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Everlasting PokeMafia [D3]

Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

And I never got a notification because the phase wasn't changed until recently... Gotta change that game phase GM.

Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

I'd hate to be a jerk with this, but I think Light's point was that you should stick to the 48 hour time limit and just be patient. Not everyone is going to post, sadly, and at the very least you should give a chance to those who can't get on every day.

Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

all isaid was 6 more abstains for majority. If a majority is reached before the time is up, night follows. Which ever comes first.
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

That's fine I guess? It's not great if you can't get on eveyday, but it probably will be hard to get a majority anyway. It might be best to keep it 48 hours, because hypothetically someone could come in with important points/ information and change the vote, but ultimately it's your choice since you're the GM.
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

Well I think it's GM preference. The GM can do whatever they want. It makes sense that we go with the obvious choice to abstain when there are no leads. The GM is just making things move along.
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [D1]

Youknow, i know what will happen and what wont happen in this game. i am all powerful!

It's rare for someone to have HUGE info night 0, derpy hooves ponies people!


No one died.

48 hours for night actions!
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [N1]

The morning followed with a scream. They thought it was Darkaura again, but she was doing origami near the town well. Wait...how can she fold paper? she's a ghost!

one person asks her if she screamed or not.

"No, i'm doing origami"

W-what? The citizens look skeptical, but soon, someone else screams. Not from harm, but from horror.

The brutalized body of Chief Zackrai laid limp near the town hall. No one has info on him, so it's best to leave it at that.

Chief Zackrai is dead

I am deliberately not telling you the alignment, because of the game. ;)
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [N1]

is this a bastard mafia or something
isn't there a role that let's you change death info or something?
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [N1]

This is the only hint that will be given in the game.

Everlasting.....the name has it's reasons.....The game will be everlasting......so why shouldnt the players? ;)
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [N1]

i'm assuming dead activated alien.
I also blame anything weird I say on sleep loss. d:
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [N1]

This is the only hint that will be given in the game.

Everlasting.....the name has it's reasons.....The game will be everlasting......so why shouldnt the players? ;)
I assume revivers.

Not that revival is completely incompatible with alignment flips, but it's still a valid explanation.
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [N1]

everlasting to the max. You had to put a reviver in. or more.
Re: Everlasting PokeMafia [N1]

I was thinking everyone's bulletproof, but a reviver would explain a lack of alignment revealing. Still, not knowing alignments is going to make this game a lot more difficult. Do revivers usually have conditions, like dying if they revive mafia, or can only act once every three nights?
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