• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
Hey everyone, I'm DeathByHistory. I don't have any prior connections with this site or its members, but I'm excited to be here nonetheless.

I found myself here because of the Favorite Pokémon Picker, which I just adore. Previously I had used the github resources to try making my own customized picker, though it fizzled because I'm not the best with javascript. Today I was tinkering with an idea that the picker code would be perfect for and found myself looking around here for the first time.

I had not gone to the main Cave of Dragonflies website previously but the second I saw it I was enthralled. I purchased my own web domain earlier this year because I wanted to make my own site. A digital space where I could post my thoughts, create little games, and just have a public but personal place of my own on the web. The look and feel of the site Butterfree has made is exactly the vibe I'm going for. Which I'm also excited she has a webmasters section with resources that I will definitely be reading thru.

I'm also smitten with there being a classic forum, which takes me back to when I was first exploring the Internet growing up. Places like this shaped my personality and are where I first met some friends I've known for over a decade now.

I'm diving in here blindly but after exploring the site and organically going from one page to the next and enjoying it all, I feel good about trying this out and seeing what happens.

Hey! Thrilled you enjoy my work with the Favorite Pokémon Picker and the site in general, and always happy to hear of new people wanting to get into making websites!

There's not too much going on on the forums these days, but definitely some people who are around and reading - happy to have you!
Hey there, and welcome to the forum! I hope that you'll stick around, and you'll enjoy what is written here :)
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