of their minds, and Dragon stood where she was, completely immobile save for the rise and fall of her chest to show she was actually breathing. After glancing at her watch, the referee breathed a huge sigh and prepared to announce Dragon's disqualification, but at that precise moment the Boss Lady appeared in a puff of smoke and shook her head. Looking perplexed, the referee sat down again and fished a bowl of instant ramen from her pocket.
Another week passed as the referee slowly chewed her ramen and Heavy Lobster looked on hungrily. Another glance at her watch revealed that Dragon's time was, again, nearly up, but this time it was none other than Dragon's opponent who begged for extra time. In the background, the Boss Lady nodded in approval, and the referee shrugged in defeat. It looked like she would be stuck here for another month or so.
Finally, on New Year's Eve, Dragon snapped back into reality like a paused video put on play. After a flurry of apologies, she hastily issued her commands, accepting halfhearted glares from every living creature on the platform.

Round Three

Dragon (O)

Haneul (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 61%
Energy: 67%
Status: Hurt and aching. Magnet Rise activated (3 more actions). Badly poisoned (3% this round, 3% next).
Commands: Substitute (15%) ~ Façade ~ Light Screen/Façade

Heavy Lobster (O)

Diggz (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 66%
Energy: 70%
Status: Cold and stinging inside and out. -1 Attack. Badly poisoned (3% this round, 3% next).
Commands: Façade/Sandstorm ~ Façade/Sandstorm/Double Team ~ Façade/Sandstorm/Double Team

Diggz’s little face puffed up in comical fury as he thought about the poison in his body for the umpteenth time this match. He lunged forward with a roar, wanting to do nothing more than cause Haneul the same pain he was feeling; well, technically she was poisoned too, but it wasn’t enough. The Diglett jumped up, paws ablur, and clawed at Haneul’s paws, legs, and underbelly as best as he could. Floating targets were never easy hit, especially when you were a mere eight inches tall. Nevertheless, Haneul cried out in pain as several nasty gashes were torn across her stomach and feet. Her paws itched to swipe at Diggz, but she was specifically ordered not to, and the Shinx hissed resentfully.

Crouching awkwardly, Haneul reached down and plucked a stray piece of rock that had been dislodged by Diggz’s comings and goings. Trapping it between her paws, she closed her eyes and sent a bolt of peculiar electricity at it: thick, white, and strangely substantial, as if it were something more than a spark. As soon as the static hit the rock, it seemed to swell and grow until it was roughly the size and shape of Haneul herself. Unlike its master, though, the crackling Substitute was obedient to gravity.

Diggz barely paid the new Shinx any heed and leapt up again, claws aimed once again for Haneul’s underside. This time, though, the Substitute barreled into the Diglett’s side before he could touch its creator, and he instead directed his furious flailing at the avatar of electricity that was pinning him down. Rocky chunks fell away from the artificial Shinx, and it shuddered, fighting to stay together. Diggz glared.

Haneul took the opportunity to launch a thrashing frenzy of her own. She roared as she swiped her paws crazily directly below her, trapping Diggz in a confusing cage of blue fur and claws. It was the Diglett’s turn to yelp in pain as claws ripped shallow but numerous cuts in his skin. It was only when Haneul began to tire that Diggz managed to escape from his opponent’s immediate reach. He sat a few feet away from his adversary, whimpering as he twisted about to look worriedly at his wounds.

His apprehension didn’t last long, though, and it was soon replaced with rage. He advanced threateningly on Haneul, only to have his path blocked by her Substitute. Halfheartedly he swiped and clawed at the structure, reducing it to a pile of rubble within moments. Frustration at his inability to give Haneul a proper beating bubbled within him.

The Shinx herself, though, was free to lash out at him, and she did so, growling with satisfaction the entire time. By now Diggz was looking incredibly worn, his tiny body lacerated all over with cuts that sluggishly oozed blood. The poison in his veins only added to his woes, and the Diglett’s nose gave a sudden twitch as pain lanced through his gut. As if on cue, Haneul cringed as well. The sudden sting made her concentration falter and the tingling in her paws abruptly ceased, signaling the neutralization of the charge within them. Ungracefully, the Shinx fell to the platform, landing uncomfortably on her chin.

Dragon (O)

Haneul (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 31%
Energy: 46%
Status: Undignified. Badly poisoned (3% this round, 3% next).

Heavy Lobster (O)

Diggz (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 27%
Energy: 49%
Status: Hurting badly. -1 Attack. Badly poisoned (3% this round, 3% next).

Terrain notes
Nothing to note.

Final notes
Dragon attacks first next round.
Uh lack of final notes I must put something here.
Here I was thinking you'd make some kinda crack about this long hiatus, and-

Anyways. See if you can try something like.. a Quick Attack/Magnet Rise, so, a kind of tackle thing to get the momentum you need to use Magnet Rise? I dunno. And then Ice Fang.

