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Exam Results

Also is it just me or is A* the most pointless mark in existence?

>:( nobody cares except weird people!!
Also is it just me or is A* the most pointless mark in existence?

>:( nobody cares except weird people!!

It probably seems like that because it's called an A*. You could change it so that A* is now called an A and change A to B etc. It wouldn't seem like it any more.
It probably seems like that because it's called an A*. You could change it so that A* is now called an A and change A to B etc. It wouldn't seem like it any more.

Or it could start at A and go up to A******* and then EVERY grade would seem ridiculous :D

Though I don't recommend this as every results sheet would begin to look like an eBay feedback page
It probably seems like that because it's called an A*. You could change it so that A* is now called an A and change A to B etc. It wouldn't seem like it any more.

Well then why don't they do that instead of adding a special snowflake grade 8) which only serves to piss people off when they don't get one

DESPITE STILL GETTING AN A wtf is wrong with these people
Math: B (equivalent to American A, whoo-hoo! Especially considering that one of the exams had stuff that was not on the syllabus and that I was pretty sure everyone failed)
Chemisty: A (did not think I'd get that, yay! equivalent to American A+)
Lit: A* ("with distinction" because I was proud of my lit essay, yo)

AP French: 4 (everyone else either just passed or failed so I didn't do that badly. though I think I deserve a 5, okay D<)

Normal exams: All As (no more comments from now on)

I'm pretty pleased with my results (especially my A* in English; I don't even remember what I wrote my 3rd essay on). This year I'm aiming for mostly As!
i don't have my grade sheet anywhere near me but i know i got a 3.5 last quarter, so that's all i need. :D
Over here we get our exam results way way late so yeah. I probably scored all Advanced again.

By the way, our exams are different because last year for me was middle school, and we live in America, the land of refusing to be like the rest of the world in like everything. So:

PP=Partly Proficient
U=Unsatisfactory (or something, I can't remember this one)

And we have four subjects for our exams in eighth grade:


In high school, we apparently have to take final exams in every subject though. I think I'd laugh myself to death if we had to sit down and take a huge test for band though.
I've honestly never seen that system you mention above. o.o I'm guessing it's one of those state tests?
In high school, we apparently have to take final exams in every subject though. I think I'd laugh myself to death if we had to sit down and take a huge test for band though.

It really depends on the high school and the subject. At my school, we don't have to take a final in a subject if we have an A or an A- and/or it's a class like Art or Music and/or you're a sophomore/senior in regular English and your teachers switch around every quarter @_@ But then again I'm in a college prep school so our A-'s are everybody else's A's or A+'s
Yeah, it's a state test. It's called CSAP (Colorado Student Assessment Program).

And no, our high school said everyone will have to take a final for every class. I'm pretty sure that band's will be more like "can you play these notes and march, okay yeah you pass."
Aaaaah, congratulations to everyone! You're all so painfully clever :D

(I got three Cs in my A-levels, marvel at how much better than me you all are!) <3
Letter systems work when they're like ours, the possible letters for our matriculation exams are L, E, M, C, B, A, I (they're abbreviations, but still) and L is the best. The system works so that for every exam, the whole country's results are taken into account and only a certain percentage of L:s are given.
(quote from Wikipedia:
5% of students receive a laudatur
15% of students receive an eximia cum laude approbatur
20% of students receive a magna cum laude approbatur
24% of students receive a cum laude approbatur
20% of students receive a lubenter approbatur
11% of students receive an approbatur
5% of students receive an improbatur.)

That way the Laudatur keeps its 'best of the best' status.

More closely on-topic: I got an M from my biology matriculation exam last spring (a tad bit disappointing but it was my first one), I'm having exams in English and Maths next month. :x
I'm aiming for a Laudatur in at least English, and anything from M to L in Maths.
The system works so that for every exam, the whole country's results are taken into account and only a certain percentage of L:s are given.

I hate this. Correct answers are correct no matter what.
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