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Eclipse Tower

Turning your back on that Skorupi, You then see a Tyrogue scuffle around. Capture or Continue?
I'll continue on. Does entering the tower and spotting a Pokémon for the first time count as a search, and thus an oxygen decrease?
Your little Pidgey takes you up to the first floor, and you encounter an Omanyte, concealed within the shadows. Capture or Continue?

Yes it does, but only after you've chosen what you want to do. Oxygen level: 50%
Continuing your search, you find a pair of pokemon roosting above, a Swablu and a Wingull. Capture or Continue?
Dr Frank:
(Item Search isn't ready, so I'll just withdraw $5 from your account)
Taking Al Capone to the first floor, you soon find what appears to be a polished stone. On closer inspection, It's a Shieldon. Capture or Continue?

Flareth: (Oxygen level - 75%)
The Omanyte is upset that you haven't caught it, and attempts to latch its'self onto your head. Luckily, a bolt of blue aura intercepts with it and knocks it away. It seems that a Riolu is looking out for you. Capture or Continue?

Strolling about on the ground floor, you soon find a Nidoran F playing with a Magby. The two look happy. Capture or Continue?

Taking a swig of oxygen relieves you slightly, but it won't be long before you suffer oxygen starvation. Seems your constant searching has paid off, you've found an Anorith crawling about. Capture or Continue?
What gender? But I'll capture it anyway. Gender doesn't matter right now, but....I need to know it. xD
You decide to leave the pokemon playing with each other, it's kinder that way. Soon after, you find an Elekid flailing it's arms around. Capture or Continue?

It's male.

Dr Frank (oxygen level - 75%)
Leaving the Shieldon be, you see a Swablu fluttering overhead. Capture or Continue?
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Now this is a strange sight. A Beldum is floating about unaware that a Machop is hanging on for dear life. Capture or Continue?
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