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Dreams of the Past Signups!

Since pokemon have obvious advantages over humans, what technology do the releaser humans have to make up for it? Bullets (and most weapons) will have some difficulty against ghost, steel, and rock pokemon, and can do nothing against a pokemon using Protect, and stuff like flamethrowers are pretty bulky and a danger to yourself if the opponents have fire attacks on their side, etc. So, what can the humans use? Weapons that can turn pokemon to energy like they do in pokeballs? Portable PC storages? Elemental bullets? Elemental beam-guns? Energy-wall-shredding blades? Prostheses greater than FMA-automail-level to close the gap on a pokemon's greater healing abilities? Goggles that can see invisible ghosts/pokemon + Foresight and Miracle Eye capabilities? I might join the releasers/remnants, but not if it's so obviously biased toward one side - you've already got the numbers (in main characters, which are really the only ones that matter), so the humans need technology to make up for it.

if it's left up to me upon signup i'm liable to go overboard (even taking into consideration the technology available in the anime), so.
XD Understandable, Kusa. So, let me randomly pop off ideas because I so did not think of this earlier. :P

Releasers have, as one of their most used weapons, something similar to a Pokeball in origin. Usually a metallic wand with an adjustable length. Looks completely harmless, and to a human, it is. However, even being near a Pokemon causes it to resonate, and once pointed at one, it will revert the Pokemon to an energy form, similar to when it goes inside a Pokeball. However, the energy form has nowhere to go. There are specially made nets to tether it to one spot and keep it paralyzed like this for hours on end. Technology, made to sense Aura, is also in use, and quite popular for getting rid of Ghost-types. A few scientists even came up with a weapon that would leech Aura from nearby Pokemon , though it is still in the experimental stages. These are all focused on weakening Pokemon, however. For wounding and killing, there are far more specialized weapons. ...Which I need to think on. Er. If you have any awesome suggestions, I would gladly take them.

I'll probably add more to this post later when I'm not tired out from exams.
Really, if the goal is to kill the pokemon rather than catch them for study or whatever, there's no point in converting them to energy unless you can do a lot of them at once (so you don't have to take on an army of fire-breathing dragons), or if there's a practical application for that energy (like using the energy to power up the weapons, killing the pokemon as the energy is being used up). I'd think it's harder to kill some energy being than something with a physical body, which you know can get hurt; the only advantage is that all pokemon could be affected by the same weapon after being converted to energy, but even then, it should be easier to kill them with the right weapons when they're in their physical bodies.

Yes, they've already got the technology to convert the pokemon to energy, but they don't have to still be using it if there's no use for the energy. If the war's been going on for a while and they're (seemingly) winning, they have to have better weapons that don't need the pokemon to be weakened first... especially if the conversion-thing needs a relatively close proximity to work.

And any time you want the human to have a chance with human vs pokemon, the human wants to attack at a distance. A large distance, preferably - up close, if the pokemon wants to kill the human, it will. Unless, y'know, the human's got a Protect-shield of their own that lets the human's bullets out, but in that case it's pretty one-sided toward the human.

Bit of my previous post contained the sorta-suggestions I had - elemental long-ranged weapons, if it was possible, would be able to defeat various pokemon with type match-ups, although it might be difficult to switch between the elements and harder when it comes to multiple pokemon. Like bullets that explode with the power of their element, so it might not blow out a mawile's brains but it can scorch its face. Controlled Hidden Power-like energy, which doesn't cause statuses or anything but stilll hurts.

Portable PC storages have obvious uses, though they'd have to be limited somehow. Specialised weapons/items that, like some moves, are meant specifically to counter certain situations (e.g. something that functions like Brick Break to destroy bullet-stopping Reflects) would be useful as well, though possibly harder to create.

... all without being too bulky to allow movement, yes. And the remnants wouldn't have the best of the existing weapons available to them, but they should have useful ones.
The purpose of the paralyzing weapons is that, if you happen to have no current way to destroy what you're facing, you can leave it there and make your escape before it decides to kill you. As well, often, Pokemon in energy form can be taken to laboratories, where their specialized attacks are often studied in order to make counters and weapons with the same effects.

I'm stealing the idea of elemental long-ranged weapons and exploding bullets - I'm imagining something that can be clipped onto your arm, like the Snag Machine in Pokemon Colosseum. Laser-ish weapons that cause status effects, but at an intensity level where the heart and lungs become paralyzed, or the sleep turns into a coma. Not to mention that it works quickly. These are sort of the size of the laser guns in Brawl, as I see them. >< Perhaps a sort of shield device that activates Protect when an attack's coming towards it, but lasts for a short time before needing to recharge? Bah, balancing this is hard. I could easily give the humans awesome weapons of mass destruction, but then the Pokemon would be dead before they got out of the cave. >> Not sure how to work the portable PC storage, because even with its limits, you could just suddenly dig out a weapon that's perfect for dealing with a certain type of Pokemon.

