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Eclipse Tower

Taking Bob up to floor 2, You notice an onsuing fight between a Rhydon and a Nidorina. Capture or Continue?
Oxygen level - 70%
That Nidorina seems to like you, she's protecting you )or at least she is in her own mind) from that Rhydon, who seems to have buggered of. Capture her?
Let's be adventurous, shall we? I'll use another $2 and go to the 5th floor. I can search there twice, what with the oxygen tank, amiright?
Actually, you can only search once, otherwise you fall from 100km.
But regardless, you grab your Oxygen tank and have your Dodrio jump along the structure of the tower. Santori knocks out one of the bricks and you know it's time to stop and put your oxygen mask on. What you see is a Magnezone firing a Zap Cannon at something else that's too far away to see. Capture or Continue (I don't recommend the latter)

Typh: (this is almost redundant)
Hmm, let's go again. Santori, extra oxygen tank, yadda yadda yadda.

I have a feeling that I'll run out of money soon at this rate.
Well, no objections here. You nab the tank, ride your flightless bird up to the top floor of the tower and find a fierce battle between a Tyranitar and a Rhyperior, both of which are jumping on floating pieces of the tower. Capture or die.
It's a bloke Tyranitar. And your Dodrio decides to jump on a bit of loose tower and you ride it back down to earth like a meteor.
e_e Did I ever mention I'm scared of heights?

Last time, I promise. Santori, 4th floor. Oxygen tank pff who needs an oxygen tank.
Going up to the 4th floor this time, You notice an Aerodactyl hiding from the cold. Capture or Return?
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