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Earth-Mostly Harmless

I liked Fenchurch. :(

Me too, she was one of my favourite characters. :|

But yeah, the Hitchiker's series are probably my favourite series of books. Too bad that Douglas karked it. :[

(Also, the movie was terrible.)
I agree that the movie is horrible. Why couldn't Hollywood resist the "love and kisses" ending? Why? The ending ruined the whole thing for me. And I totally saw the Melvin thing coming. Ugh.

I didn't really like Fenchurch that much, but I was really sad when she suddenly disappeared.

And, back on topic, EOIN COLFER?! I can understand Terry Prachett, but Colfer? Colfer doesn't really have Adams' awesome style, and, from what I can tell, he writes pretty serious stuff. But then of course, he might be able to write awesome Hitchhiker crack for all we know. But if he screws up the series, I will be a really sad Linoone.

I guess I'll do what Dannichu's going to do -- treat it as fanfiction unless it's awesome.
I liked the fifth book. :( I haven't read the fourth since I was like twelve and thought sex was evil still, but I can imagine it being good. I should read the series again oh man~~~~~
I've read the 1st, 2nd and last.

I wasn't a major fan of the movie (why did they kill the vogons?) but I loved Sam Rockwell and Mos Defs portrayal of Zaphod and Ford.

(Despite the description the movie version of Ford was exactly what I dreamed he was like.)
And, back on topic, EOIN COLFER?! I can understand Terry Prachett, but Colfer? Colfer doesn't really have Adams' awesome style, and, from what I can tell, he writes pretty serious stuff.
Colfer doesn't really write super serious business, imo. His books have some serious moments but usually they're either a bit ridiculous, fantastical, funny or just downright immature (fart-powered dwarves~). Not quite as nonsensical as Pratchett or Adams, but still pretty cool.

Unless of course he's written a bunch of really serious stuff that I haven't heard of. D:

Also, when I watched the movie, at first I was a little "woah dude a black ford?" but actually he played the role decently.
I didn't like how they made Ford a black guy (I mean for a start, it's like the direct opposite of what he's described as in the book, wtf) and while the actor played him alright, I felt that he ended up too much being the 'token black guy', which irritated me a bit.
I think they did Zaphod pretty well though. But the movie was so rushed and slapped together it was just... blech. I mean, of course they couldn't fit one book into a decent-length movie, but it just didn't work.
Colfer doesn't really write super serious business, imo. His books have some serious moments but usually they're either a bit ridiculous, fantastical, funny or just downright immature (fart-powered dwarves~). Not quite as nonsensical as Pratchett or Adams, but still pretty cool.

Naw, I meant that he's not close to being Prachett or Adams in terms of humor. It's not like anyone can ever come close to them, though...

I was surprised by the black Ford, too. And I was complaining about Zaphod's lack of heads and arms in the beginning, and then complaining about the incorrect placement of Zaphod's head throughout the rest of the movie. And when Arthur acted all OOC on Magathea. The only part I really liked about the movie was when he rode the elevator thing with Slartibartfast across Earth. That was pretty cool.
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