There are armbands and bracelets of a sort that draw attacks towards them and absorb them, powering whatever weapons the Remnant is holding. However, anything like a Hyperbeam will just destroy it as well as your arm, though the possibility of carrying half a dozen of these to divide the strength of powerful attacks is being discussed. Only rather high-ranked people would be able to test a number of those anyway. My apologies for not having though of this before, and thank you for mentioning it, Kusa.
Mmn. 'k.

How many times can you shoot the energy-conversion beams, how many can it attack at once, and what's its range and effectiveness? How much energy does it use, and how much can it be used before recharging? If you can only do one pokemon at once or whatever, it's probably better to just try to shoot the pokemon, especially if it's clipped to your arm and thus probably easier. If it's mainly used in situations where you're fighting a tyranitar or similar, the users probably just stuff it in their bags or leave it behind because they don't expect to see much use of; if they expected to fight a lot of tyranitar, they'd pack a lot of fighting-energy exploding bullets or something. Depends on how much it gets in the way when it's not being used, and how fast it can be made ready to fire from "off". If it can convert a lot of pokemon to energy at once, that's when it's more likely to be widely-used to save lives, but it's also possibly a little overpowered. (Teams specifically out to collect pokemon energy for research don't count.)

Uh, any attack that's being attracted to something on your arm probably poses a major risk to that arm... if the flamethrower is diverted toward the armband, you'll still feel the heat and your hand might end up enveloped in flames. It also means that attacks are not going to miss you, so it's more likely to increase death rates (even if the attacks are absorbed flawlessly: "Ah! Someone shot me! Where are they?" "Shoot off any beam attack and it'll be attracted to them. Then we can find them and cut them up :D" - especially if this technology has been in use for a while, so they know how it works). For the energy issue, maybe something like pokeballs that are also batteries so the pokemon-energy is used for something, with the same capture rate as pokeballs. Or something like the armband that's not attached to the person when it's doing the attack-absorbing, and can be used as a battery after being charged up.

I wouldn't suggest a shield beyond a combined light screen/reflect if it's supposed to last a while (protect shields, maybe 30 seconds max with some recharge time - enough to protect against an attack or two, but they can be generated quickly when they're charged to be more like an actual Protect). Even getting through the damage-reducing barriers would still leave the attacks pretty dangerous to a human, but most would be survivable. Not automatically-activating, either.

And if the gun's not going to be a typical rifle or whatever, what does it look like, how is it used, etc. If it's attached to the arm... eh. Just hope the hand never gets in the way, or it doesn't go off when you're scratching your nose.
Alright, energy stick-things, for lack of a better name, are good if you've encountered a larger group of Pokemon than you expected, and without the proper elemental counters to some of their types and whatnot. There are energy restrictions. Basically, if you convert a Steelix to energy, you can't suddenly turn around and zap a Dragonite as well. One large Pokemon and two small, or one large and one medium. Five small Pokemon can be converted before it needs to be recharged, or three medium-sized. It has a range of about six metres, and has an adjustable length, so it can be shrunk to a bit larger than a pen and tucked away. It emanates a thin beam of light that, when touching a Pokemon, turns it to energy. Because it doesn't switch off immediately, you can sweep it in a circle if you're surrounded. It only takes a second to turn on as well. ...Though only scientists usually carry more than one. Thn again, the last time this RP was started up, the only Remnant was a scientist, so. :P

Anyways, on to the armband-reflector things. They're enlaid with Protect-devices to keep the energy from spilling out and taking your arm - or whatever limb it's on - as well as lightningrod-esque capabilities to attract energy attacks. You can activate a sort of Protect shield from the bracelet, but because of its suddenly increased mass, it can only stand up to one or two attacks at a time. ...Like you so wisely suggested. XD

The guns aren't extremely long, and, in my Super Smash Brothers obsessed mood, I keep seeing them as Super Scopes. Slim, cylindrical and not that long, they can detach, but usually are clipped to the upper arm. They're not long enough that, if you decided to fiddle with your hair or pick your nose, it'll suddenly fire or blow up or anything. However, now I need to figure out how to shoot it when it's so handily equipped on your arm. Or maybe that's simply for travelling? But then why have it being able to clip onto your arm at all...

Bah, I'm just confusing myself at this point. Sorry.
So... if a Pokémon is converted into energy, what exactly can it do about it besides nothing? Just so I understand :3
XD No, not really. Um. You can get dragged in an energy-holding net that pretty much lets you get taken to wherever the holder wants for five hours, or you can just get stuck to the ground until it wears off. Or unless you have sudden godly powers to break free of such nets. XD Or if you're left alone, then you're back to normal in about thre minutes.
Ah, I thought the energy-beam things would only turn one pokemon per beam, or whatever. If it can transform multiple pokemon in one go, it's fine, I suppose, from a user's standpoint. Unless it can be used as a physical weapon or something itself, I don't see a point in being able to extend it, since it's probably easier to spin around a pen-sized stick than one taller than you. Unless it can only be used when fully extended, but then it's rather inconvenient to use if you're only likely to use it when overwhelmed - takes more time to activate, so you're likely to get killed in that time.

