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Says "also" and "or something" a lot
Who here follows E3 news?

Before it starts in a few days, I'll ask what do people here expect this year?

I doubt there'll be any new consoles announced this year. The Wii U hasn't been doing that well but a new one this early wouldn't be a good move.
(Maybe it's just the Mario Kart 8 hype but it seems like a lot of people have been getting Wii Us recently)

What I do expect from Nintendo is more information on SSB4, the gen 3 Pokémon remakes, and hopefully at least one new Mario or Zelda.
I'm still hoping for a Starfox game on the Wii
Also I read elsewhere that apparently Satoru Iwata won't be attending because of health reasons :(

I don't follow other companies that closely but I expect Ubisoft will show off the next Assassin's Creed.

Other than that there'll be the usual really impressive looking trailers that overhype the game end up being nothing like the finished product, along with embarrassing moments for some of the people doing the presentations that the internet will make fun of.

Has anyone else noticed that Nintendo's trailers pretty much always follow the same formula?
They start off showing what series this game is. If it's Mario it'll show him jumping about, if it's Mario Kart they'll show them at the starting line. Then it picks up pace and shows some of the things that make this game slightly different from the previous games. This is usually showing new characters you can play as, or showing off what kinds of level designs they can do these days.
Then about half way through they introduce the main gimmick the entire rest of the trailer focuses on and makes it seem like the game is based solely on it (Mario Kart 7 had gliding, MK8 had antigrav, Super Mario 3D Land had the return of the tanooki suit, SM3D World had the cat suit)

The format of the trailers themselves doesn't bother me so much as the fact that it highlights the problem that they overstate how amazing these new features apparently are.

That said, at least it's better than Sega's trailer format of having that typical deep voiced American accent man that you might expect on movie trailers that talks over the entire trailer and tells you what the new features rather than simply showing you.
I'm looking forward to Sims 4 info myself, but that's to be expected. The leaked footage gave me hope and something resembling excitement before the anti-fun crowd at Mod the Sims took over the thread anyway.

Other than that, I just care about Nintendo and maybe Sega. What can I say, I'm a company woman. (And I don't own a non-Nintendo console anyway so...) And I guess Square Enix for FFXV and KH stuff. Not that I can play them, but...

(Also holy crap "square" doesn't look like an English word right now for some reason. WTF brain.)
I'm desperately hoping Naughty Dog announces that they're looking into Jak 4 again...On a more realistic note, any news on more PS4 or Vita games would be quite nice. :) I might look at Ubisoft's presentation to get some info on the new AC games in the works. I'm curious to know if there will be any relation between the ps3/xbox 360 and ps4/xbox one games.
unfortunately Square just announced not to expect any KH or FF15 news this E3. their lineup consists of KH2.5HDR and like, two or three other things, so they probably aren't worth it this year other than Theatrhythm Curtain Call

i've got my eye on Atlus and XSEED, which Persona Q and P4 Ultimax coming along within the next few months, and XSEED's got the PC version of Trails in the Sky before the end of the year, plus the digital PSP and PC release of Trails Second Chapter. there's also Harvest Moon coming from them (as Story of Seasons) and Brandish for the PSP, another Falcom classic, japanese roguelike

other than the obvious Sony and Nintendo for me, i won't be paying much attention to E3 this year
Looking forwards to it! Especially the new unannounced Nintendo games. Will this be the year we finally see Miyamoto's new IP?

Also, Sega's showing off the new Project Diva game (well, going to be released in the West this autumn), and I'm kinda excited for that! I love rhythm games and also like Vocaloid, and I loved Project Diva F so yeah, it's cool that they're showing that off

I'll probably watch everything, not because I'm interested in all the games (can't imagine Microsoft or EA having much that appeals to me) but it's just fun to watch the presentators and executives screw up.
I'm really only watching for Nintendo 's presentation, though I may look at a few third party ones. New Assassin's creed does seem probable, so that'd be cool to see too.
I love Nintendo's sense of humor in these videos.

Looking forward to the new Zelda. I can't tell if the new Link is a girl or he's just as androgynous as ever. Apparently it's going to be really open world!

People have seen a new Starfox at E3 that wasn't in the video. Hopefully we'll see it later.

Hyrule Warriors has Midna and Zelda and others as playable characters!

Also Bayonetta 2 will come with the original I think? If so that's brilliant, not having played the original is the second main reason why I wouldn't have bought it (the first being because I don't own a Wii U)

All in all I'm really impressed. I'm considering getting a Wii U now.
Hyrule Warriors has Midna and Zelda and others as playable characters!


The new zelda game looks amazing as well, and I'm definitely getting a wii u for this. All the games look great, the direct was funny and entertaining, and miis in smash! A bit sad they haven't done much with OR/AS, though I guess the name is officially Primal in english?

Hopefully we'll see new stuff later. I'm gonna try and keep watching for as long as I can.
I wish it was Imp Midna as opposed to Princess Midna. I feel like the possibilities are greater with Imp Midna.

I think it is Imp Midna. We saw her riding on a wolf thing, but I don't think it was Link.
EDIT: They're playing a demo of Hyrule Warriors right now, they're playing as Midna.

Also Miyamoto is on right now! He's talking about Giant Robots and Starfox!
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Not entirely related but I don't want to make a new thread about it.

Apparently Hyrule Warriors will have "Princess" Agitha from Twilight Princess and a new original character as playable characters.
What does everyone think of that? It's a bit of a weird character choice in my opinion since she was kind of minor and didn't really do anything. I did like her though, I just think it's odd.

Characters like Ashei or Shad or one of that group would have fit in better, but I guess it isn't as obvious what attacks they would have.
I haven't actually played any games in the series, but to the best of my knowledge, Toei Warriors in general involves having a ridiculously huge variety of unique characters to play as.

Considering that throughout the Legend of Zelda series people only played as one character, it's no surprise that they'll be needing to draw a lot of extras along if they're intending to keep those roster numbers as their usual deal.

(Which also ostensibly means, there's hope for King Harkinian. Pray for King Harkinian. Playing as King Harkinian is what true Hyrule Warriors strive for.)
I haven't actually played any games in the series, but to the best of my knowledge, Toei Warriors in general involves having a ridiculously huge variety of unique characters to play as.

Considering that throughout the Legend of Zelda series people only played as one character, it's no surprise that they'll be needing to draw a lot of extras along if they're intending to keep those roster numbers as their usual deal.

(Which also ostensibly means, there's hope for King Harkinian. Pray for King Harkinian. Playing as King Harkinian is what true Hyrule Warriors strive for.)

Even so, I'd expect characters who actually fight to be in the game before characters like her.
Again, I do like her character, I just find it a surprising choice.

I know it's not going to be canon but I wonder if all of the characters are meant to be Twilght Princess era or all eras? Zelda has blonde hair but other than that she looks like similar to TP Zelda. Impa didn't appear but that doesn't mean there couldn't have been one. She could even be a younger Impaz.

Also, I saw this the other day.
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