• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Errm... hi?

I see things.......Things of.......Awe....... You....Are....DOOMED!

Oops. I sound like Kadabra from 'Fun in Cyberspace' (HI DANNICHU!)

Anyway, I'm steele, the idiot who appears at threads randomly. Hello, welcome to the TCoD forums, home to excusite dining of tea and cod. "Tea on the left, cod on the right.
Yes, you are doomed. *rubs hands gleefully*

I am Blazheirio, Blazhy for short. Your friendly neighbourhood ninjatoe wielder. So welcome :D
'Sup mah fowshizzle dawg?!(attempts knuckle-touch.)

Anyway...........waazaap?! I=Ba to the Ru to the Bu Yo!

Just joking. So, welcome to the evac fo seilfnogard!
Ignore them, they aren't normally this crazy.

Yeah, like you're one to talk.

Hey! I resent that! I actually AM that crazy!

...True. Weren't you introducing yourself?

...Oh yeah. Hi. I am Leviathan, LORD OF MADNESSS!!! But you can call me Tsunami.

And we're the voices in his head.

Shut up, please, I'm talking here. Anyway, the people I was talking to were the voices in my head. They like getting on the internet, and we talk mostly by typing at each other.

Because we get to many weird looks when you talk aloud to thin air!

And whose fault is that?


Exactly. Now shut up. Gods, I wish they'd just leave me alone... or at least stop talking.
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