Quick Attack+Magnet Rise~Ice Fang
Blah, if you really wanted me to make a crack on the long hiatus, there you go. Very rushed and not funny at all but who cares :D
Ah, completely forgot about this, sorry (I blame Dragon's absence [not really]). Begin with Sunny Day to hopefully weaken the power of the Ice Fang. I know that isn't really what happens, but I think it will work (how well does ice form on a hot sunny day I ask you?). Follow it up with two more facades that will (hopefully) finish her off.

Sunny Day ~ Facade ~ Facade
Originally posted by Dragon
And I'm not barred anymore, let's change that!

1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week and ten minutes
Damage Cap: 99%
Banned Moves: 8 chills/Pokemon, OHKOs, Earthquake, Fissure, Frenzy Plant, anything that may completely destroy the arena
Arena: Another platform in the sky

It seems Dragon is obsessed with platforms in the sky. This battlefield is a platform floating in the sky, wide enough to fit a Wailord on, comfortably. So if you have a Wailord you can use it. Around the edge of the platform is a trench of water that seemingly runs under the platform as well. It's deep enough to fit a Wailord in, as well. It is not possible to fall off the platform, as there seems to be some weird force of gravity that pulls people and Pokemon to the platform. So if you jump off, you'll just get pulled back to the platform like a yo-yo or rubber band or something.

Round Four

Dragon (O)

Haneul (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 31%
Energy: 46%
Status: Undignified. Badly poisoned (3% this round, 4% next).
Commands: Quick Attack + Magnet Rise ~ Ice Fang

Heavy Lobster (O)

Diggz (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 27%
Energy: 49%
Status: Hurting badly. -1 Attack. Badly poisoned (3% this round, 4% next).
Commands: Sunny Day ~ Façade ~ Façade

Haneul paused, brow creased, as she had a difficult combo to puzzle out. She could mess with her magnetic charge while she was running, though that would require an immense amount of concentration – not to mention that she might fly right over Diggz’s head, since the mole was so short. In the end, she decided on giving Diggz a high-speed tackle, and then using the remaining momentum to run several paces away. With speed no longer a top priority, Haneul hastily altered the charges in her paws. This time, it required much less tinkering than before, since the Shinx had already vaguely memorized the platform’s charge.

After taking a brief second to recover from the relatively weak Quick Attack, Diggz began to drum his paws in the ground while spinning in circles, pink bulbous nose pointed to the sky. He winced whenever his twisting movements caused some of his older wounds to open up, but he danced on, gathering a small orb of energy in his mouth. With a final twirl he launched it upwards, where it exploded into an orange dome after several seconds’ delay. It dissipated after several seconds, but not before chasing away all the clouds in the sky. Without anything to block its path, the sun’s rays seemed to intensify, causing both Diglett and Shinx considerable discomfort.

Diggz’s distress only increased when the pain in his gut briefly reared its ugly head once more. Clearly he was severely wounded, and with a powerful adversary and poison damage, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could last. Better end it quickly. With a wild cry Diggz lunged forward and threw himself at the floating Haneul, jumping up to claw relentlessly at the lion cub’s belly and legs, which were now scarred and cut all over. The fur there was matted with blood. Haneul hissed in pain and attempted to scamper away, but Diggz caught up easily. The sting of her wounds was now so severe that she could barely keep the precious charge from leaving her paws, and her body was lowered slightly.

This gave Haneul an easier time attacking Diggz, however. Baring her fangs, she lowered the temperature in her mouth until it was just under freezing, causing some of her saliva to freeze around her teeth. Before her target could duck into his tunnel, the Shinx thrust her head forward and gave Diggz a solid snap to the backside. The Diglett squealed in discomfort as a painful chill spread throughout his tiny body, but thankfully the intense sunlight saved him from a thin layer of ice that would have impeded his movement.

The Ice Fang had pushed Diggz ever closer to unconsciousness, and in another desperate attempt he extended his claws to their fullest and flailed at his opponent, opening yet more cuts in poor Haneul’s underside. The Shinx sank lower still, now at about half of her original altitude, as she fought to hang onto consciousness. At least it would – hopefully – end the next round.

Dragon (O)

Haneul (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 4%
Energy: 32%
Status: Barely conscious. Badly poisoned (3% this round, 4% next).

Heavy Lobster (O)

Diggz (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 14%
Energy: 29%
Status: Desperate. -1 Attack. Badly poisoned (3% this round, 4% next).

Terrain notes
The sun’s rays have intensified, and will fade again after 9 actions (3 rounds).