Okay, so the armbands - can you turn off the ability to attract attacks? If so, does the protect-energy-glove disappear when you do? And can they be made to absorb energy when not on the person? Also, if the armband-thing can't absorb a hyper beam or whatever, can the protect-shield it generates block those? If so, can the protect-glove's strength be increased so it doesn't take as much energy as a full shield, but just attracts attacks to the invincible arm?

Can everything that needs recharging plug into the armbands? How much energy can the armbands hold, for other things to draw from? Or does it just absorb and transform the energy, and the energy is stored somewhere else?

also what's wrong with guns

Name: Seraphina Storm
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 18

Description: Sera's greater-than-average height and purple eyes are mainly what sets her apart, physically, from the rest of the remnants. Of course, neither trait is particularly unique, but the rest of her is even less so. She ties her long black hair into a ponytail, out of her face and generally out of the way. She has tanned skin and is fit from constant exercise and training outdoors, as are most of the remnant fighters.

Her weapons are those typical of a remnant, although she focuses more on regular bullets over elemental ammunition - they're cheaper, and they were well on most pokemon. Most of her elemental weapons are those that are best at dealing with pokemon that would resist the bullets; she carries some of most elements, but the main ones are dark, ghost,fighting, and fire-type bullets. She carries a dagger in case she runs out of power or ammunition or is stuck in a close-range fight, for all the good it would do - though, if she ran into a trainer, it would be more than sufficient to cut his or her throat.

Personality: Sera has a strong sense of friendship, although her compassion is more or less restricted to people she personally cares about. She can make friends easily enough, but is simply not interested in most others, so she won't talk to them much. When she does, she's pretty obviously not interested in what they have to say, unless it's really important.

Sera dislikes pokemon and trainers enough to kill them, and tends to be cheerful about causing their deaths. Fighting is fun, to her (when she's not getting hurt and her friends aren't dying and there's decent food and living spaces, anyway), and the rush that comes with killing is doubly so. When it comes to pokemon, or anyone she dislikes, she can be quite cruel and sadistic when dealing with them. It helps that she thinks she's doing the right thing.

Bio: Sera's grandfather was a great trainer, once, in the past, but that was before she was born. Whenever she went to see him, she had to visit him in the hospital. He didn't look that sick or weak, and was usually happy, especially when he shared stories about his pokemon adventures. Sera's parents, however, warned her that pokemon were evil and dangerous; Grandpa told her that they were just following orders, and that it was the trainers that were evil. Confused, Sera just tried to put it together as best she could, deciding that both trainers and pokemon were evil, and her parents didn't disagree.

Other than occasionally visiting Grandpa, her life wasn't that spectacular; true, she had to deal with the ongoing war, and violence against trainers was relatively common, but she never had to see it. Anyway, everyone was in the same situation regarding that, or worse. Her family, she was proud to say, didn't have any trainers (Grandpa didn't count, because he wasn't a trainer any more), so they weren't targeted.

As she neared ten years of age, he died of heart-related causes. It was soon after his funeral that she learned exactly what killed him - and the reason that her parents warned her about how evil pokemon were. Because, indeed, pokemon had attacked him before Sera was born, even doing something to his heart that forced him to stay in the hospital for the rest of his life. They were trained pokemon, even, so they must've been ordered. She remembered that Grandpa said it was the humans forcing pokemon to do bad things, but as her parents continued to believe pokemon were evil, she decided pokemon were in the wrong too. The pokemon should've just refused to attack Grandpa, even if the trainers wanted them to.

That wasn't the only reason she grew to hate pokemon - even if her parents were neutral on the subject, people at school and everywhere seemed to agree trainers were bad. They probably thought that the trainers were just useless, although there were a few that thought of trainers with hatred rather than just disgust. The full-out war against the trainers stopped at some point, but not all the violence did, so her parents taught her how to use firearms in case she was attacked because of her relation to Grandpa.

They probably didn't expect her to go out and fight pokemon, although she suspects they didn't disagree with her actions, either, except maybe out of worry for her safety.

Remnant, of course. And you can probably guess the relationship she has with a certain other character.
The converting sticks can be adjusted for use as a fashion accessory? XD The armbands can be deactivated, but when you do that, the Protect-shield device thing goes offline as well. If you activate an armband, take it off and leave it on the ground, it'll still attract and absorb attacks. The Protect-shield can, when brought up, block a Hyperbeam, but then you really need to recharge it, or it'll break if even hit by a Poison Sting or something of the like. I'm not sure what you're getting at with the using up less energy while attracting attacks. x_x

The armbands store the energy in themselves. If you want to recharge something, you can either connect whatever you need to charge to the armband, though it's wise that you take it off first. The armbands can hold enough energy to recharge most of the weapons and items that Remnants carry around, and the charging itself only takes three to four minutes. If an armband has reached its limits when it comes to energy capacity, it will begin to glow, and the Protect-shield will be much more effective than it is usually, if you're not in the need to recharge something. Oh, and accepted. Should I wait for another Remnant or start it now? x_x
I'd prefer not to be alone, so yeah, rather you waited. Either way, you should probably decide for certain how the firearms are designed before I have to play out using them. >>;

Also there's nothing stopping us from wearing multiple armbands, right. Even if they only issue one, people probably die with them on.
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