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Exam Results


French: A
History: B
Biology: B
Chemistry: C
AS law: B
AS English language: C
Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification: PASS in both Core and Advanced

I didn't get into Sheffield because of that damned C in chemistry. :( I AM GOING TO CARDIFF UNIVERSITY to do biology at degree. I would also like to point out that I taught myself the A2 chemistry course about a week before each of the A2 exams. THAT IS THE REASON FOR MY C. ; ;
I got a 100 in German, 98 in science, 89 in math, 83 in English (not an actual exam, some BS reflection) and 74 in history. I'd love to get my essays back on that one, though, I was sure I wrote about everything they told me to. ;;
...I don't even know yet.

The school didn't send them to me like they should since I was in Scotland on the day.
...I don't even know yet.

The school didn't send them to me like they should since I was in Scotland on the day.

I was away too. When I got back, I just went in with people getting their GCSE results and they gave my AS ones to me at reception.

Seriously, if the school is open at any time, just go in and they'll have them there.
Well, in New York, we have Regents Exams, except these tests are easier than easy. How else would I get
97% in Global History
100% in Trigonometry
100% in Chemistry
100% in Spanish
on the first try?
...and we can retake the tests. As many times as we want. (Well, there are only three tests a year, but still.)
They also have some crazy grading curve thing. Thus missing two questions gives you a 96 on the chemistry, but missing thirty-five still gives you a 65.
At least next year I get to take moderately harder AP tests.

In the english examination (which I am taking next year), we were required to write four essays, but now they dumbed it down again and only one essay is written. I swear that a ten-year-old could pass these tests.
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I got called into school today because my Computing teacher reckons I should have got an A rather than a B. I'm going to get a remark soon so I hope I end up with four As.

EDIT (since I don't want to bump): I got the remark. Got an A. I got fifteen points more than I had before. The examiners are really messing um. There's one part of our coursework that they didn't even mark since they didn't announce that they'd changed what they're looking for until after the deadline.
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