Final notes
Heavy Lobster attacks first next round.
Ice Fang is technically executed by lowering the temperature in the Pokemon’s mouth, and then biting. The ice forming on teeth is more of a side-effect than anything. So the damage is done by the cold as well as the bite itself, if that made any sense. Basically, I don’t see Sunny Day affecting Ice Fang’s damage much.
However, Sunny Day did save Diggz from being frozen. Lucky.
OK, that worked, sort of...

It looks like you can survive one more Ice Fang, so Facade until it's down. TO WAR!!!

Facade x3
Oh shit. That didn't go the way I wanted it to. :o

Well. You only have an action to turn this around, so lessee.. Quick Attack+Facade. Put all your strength into it, use up as much energy as you like! There will be no second action, so... Thunder what the hell.

Quick Attack+Facade~Thunder
Originally posted by Dragon
And I'm not barred anymore, let's change that!

1vs1 single
Style: Set
DQ: A week and ten minutes
Damage Cap: 99%
Banned Moves: 8 chills/Pokemon, OHKOs, Earthquake, Fissure, Frenzy Plant, anything that may completely destroy the arena
Arena: Another platform in the sky

It seems Dragon is obsessed with platforms in the sky. This battlefield is a platform floating in the sky, wide enough to fit a Wailord on, comfortably. So if you have a Wailord you can use it. Around the edge of the platform is a trench of water that seemingly runs under the platform as well. It's deep enough to fit a Wailord in, as well. It is not possible to fall off the platform, as there seems to be some weird force of gravity that pulls people and Pokemon to the platform. So if you jump off, you'll just get pulled back to the platform like a yo-yo or rubber band or something.

Round Five

Dragon (O)

Haneul (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 4%
Energy: 32%
Status: Barely conscious. Magnet Rise activated (6 more actions). Badly poisoned (4% this round, 5% next).
Commands: Quick Attack + Façade ~ Thunder

Heavy Lobster (O)

Diggz (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 14%
Energy: 29%
Status: Desperate. -1 Attack. Badly poisoned (4% this round, 5% next).
Commands: Façade ~ Façade ~ Façade

Struggling to keep her legs steady, Haneul tensed her muscles and pushed off, somehow achieving an unnatural speed for a Shinx even though her paws were not in contact with the ground. She took off so quickly that in Diggz’s vision, her form was blurry and indistinct: a streak of blue, black, and yellow. Gaping at his opponent in awe, Diggz didn’t recognize his danger until Haneul slammed into him. He was pushed backwards, the material of the platform digging painfully into his back, though all in all the Quick Attack didn’t hurt too much.

What followed after, though, hurt quite a bit more. Immediately after regaining her foothold, Haneul unsheathed her claws to their fullest extent and began raking Diggz in a frenzy. All her fury at being poisoned and all her desperation to knock Diggz out now was channeled into the blows. The Diglett squealed and screeched, unable to escape or launch a counterattack. In the end he hunched over as best as he could so his vulnerable nose would be safe. Nevertheless, his efforts were futile. As Haneul dealt the finishing blows, the pain became too fierce for Diggz to handle, and he went limp against the ground. Panting, Haneul stepped back with a victorious grin plastered on her muzzle – and then keeled over herself, the poison in her system having sapped her last reserves of strength.

Dragon (x)

Haneul (F) <Intimidate>
Health: 0%
Energy: 21%
Status: Knocked out!

Heavy Lobster (x)

Diggz (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 0%
Energy: 29%
Status: Knocked out!

Terrain notes
The sun’s rays have intensified, and will fade again after 8 actions.

Final notes
Diggz fainted on the 1st action.
Haneul fainted at the end of the round due to poison damage.

Edit: Okay, apparently this is a draw. Dragon and Heavy Lobster both get $4, while I get $5 for reffing.

Haneul and Diggz both get 2 EXP.
Last edited:
This is a tie. Both pokémon get 2 EXP and both players get $4.

If the last pokémon knocks out the opponent's last pokémon but faints in the same action, whether from recoil, sandstorm damage, what have you, the battle ends in a draw.
Is it? I recall that if one Pokemon faints first, then the other is the winner. Or does that only apply when one Pokemon is knocked out by damage, and the other energy-faints?

I'll fix it either way, but some clarification would be appreciated.

Edit: Also, I don't think the Rules thread covers the prize and EXP distribution if the battle ends in a tie.

Another edit:
The pokémon that fainted via energy would get winner's exp, seeing as it managed to take down its foe before fainting. As for energy knockouts, the usual exp system applies.

Haneul managed to take down Diggz before fainting, so shouldn't this mean that she wins?
Is it? I recall that if one Pokemon faints first, then the other is the winner. Or does that only apply when one Pokemon is knocked out by damage, and the other energy-faints?
If a pokémon faints due to energy loss on its final attack it should be a draw. Where did you see this?
Both pokémon get the winner's EXP when the match (or just the round between the two of them) ends in a tie; hence the distribution given above and my answer to that question.
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